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Healing – The Sacred Marriage
Healing – The Sacred Marriage

Healing – The Sacred Marriage


At long last, the time has come when each one of us is required to do their own work of reconciling, balancing and healing together their inner polarities and oppositions. The human and Divine aspects of our nature need to learn how to work together until they have achieved the same harmony that is in our Creator and no longer work against each other, the way they are frequently doing in many of us to this day. To paraphrase a quote from the legend of the Master Jesus in ‘The Gospel of St. Thomas’ of the Nag Hammadi Library about this process: ‘When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, then you have entered the kingdom of God and become a Christed one – like the Master Jesus – in your own right.’

Healing of the highest order takes place on a deep inner soul level when the energies of our Highest or God Self mingle with those of its earthly counterpart to such an extent that they become one. The Jesus legend is a picture book demonstration of how the human physical body becomes ever more permeated with the Divine energies, until finally its cells and atoms have changed so much that the two parts of Creation, Heaven and Earth, God and Goddess, and the human being has evolved into a Christed one in our own right.

It was right for the Jesus tale with its all-male Divinity during the times of the patriarchy to tell us: ‘The Father and I, we are one.’ But now that the Age of Aquarius, the age of truth, this is changing to: ‘The Divine Trinity consisting of the Great Spirit, Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ and I, we are one.’ The Father, astrologically represented by the elements Fire and Air, brings forth a constant flow of creative ideas. The Mother, astrologically represented by the elements Earth and Water, after having decided where and when new creatures and sometimes whole new world should appear. Then she shapes herself willingly to the Father’s desire and will in keeping with His ideas.

Each one of us is a spark of the Great Light of the Universal Christ in the heart of every human child of the Earth. For a long time it exists merely in seed form. But when the earthly self’s consciousness has reached the right evolutionary level, the tiny light wakes from its slumber and stirs into action. It takes quite a while until the child of the Earth no longer finds it difficult to freely and willingly go down on its knees to pray: ‘Thy Will, Great Spirit, is my will and my will is Thine. Please guide and protect me and show me the way, now and forever. Amen.’

To reach this level of surrender and devotion, we have to work through layer upon layer of ancient soul memories of the painful and frightening experiences we had to endure in the course of all previous lifetimes. Nobody would pretend that this is an easy task. Yet, with the help of God and the Angels all things are possible and the best way forward on every healing journey is reaching out to them and asking for their assistance. What we have to undergo is a cleansing and emptying process that can be likened to the peeling of an onion. If my own life is anything to go by, this can be a long, slow and exceedingly painful and frightening experience.

The deeper one gets down, the closer one comes to the core of one’s being, but also the tighter packed and more intense the stored up feelings are likely to grow. Should that happen to you, on no account give up, but take comfort from the knowledge that – one fine day – you are sure to reach the ground of that seemingly bottomless pit and will then be fully one again with God, the living God within. Wise ones who persevere eventually will be able to say: ‘I am safe in God’s loving hand.’ Deep down they know that they are speaking the truth because of the response they feel rising into their consciousness from deep within their own being.

As healers we have to be the builder of bridges, not only between the various kingdoms of the Earth, but also between all other worlds and existences throughout the whole of Creation. Our two worlds, the physical one and the spirit realm from which we emerge and return to at the beginning and end of every lifetime, are waiting to be reconciled and fused into one. To this day, many still believe that getting in touch with the world of spirit means communicating with the dead. To my mind, such a view could not be further from the truth. Being aware of everybody’s true nature and home, when wise ones look at our world they cannot help coming to the conclusion that many on this side of the veil of consciousness that separates our two worlds, are the dead ones because they are still unaware of who and what they really are.

Don’t worry about them. Eventually every human being finds their way back home into the realisation of their true nature and discovers that in truth all of us, without exception, are young Gods in the making who are serving their apprenticeship in the school of earthly life. Everybody has to make this journey on their own and there are many pathways that lead up the spiritual mountain of returning into the conscious awareness of being part of and being one with God. Although help is always available and never fails to come to those who ask for it, in the final analysis before God and ourselves everybody stands alone. This joining together and healing the Divine and earthly part of our being into one is the sacred marriage between Heaven and Earth. It’s a mystical experience that is different for everybody and cannot be shared by anyone.

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1 Nov, 2019
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