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Giving Up on Not Giving Up All Chapters in One
Giving Up on Not Giving Up All Chapters in One

Giving Up on Not Giving Up All Chapters in One


Niko's POV

"Mom!" I shout as my voice cracks, "Uncle Noah's here!" I finish off as I size him up.

"I'm making tacos!" she shouts back,

"Ooo tacos," Noah says as he lets himself in.

"Sure come into my house and eat my food," I mutter under my breath.

Noah and I walk into the kitchen and ignore each other.

"Oh my gosh," my mom says, "you guys still can't be mad at each other," she says

"He's the reason Riley is in the hospital," I tell her with my voice stern

"He wanted me to submerge him in the water," Noah says like it helped his case.

"He's lucky I didn't box him up and then call the cops on him," I say after taking some steak off a taco

"Niko," my mom says, "forgive but don't forget," she tells me after she plates the tacos.

"fine," I turn to Noah, "Noah, I forgive you for almost killing my brother/best friend and putting him into the hospital but," I say

"Here we go," I hear Mom mutter

"I don't forgive myself for not punching you like your my punching bag and then calling the cops," I finish off showing both my dimples.

I pull out my phone and see a text from Riley.

"Riley is coming home today," I squeal and turn to Noah, "Watch your back," I tell him.

Mom gives me a plate of steak and shrimp tacos, "Your odd Niko," she says after handing the plate to me

"No wonder people say we could be twins," I tell her after a quick prayer over the food.

She slaps me in the back of my head playfully as Dad comes into the room.

"Yeah Yeah love you too mom," I say as I run up to Dad.

He hugs me tight and kisses my head.

"Hey tiny," he tells me with a smirk

"Haha your so funny dad," I say sarcastically, "and I'm not the small" I finish off with a frown.

"Drake is coming over," I tell him sheepishly, "Don't kill him,"

He nods his head, "Of course of course," he starts, "I won't kill him but, Joshua will," he says after he crosses his arms

"Noone will kill him," Riley says as he walks to the door, "if he tries to fuck Lil' sis I'll kill him then," he tells me with a smirk.

"Language," Mom, Joshua, and Dad say in unison.

"Yeah yeah," he says taking a taco

I run up to Riley and hug him.

"You know we only have a few months difference right?" I ask him

"Shhh, that doesn't matter," he tells me, "all that matters is the fact that I'm older," he says

"Older and stupider," I tell him quickly as I run off with my tacos


Niko's POV

I come down hearing a knock on the door.

"Who is it," I say in my fake accent.

"It's Drake," I hear his deep voice say.

I open the door and hug him. "SPACE," Riley says as he pulls me away from Drake, "Mine," Riley says after he sized him up.

"In your dreams," I tell him as I break free from his hug

"Rude," Riley frowns, "Don't eff my sister," he tells Drake.

"I'll think about it," Drake says as he winks at me.

"If you eff my sister you eff me, buddy," Riley exclaims with a smirk.

"You guys need mental therapy,'' I tell them, "there will be no effing of anyone," I say waving my hands in the air

"Your small," Drake says studying me, "and hot," he says with a smirk.

"OKAY OKAY ENOUGH," I say with my face ripe as a tomato, "let's watch some Netflix,"

"Then..." he says

"No then Drake," I say rubbing my temples, "Just Netflix,"

Niko's POV

"The three of us are going out," Mom says referring to her, Dad, and Joshua.

"Remember Drake I have a shotgun," dad says with a smirk.

"Really?" I ask him

"Really," he tells me as I groan, "Bye," he says after some time

Drake and I watch them walk out of the door.

"Sooooo," Drake says putting his hand on my thigh, "your room?" he asks with a smirk before I nod.

Riley's POV

"what does Ko Ko even see in that scum bag?" I ask Noah as I play on the PlayStation, "it's like whenever he's here she just acts like he is the only person in the world," I say after a miss a wide-open shot.

"Dude you suck at 2k," Noah says shaking his head, "and Niko has her type and you have yours," he finishes off with a shrug

"I know but he just gives me off vibes about Niko,"

"Everyone gives you off vibes," Noah says immediately after me

"I have my rights," I tell him under my breath as I block his shot

"and you say I suck at 2k," I tell him smirking

He shakes his head again, "you can't miss a wide-open shot with Stephen Curry," he says laughing

"Shut up," I say with a frown.

