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Grilled Cheese

Grilled Cheese

By Storm - 1 Review

I’m not a very picky eater. I often settle for simple meals like burgers, hotdogs, pizza, and such. But, my all-time favorite sandwich is grilled cheese. I love it so much that I even started my little restaurant. We make all kinds of sandwiches for those wanting a quick and easy meal. And every week I come up with a couple of specials; one for grilled cheese and one for any other sandwich, so we always have something new for those who seek something different. I even managed to come up with my secret ingredient! I’ve been the proud owner of the Sandwich Lounge for about twenty odd years and haven’t had an issue yet. Many health inspectors have come to see if everything was sanitary. I swear on my mother's grave that we kept everything as clean as possible, they just wanted money if you ask me. I think they hated me too since they could never find anything wrong. The Sandwich Lounge has probably had about a hundred or so inspections, maybe more. After I would show them around though I knew they wouldn’t be back. But, out of all the inspectors that came here, there was one that had it out for me. Mr. George Miller, the fella was never satisfied. Always trying to ring me out for some bizarre thing like how I “killed past inspectors” and “boiled them up and served them to the public”. Everything changed one day however, ten years ago my buddy Dale was having a rough day and wanted to go on break a couple of minutes early. It was a slow day so I let him go and told him to come back in after he cleared his head. Well, that same day Mr. Miller showed up. Something he liked to do was give the workers a hard time, so that’s what he did with Dale. I guess he pushed Dale a bit too hard because when I was out back getting more of my secret ingredient ready he hollered for me. I was greeted by a worried Dale and a dead Mr. Miller. I told him to calm down and to take the rest of the day off, however, I also told him to not mention anything and that I would handle it. Dale wasn’t a huge fan of the police which would have made things worse, so I decided to do something about it. The following day Dale had returned to work and asked me about the incident. “Don’t worry about it, everything is taken care of,” plus I knew he would keep quiet since he was an ex-felon who had recently gotten out of prison. We went about our day as usual, and I informed what little family Miller had about his disappearance. They did all they could but, in the end, the case went cold. Seems like I wasn’t the only one that didn’t like Miller. In the coming years up to now, I’ve had little complications with the other inspectors. At least none were as determined as Miller. Please don’t let this silly story deter you from stopping in and trying my famous mystery sandwich, I promise that once you give it a try I’ll tell you my secret ingredient. Just don’t spoil it for anyone else, or there will be consequences.

Author Notes: One of the weirdest stories I've written thus far, very unsure about it. Please judge any way you wish just know it is not a serious piece!

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27 Aug, 2020
Read Time
2 mins
4.0 (1 review)

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