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Healing The Earth
Healing The Earth

Healing The Earth


Healing The Earth

Can you imagine what it would be like
If the Earth’s circumference was only about a mile
And it floated just above the ground?
Come with me and see what happens:

Visitors are arriving from far and wide.
They’re walking around on the Earth,
Marvelling at its big and small pools of water,
And the water that flows between them.
Admiring her mountains and valleys,
They’re wondering at what kind
Of wisdom it was that thought of surrounding
The globe with a thin layer of gas,
In which water is suspended
To sustain all its lifeforms.

The guests are watching the
Great and wondrous diversity of Earth’s living things.
Not merely the upright walking human beings,
But also its animal and plant life.
Some of the creatures are walking about
On the surface of the globe and others live inside it,
And more of them still exist in its waters.

Marvelling at all these things,
They can see that the globe
Is a unique and precious jewel.
Their scientists looked into it
And could not find another one quite like it
Anywhere in the whole of God’s Creation.
Realising this, they cherish the Earth
And all the visitors that come
Wish to do their best to protect the globe,
To make sure it doesn’t get hurt or damaged by anyone.

Realising what kind of a wonder and a miracle the Earth is,
People wish to get to know it and its spiritual background better.
That’s when they discover to their astonishment that
The globe’s beauty is a reflection and outer manifestation
Of their own inner roundedness and exquisiteness,
Which many of them to this day have yet to discover.
Wise ones, however, know that such a superb work of art
Can only have been created by the Divine heart and hands
Of the Great Architect and Designer of all life,
The White Spirit, who is also their own Father/Mother.
Bending their knees in awe and admiration,
Brings healing and peace to every aspect of their being,
Mind and body, spirit and soul.

Through what they are seeing,
And finding out that their lives,
Their own wellbeing and wholeness,
Depends on that of the planet.
Ever more visitors love and respect the Earth,
And are ready to defend it,
If need be with their whole being.

Can you now see how wise people would become,
If the Earth’s circumference was only a mile?
Well, why can’t more of us, like them
Wake up from their spiritual slumbers,
Before it’s too late?
So that the first signs can appear
That humankind’s age-old
Dreams, visions and highest aspirations
Of a world that is at peace
At last find fulfilment.

The Earth is now being transformed
Into a planet of light, peace and healing.
Rapidly we are approaching the time
When only those who know how to
Live and work in peace and harmony
With each other and all lifeforms that share
Our precious jewel, the Earth, with us
Will be allowed to reincarnate here.

All of us will then know that everything we see around us
Is part of us and merely
An outer manifestation of our own inner world.
How much are you doing to make this
Dream into a reality on the Earth?

* * *

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About This Story
20 Jun, 2019
Read Time
2 mins
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