Niko's POV

"Thanks for that Ko Ko," Drake says, "I needed it," he tells finish after he pulls his shirt back on

"Mhm," I tell him with my face red

He pauses and looks at me, "you don't have to do anything you wanna do," he tells me with a half-smile, " 'Kay?"

I nod.

Drake and I walk into Riley's room.

I look at the score and start laughing.

"You still suck," I tell Riley," give me the controller," I say rubbing my temples

~two hours later~

Niko's POV

"Riley was down fifty points," Noah says with a long pause, "Ko Ko get the am I down fifteen points?" he finishes as I shoot the basket.

I shrug as I hear a knock on the door.

I run down the stairs and open it. "ZACK," I squeal

"tiny," zack says with a wink.

Niko's POV

I rolled my eyes after he embraced me for a hug.

"How was Australia?" I ask him after a while, "did you meet anyone?" I say when I nudge him

"Nah Nah," Zack said waving his hands, "I'm into someone else," he told me with a wink.

just then Drake, Riley, and Noah come running down the stairs.

Drake pulls me away from Zack by two inches.

"Welcome back Zack," Riley says, "did you miss me?" he asked striking a pose

"Of course," Zack replied, "not," he added with a smirk. I roll my eyes and pull a few mozzarella sticks out of the fridge.

Another knock on the door sounded.

"Storm and Tokyo here?" a voice asked.

Riley's POV

"hi, summer and Lou," I said with a friendly wave as Drake, still distancing Niko from Zack, stepped aside.

"Niko you remember the person that could've been our dad and Summer," I say to Niko with a smile.

She rolls her eyes and embraces Summer and Lou with hugs.

"Even if he was our dad I was gonna ship him with Summer," she smirks, "we both know you guys have something going on," she winks

"So help me God I will tell your parents what you and Drake did before we got here," Summer deadpans.

Ko Ko dramatically gasps, "are you threatening me?" she puts a hand on her heart, "I'm suing," she says with a British accent as Drake smirks at his phone screen.

"Who's Jen?" Noah asks picking at his screen

"Noone," Drake mumbles shoving his phone back quickly into his pocket, "I have to go baby bye," he leaves quickly slamming the door.

"He is so cheating," Zack says, "right Brittany?" he asks pointing to me

"Right Tiffany," I replay twirling my hair around my finger.

Niko's POV

"If you both don't stop talking I will shove my foot up your asses," I say to them glancing their way

"Heather cheer up," they say in your bratty voices.

I roll my eyes. "You don't have to tell me he's cheating," I say after smacking them both, "and stop acting like I didn't know. And Noah please for fucks sake stop looking at my ass," I half yell at them all.

I storm up m room with zack silently tailing behind me.

"Okay Mrs. Grinch," he says laying on my bed, "what's wrong?" he asks.

"What's wrong is me sucking at relationships," I start, "what the fuck is wrong is that Once upon a time he use to look at me like that, what the fucking bloody hell is wrong is that now Noah looks at me like that and what in the bloody margarita fucking hell is wrong is that-" I catch myself.

He cannot know I'm in love with him.

"Go on tiny," he says, "we are best 'mates for a reason,"

"-I'm in love with someone," I say after actually breathing.

"Who?" he asks while hugging me.

I feel my face turn red, my blood boiling. I look up at his olive skin with dark green eyes like a forest, and his soft pale lips.

"Noone important to you," I say pushing away gently

"Whoever the hell is important to my cynical mean ass straight up closed off mate, is important to me," I rants, "If it's Riely that hot and if it's Noah even hatter and damn if it's a close friend that is porn," his eyes meet mine as I quickly look away.

"Don't lie to me,"

"Why would I lie to you?"

"Cause the person is me."

Niko's POV

"What do you mean Zack?" I ask in a low voice. My

heart to the floor not sure if I'm breathing much less living.

He steps up to kiss me.

Everything in my body moves.

But I stay still. Don't kiss him back.

He looks me in my eyes. In my soul.

But turns around and leaves.

