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Healing Prayer For Us And Our World
Healing Prayer For Us And Our World

Healing Prayer For Us And Our World


Beloved Father/Mother of all life,
I am calling on You today to ask for healing
For myself and my world.
Your Divine wisdom and power brought us all into being.
You sustain and support us every moment of every day.
Every breath I take, every morning I wake,
Every moment of every hour,
I am in You and You are in me
And I rejoice that it shall be so in all Eternity.

Please fill my whole being with the blessing and healing power
Of Your infinite wisdom and love.
And with the power of Your Divine thoughts,
Which once brought me into this life,
Help me to re-generate and heal my whole being.
I surrender my whole being into your loving hands
And pray that Your will shall be mine.
May Your words of healing and peace flow through me,
So I can do my share of
Blessing and healing, saving and redeeming myself
And everything that is in this life with me.

Please guide me and show me ways of
Casting out the things that are no longer of any use to me.
Mending that which is broken in me and my life.
Regenerating and renewing every cell and atom
Of my whole being and of our whole world.
Open blocked arteries and veins.
Removing inflammations and cleanse my body of infections.
Healing damaged areas of my inner and outer being.
[Pour your heart out and tell the Highest forces everything that is troubling you.]

May the blessing and healing power of Your love
Fill my whole being,
So that every part of me that is presently not functioning
The right way becomes perfectly healthy
And my whole being begins to function
The way You intended it to be at the moment of my creation.

I wish to serve You and the life You have created for us
With all my heart and mind, body and spirit and soul,
For the rest of this lifetime and throughout Eternity.
But this I can only do when my whole being has been healed.
That’s why in the name of love,
Your own sacred name,
I ask it from You.


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About This Story
21 May, 2020
Read Time
1 min
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