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Goodbye (Part 2)

Goodbye (Part 2)

By Lyn - 4 Reviews

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. So it had only been a dream? It felt so real, though. I want it to be real. I want to be with you. I feel my chest heave as tears stream down my face. My vision blurs and all I can see is the ceiling. Even that was too much for me to look at. I try to roll over, but I find a cord in my way. That’s when I realize that I wasn’t wearing my pajamas. The covers that kept me warm were not my own. I brush my tears out of my face and find myself in a hospital room.

So it was real.

I had failed. I had failed to find you again. There was no way I’d ever get a second chance. You were gone, but I was still here. We would forever be separated by the boundary between living and non-living. The tears started up again and the beeping grew more intense as my chest heaved harder. I couldn’t think, move, or breathe. It felt as though the world was coming to a close.

My whole body ached. It hurt so bad, and half my tears were because of the pain. My head began to throb and I could hear the door to my left open with such force that it made the throbbing become more intense. I could no longer see, as my eyes were squeezed tightly closed.

Then the pain began to fall away. And the beeping grew softer. And I could no longer feel, hear, or see anything but darkness.

Author Notes: A lot shorter than the last part, but hey? Short and sweet's the way to go, ammirite?

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27 Apr, 2021
Read Time
1 min
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4.0 (4 reviews)

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