Storm's POV

I come to a quiet peaceful home. Which is exceedingly new.


GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE," I yell to let the noise echo through the house.

"Your mom has an announcement," Tokyo says entering the house


races down the stairs, "where's Drake?" Joshie asks with a deadpanned

expression, "and Niko?" shit. I say to myself.

"She's asleep," Zack mumbles, "Drake left," he adds with a dark


"I'm here," Niko comes from downstairs to hug Tokyo.

"Where's my hug?" Joshua asks Niko opening his arms right out.

Niko glares at him, "you don't need a hug," she mutters.

Joshie frowns, "kid I always need a hug," he reaches into hugs her.


laughs and squirms away to Zack, hugging him tightly.

Niko's POV

I don't need someone telling me my emotions are fucked up.

"We needa talk,'’ I whisper gently into Zacks's ear as he nods.

"What's the surprise?" Riley asks with his eyebrows furrowed.

If it's Riley that's hot, Zack's words fill into

my head.

“Josh is running for president!” mom and my dad exclaim.

“Well if that’s it I’m gonna go now,” I say grabbing Zack’s hand and leading him upstairs.

“Yes?” he asks

“I broke up with Drake,” I mutter not knowing why I was doing this.


“Why not?” I reply without missing a beat

He comes closer to me examining my caramel features, “Why?” he asks in a low voice again.

“ Cause,” I start, “ he isn’t you or Riley,” I mutter.

“Thank God,” he exclaims, “I thought I misread the situation when I kissed you,”

“I thought you were drunk,” I say sheepishly

“Only you would,” he replies pulling me closer.

“What do I do about Riley?” I ask him

“Imma beat his ass in here,” he tells me with a smirk, “then we’ll have a little fun even if Riley says no,” he winks at me and walks out the room.

I sit down on the edge of my bed playing with the hem of my shirt. Zack comes back into the room dragging Riley by the collar.

School doesn’t even prepare you for this shit. Then again, this shit isn’t supposed to be happening.

Riley smirks, “I’ve been informed of everything,” he kisses me gently, “Thought this day would never come,” he mumbled in my ear.

I kiss him back eagerly, then repeat with Zack.


Riley’s POV

I wake up to shuffling in the bed, I open my eyes to see Niko trying to climb out of the bed.

“Stay,” I mumble wrapping my arm around her waist and pull the blanket to her bare chest.

She buries her face in my neck and wraps her legs around my waist.

“Love you,” she whispers in my ear

“Love you back,” I kiss her head.

“Aren’t you guys adorable?” Zack mutters as Niko climbs up top of him and showers him with kisses.

“We have to figure this…thing out,” Niko says getting her clothes back on.

“Why?” I ask as I start to make the bed, “You’re hot and you are damn hot,” I say, “let’s just be together,” I shrug

“Well we are half-siblings,” she glares at me

“Thought the glaring would go away,”

“Think again,” she says putting her curly hair into a bun.

“How do I look?” she asks.


“Hair down with a beanie,” Zack replies, “love you,” he adds.

she stuffs the beanie over her curls, “love you too,” he adds.

"And while you guys stormed up into the bedroom," I say, "Tokyo, dad, and mom made a new announcement," Zack puts some cologne on and motions for me to continue.

"They adopted a kid," I say, "Named Harper I think she's a she, and she is in our grade," I finish.

"How wonderful," Niko mumbles.

We hear a knock on the door.

"Speaking of the devil," Niko says.

Harper's POV

I knock on the door as I push my glasses up onto my face. I hear muffling and giggles before the door opens.

I see a girl open the door with a huge grin on her face, "I'm Nikko," she starts, "must be Harper," she turns around and throws a pillow at the guy who isn't Riley. She gestures for him to come over.

"This is Zack," she says happily

"Her boyfriend," he adds.

"Shuttup," she groans

“you said you loved me five minutes ago baby,” he whines.

“That was five minutes ago baby,” she says kissing him.

I glare curiously at Riley in the back. He seems…left out.

“School time,” he says happily, “Tokyo and dad are gonna kill you, Zack,” Riley grins.

“No, they won’t,” he corrects, “they love me and my ass,” he smirks, “you do too,” he winks at Niko and Riley.

