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Healing Prayer
Healing Prayer

Healing Prayer


Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life,
Please help us to love You more dearly and
To see You more clearly in all that is.
Show us new ways of understanding,
So that with every passing day our faith and trust grows
In Your infinite wisdom and love that,
For a long time unbeknown to us,
Has always been trying to guide us,
Not as a force outside of ourselves
But from within the very core of our own being.

In the conscious awareness that
We are Your children and that You
Are as much part of us as we are of You,
Forgive us the trespasses of all past lifetimes
And grant us the gift of healing for us,
Our world and everything within it.
May every last shred of the darkness
Of the doubts and fears, sickness and pain
Of all our past lifetimes be absorbed
Into radiance of the white healing magic
Of the Christ Star’s eternal light.
May it shine from our hearts and souls
As it does from the heart of the Universal Christ,
Your only born Son/Daughter.
And may this continue until
All traces of dis-ease have gone from our world.

You are the voice of wisdom in everyone’s heart,
The wise one and living God within,
Who tells us that fear is the underlying cause of cancer,
The fear of life and the unknown.
Help us to restore our race’s faith and trust
In the life you have created for us,
And provide us with some kind of evidence that
There really is a great plan of life in which
Our world and every one of us has
Their allocated space and role to play,
And that all is well with both.

May the awakening of Your love and wisdom
In the hearts of ever more human beings
Uplift and transmute all fears and anxieties of our world
Into blessing, healing and harmonising energies
For the whole of Creation,
Until nothing but these feelings are
Flowing from our grateful and loving hearts
Into its farthest and remotest corners.
Through a better understanding of the processes
Of creation and life in general,
And humankind’s role in Your great plan of life,
Help us to know – not merely believe –
That the gift of life you are bestowing upon each one of us,
Each day anew, truly is most holy and precious one.

In the name of love we ask these things from you,
On behalf of Mother Earth and all her kingdoms,
Especially that of the human race.
We ask this not only for those who are dwelling
On this plane of life, but also for those who are
Resting and recuperating
From earthly life’s stresses and strains,
On the other side of the veil of consciousness
That to this day separates our two worlds.
May that veil also soon be gone for good.


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26 Nov, 2019
Read Time
2 mins
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