Their faces turn hot pink, while I have a puzzled expression on my face.

“Where the hell is, she?!” a loud mad depressing voice booms from downstairs, “I’m going to fucking kill her,” he shouts.

Nikko’s face goes pale as does Zack’s.

“The fuck you’re not,” Noah’s loud voice booms.

“Then help me get her back,” random’ s voice hisses.

“It was her choice to leave you and you know it,” he says sternly, “none of us liked you anyway,” I vision Noah smirking, but I get knocked back into reality with loud footsteps banking the corner.

Niko’s POV

Drake pulls me away from Zack and pins me against the wall. I quickly turn my face away before he tries to kiss me. Instead, he steps on my toes and my face faces him. Then, he kisses me. I push him away to see Dad and Josh standing silently behind him.

Josh pulls Drake by his collar, “Leave our daughter alone,” they hiss.

Drake quickly runs away as Noah races up the stairs.

He embraces me in a hug, “I’m sorry Ko ko,” he sighs squeezing me.

“It’s fine,” I mumble into his chest, “you smell nice,”

“For you,” he winks at me as I stick my tongue out.

I look in Zack’s and Riley’s direction and glare. They did nothing. I then look into Harper's direction and see she’s on a verge of tears. I hug her tightly, “I’m okay,” I whisper. Knowing that it isn’t true.

Storm’s POV

“Baby you seemed stressed,” Josh says studying my face, “Thought I was running for President,” he smirks.

“It’s just work,” I lie, “new clients,” at least that’s the truth.

I turn around to face him, he quickly props me up on the table and kissed me.

He carries me to the room and lays me down on the bed.

“I’ve missed this,” he whispers into my ear. Before I could respond, the door opens.

Lou stands there with his face pale, jealous, and shocked.

Storm’s POV

“Sorry,” Lou mumbles, “thought it was the bathroom,” he turns on his heels and walks away.

Josh unbuttons his shirt after locking the door. “Where were we?” he asks kissing my jawline

Harper’s POV

Niko’s quiet for the walk to school, Zack keeps trying to talk to her, but she keeps waving him off.

Same with Riley.

Before we enter the main entrance for the school, she stops me.

“Riley and Zack, you go I’ll catch up,” she manages to mumble.

She turns her attention to me, staring into my brown and blue eyes.

She smiles fondly at me, “Stop worrying about me,” she says calmly, “you’re pretty,” she adds.

“Thanks,” I mumble.

“The boys here are perverted,” she responds, “if you want, I could make you look likeeee,” she strains and pulls up a picture of a girl with the first four buttons of her shirt undone.

“Sure,” I shrug as she smiles.

She fluffs up my wavy hair, unbuttons my first four buttons on my shirt, and applies a thin layer of lip-gloss to my lips.

Her eyes widen, and she breaks into a smile. “Nice eyes,” she grins and drags me into the school, “Now I could tell my friends I have a pretty sibling,” she smirks.

I suppress a laugh. Who knows? Maybe I’ll like it here in this family.

Lou’s POV

I pace around Storm’s living room running my hands through my hair. She had that, look on her face.

The look of hurt, knowing, and regret.

Noah banks the corner, “Josh wants me to head of security team if he wins the election,” I wince.

“Good job man!” I say with false happiness, “is Josh and Tokyo okay with you hanging around Stormie so much?” I ask curiously

“What happened was like twenty years ago,” he points out, “plus I’m into someone else,” he adds.

Before I could ask who, Josh comes staggering out of the room with a huge grin on his face.

I hang my head back down.

“Did you find the bathroom?” Josh asks me

“Oh no I peed in the bush across the street instead,” I lie Noah glances around the room between Josh and I. Tokyo emerges from his study room.

He walks his way to Josh and hugs him, “Catering is hard,” he frowns.

I clear my throat, “I’m gonna go for a walk,” I mumble and quickly run out of the house.

Niko’s POV

I have my head down for most of the day until Zack and Riley get me in the Janitors closet.

Riley kisses me as Zack locks the door.

“Please don’t be mad at us,” he says before making his way to my neck.

“I’m not mad,” I mumble, “do you think seducing me will make me feel better though?" I ask as a small smile forms on my face.

"Shut up and kiss us," he whispers.

So I do.

Harper's POV

I've been scratching my hair all day, knowing I should've washed it. I try to ignore the stares I get from the other classmates. Only one person has caught my eye. And I don't think anyone knows who he is. Hopefully.

I make my way over to Niko's table and plop next to Riley who seems left out during Niko's and Zack's make-out session. Again.

I clear my throat Niko opens her eyes and looks at me fondly.

"Hi, Harp," she looks at her phone and groans, "Dad said that the election is going to be shorter and quicker this year," she finishes.

"Tokyo or Josh?" Riley asks


"When did you start calling him dad?"

"when he started calling me his daughter," she shoots him a look, "do you not want me calling him dad with everything going on?" she asks point between Riley, Zack, and her.

My brows furrow. But Riley shakes his head.

"It'd be better actually," he answer but she gives a skeptical look, "I promise it's fine," he opens his arms out and she squeezes between Riley and I. Just to hug him.

He whispers something in her ear and her face lights up.

She turns around to hug me, "Why do you keep looking at the guy over there?" she asks with a huge grin plastered on her face.

"No reason," I say swatting Zack's hand away from my fries, "he just seems interesting.

Riley rests his chin on her shoulder, "interesting you say?" he asks, "his name is Mason," he says.

My face turns redder than my hair, Riley stands up, "MASON GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE MY SISTER WANTS TO MEET YOU," he shouts

Mason looks at Niko and sees that she is busy screaming over at the lunch lady. Then his eyes land on me.

He starts walking over to the table with a smirk on his face. He sits down next to me and looks me in my eyes.

“I’m Mason,” he smiles.

“Harper,” I mumble, “sorry about Riley and Niko,” I turn my attention back to my fries.

He takes my hand as Niko walks back to the table with her extra cheese.

“Happy?” Zack asks as Niko nods.

Riley walks over to her and plays with her curls.

I let my hair down as Mason pushes it behind my ear. He kisses my cheek.

Multiple times.

“Wanna get out of here?” I ask whispering into his ear.

He nods, as I drag him out of the cafeteria and into the Janitor’s closet.

I take a pack of cigarettes out of my bag and light one. “Those’ll kill you,”

“Gotta die from something,” I say exhaling the smoke.

He steps closer to me, “If this is gonna work,” he starts taking my pack and my lit cigarette and stomps them, “you have to stop doing that or else I’ll be very sad,” he whispers closely to my lips.

“Alright,” I wrap my legs around his waist as he pushes me up against the wall, “don’t hurt me,” I say with a high-pitched voice.

“I won’t,” he kisses me gently as I kiss back.

He starts to unbutton the fifth button; I gently push him back.

“Maybe after a few dates?” I ask him

“I understand,” he drops me and wraps his arms around my waist to kiss me again.

Storm’s POV

I stare at the e-mails I’ve received showing that Josh is cheating.

I see the door opening and quickly shut my laptop off.

“Hey Tokyo,” I sigh with relief.

“Hi baby,” he kisses me, “can I use your laptop? Mine is slow with your office Wi-Fi?” he asks with a frown.

I hesitate, “Sure,” I tell him after coming to the realization that I have nothing to hide.

I hold my breath as he lifts the screen up, his face tenses up.

Then drops.

“Baby,” Tokyo whispers as I take my migraine pill, “what the hell is this?” he hisses at me.

He slams the laptop screen down hard and throws it in the garbage.

“I’m sorry,” he mutters after realizing what he’s done, “I’ll buy you a new one,” he gestures for me to come to him.

He pulls me onto his lap, and I let out a wail.

“Do you wanna stay with him?” he asks me in a low whisper.

I nod, “Are we going to tell him about this?” I ask


“What if he leaves us?”

“We’ve been fine without him before,” Tokyo kisses my head, “let’s go home,” he packs up my office for me and carries me to the BMW.

Tokyo’s POV

The car ride is silent until we get onto the highway.

That’s when she starts breaking down. I stop at the local 7/11 to get her chocolate and 2 pints of ice-cream. Cause I totally know what the hell I’m doing.

She eats her sweets in silence occasionally feeding me some.

I stop at the vacated beach I see to the left. Storm sniffs and feeds me some more ice-cream, she already ate all three chocolate bars. I recline her front seat and hold her. Only for her to start crying again.

“Hey, no no,” I whisper, “please stop crying,” I kiss her head.

She raises her face and kisses me. I brush her hair out of her face without breaking the kiss.

“I’m a mess,” she whispers into my ear, “but I love you,” she finishes.

I kiss her in response, “I love you more,” and I kiss her again.

With no hesitation.

Noah’s POV (oh well this is new)

I see Zack and Niko holding hands as they walk home from school.

“Noah you good?” Riley asks, “You seem lonely like lonely,” he moves his hips back and forth as I slap him in his head.

“You wouldn’t do that to Niko,” he frowns

“Because he’s in love with me,” she answers sarcastically.

“This is your stop Zack,” I mutter.

He kisses Niko goodbye and slaps Riley’s ass.

I turn to see Niko laughing, my face heats up and I smile at her.

She smiles back at me and pulls me down to get on my back.

“Really?” I ask.

“Mhm,” she takes a whiff of my hair, “strawberries,” she mumbles.

Riley looks at us with a pale expression and studies Niko’s face buried in my neck.

He gives me a skeptical look, and I shrug. Niko holds onto me tighter as a small smile forms onto my face.

Tokyo’s POV

Storm and I enter the house to see Niko crying and Josh kissing her forehead. A small smile forms on my face. Niko turns to see me and hugs me. Tightly.

“What happened Ko Ko?” I ask her gently.

She looks up at me as I wipe the tears from her eyes, “Joshie said,” she starts, “Dad said he loves me,” she finishes.

I look up at Josh and see his face stained with tears along with a smile on his face.

“We need to talk to him about some stuff alright?” I ask her.

She nods and drags Noah upstairs with her.

Storm gives me a knowing look and goes into the kitchen to get wine with three glasses.

She pours us all some wine and glups hers down.

“Storm and I saw in her email evidence of you cheating,” I say with my voice small.

Joshua’s face turns pale and Storm’s already stained with tears.

“I’m sorry,” he whispers, “I’m so sorry,” he repeats

“It’s true,” I shake my head, “sleep on the couch tonight,” I mutter.

I look over to Storm and see that she is halfway through the wine bottle. I take it from her and look Joshua in the face.

“Why?” I ask him but sweep Storm into the bedroom before he has a chance to speak.

Niko’s POV

I’m shuddering. “Can you please get me a blanket?” I ask Noah with a frown.

He winks at me, “I’m your blanket,” He opens his arms out gesturing for a hug.

I get ready to tackle him but end up tripping over wire and I land right on top of him.

He puts his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to his face.

I stare into his deep blue eyes, as he stares into my hazel eyes.

He makes his way to my lips until the door opens and I quickly push away.

Riley looks at me then Noah multiple times.

“Harper’s back home and she bought some Nacho’s,” he mumbles, “we’ll leave some for you,” then he closes the door back.

Noah waits five minutes before locking the door. I meet his gaze and then quickly look away. He pulls his shirt off and get on top of me.

“Noah,” I start but he already started kissing my neck, “Noah I’m with people,” I tell him.

He freezes and looks up at me, “People?” he asks, “as in plural?’’ he asks as I nod.

I said too much.

“Who?” he looks straight into my soul, “Who?” he asks me again

“Zack,” I mumble

“I won’t tell anyone about the other person,” he whispers into my ear before kissing it.

I hesitate, “Riley,” I whisper.

He stops what he’s doing, “Nothing’s going to change between us,” he says in a low voice and starts kissing me again.

Harper’s POV

Everyone at the dinner table seems to be in a bad mood except Noah, Niko, and I.

“The soup was amazing,” I tell mom. She looks up at me and smiles then goes back to her untouched food.

“What did you do after school Harp?” I hear Niko ask me as she wiggles her brows.

My face heats up, “Were you with Maaaaasoonnnnn?” she strains and doesn’t stop wiggling her brows.

“Whose Mason?” Josh and Dad look up from their food to ask me.

Dad gives Josh a glare which makes him go back to his bowl.

“Her boyfriend,” Niko answers matter-of-factly

“Is his last name Lopez?” Josh asks carefully. I nod and he turns his attention to Dad, “you could trust him, his dad is my vice-president pick,” he mutters.

Dad looks him straight in the eyes, “Gives me a better reason to be overprotective,” he turns back to his food.

Mom gives him a Why-do-that-in-front-of-the-kids-look, but he shrugs her glare off.

Josh drops his spoon in the bowl, “Noah take the three amigos upstairs please,” he says holding his head.

Noah nods and drags all of us up the stairs.

Josh’s POV (I guess he matters Lmao)

“Did you honestly have to say that in front of the kids?” I ask Tokyo as he takes a sip of his wine.

“Did you honestly have to cheat?” he asks me in reverse, I wince, “you hurt me and Storm,” I look over to see Storm holding her head as tears fall from her blue eyes.

He slaps his hand on the table, “Do you know how much fucking hurt?” he yells at me.

I look up to his hazel eyes, and see tears streaming down his face, “I love you guys,” I start, “and I’m so so sorry,” I say in a near whisper.

“Sorry isn’t enough Joshua,” he yells at me, “sorry isn’t fucking enough when you leave the house every damn day Storm and I are going to think you’re in someone’s fucking bed,” he yells louder.

“The kids,” Storm warned him

“I’m sorry,” he mumbles. He raises his hand, but Storm steps in the way before he could slap me.

She lets out a loud cry as Tokyo stands there in horror. I spin her around to see a big red hand mark on her face.

“You’re okay,” I whisper to her. I look at Tokyo who has started crying again.

“I’m sorry,” I hear him whisper before he takes off into the room.

Riley’s POV

Noah won’t stop hugging Niko. I can’t blame him; we are all scared. But his hands keep dropping to her waist.

We hear a loud smack; Niko jumps and starts crying. Noah holds her waist tighter with his face in her neck.

I shift from side to side on the carpet floor. The door opens and Zack stand in front of the door. He stares at Niko and Noah, the pulls her away from him.

“What’s your problem?” Zack hisses at Noah, “Stop holding her like she’s yours,” he lifts Niko up and carries her to her room.

I give Noah a sympathetic look and follow them.

Storm’s POV

I can’t stop crying. Joshua can’t stop holding me. He put ice on the slap mark and kisses my forehead.

“Can I see if Tokyo’s okay?” I ask him as he wipes the tears falling from my face.

He hesitates but nods. I take some ice cream but stop in my tracks, “Joshie,” I start, “I forgive you,” I kiss him gently and make my way to Tokyo.

Tokyo’s POV

Storm opens the door slightly, “Can I come in?” she asks, I gesture for her to come.

“Brought some ice cream,” she sits next to me on the bed, “you can’t beat your self up about this,” she hands me the ice cream and takes my hand. “You didn’t mean to do it,” she tells me in a low whisper.

“I hurt you,” I eat my ice cream

“It’s hurting me more knowing that you’re mad at yourself,” she looks at our matching tattoos, “I forgive you and Josh now you just need to forgive yourself and him,” she assures me.

I pull her onto my lap and touch the red mark on her face lightly. She winces. I look into her eyes, “I love you,” I whisper into her ear.

She kisses me in response.

I hear a knock on the door, “Who is it?” I ask before Joshua emerges.

“Came to make sure she was alright,” he mutters, “can I sit?”

“We’re married, aren’t we?” I smile and tell gesture for him to sit next to me.

He sits next to me on the bed and puts more ice on Storm’s face. She frowns, “cold,” she mumbles.

I take his free hand and rub my thumb gently over his knuckles. Josh looks in my eyes, “I’m sorry,” I hear him whisper, “it was a mistake I called it off,” he mumbles.

I gently rest Storm on the bed and climb on top of Josh.

“I forgive you,” I whisper into his ear before kissing him.

“I totally would smile right now but my face feels like it’s falling off,” Storm smirks.

I feel Josh snort, but I don’t let him break the kiss.

Author Notes: Enjoy!

#BlackLivesMatter #LGBTQ+

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About This Story
2 Feb, 2021
Read Time
28 mins
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