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Humankind’s Spiritual Development
Humankind’s Spiritual Development

Humankind’s Spiritual Development

1 Review

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Amazing Grace – Part Twenty-Four

My inner guidance continues: ‘As touched upon in another part of the Aquarian writings, for around thirty years Aquarius has been working her way through layer upon layer of fears, without for a long time having any idea of why this was necessary. The whole of the ‘Random Jottings Of A Stargazer’ are the insights that, with the passing of time, came to her intuitively from me each time another layer had been shed. In the meantime she has found out that every part of the human body corresponds to one of the astrological signs.

‘The Sun in the birthchart of Aquarius is in Libra, the sign of the peacemaker, in the ninth house, the natural domain of Sagittarius. The most relevant astrological connection for her own healing journey of a thousand steps points in the direction of the hips of humankind. In every one of you they are connected with Sagittarius, the sign dedicated to the development of humankind’s superconscious faculties. The astrological symbol of Sagittarius is a half-human and half-God being who at all times aims to shoot the arrows from its crossbow far and wide. Every human being’s inner connection with God takes place through the hips, the Great Mother on the left side and the Great Father on the right. Interestingly, hip replacements are one of the most common joint replacement operations in the United States, where more than three hundred thousand of them are performed each year, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.

‘And whatever may still have to happen in your world, let no-one run away with the idea that there ever was anything random or haphazard about humankind’s spiritual development, even though on the surface of things it has always looked as if it were. Individually and collectively, everything that ever took place was in keeping with the Great Father/Mother’s most carefully and thoughtfully designed loving great plan for the whole of humankind and its world, as well as every human being who ever took part in its lessons. Even though for a long time you are unaware of what’s happening to you, each one of you has always been moving forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. Every human being does this at the same steady pace. There are no exceptions. Find out more about what happens in the next chapter with the title of ‘Invictus’.

‘Amazing Grace, thanks and praise be for the sound of Your love, honesty and truth that’s been speaking through Aquarius and her ‘Random Jottings Of A Stargazer’ for a long time. It’s good to know that six thousand years of the patriarchy with its habitual lying and cheating, and systematic exploitation of the masses with the help of ever more monstrous lies and untruths has definitely reached its end. It makes no difference that to this day some of your world’s religious leaders manage to deceive themselves and their followers, who are still allowing themselves to be (mis)led by their noses.

‘Thank You, Great White Spirit, for guiding humankind and its world safely to the end of the period in which lying, cheating and deception of the self and others for a long time have been the order of the day, for the sake of teaching them the value of honesty and truth. Thanks be for Your great plan of life that shows how, the deeper humankind moves into the Aquarian age, the less desirable this kind of thing will be. Having served its purpose, the time will soon come when You and the Angels will no longer tolerate it. This is part of moving humankind and its world ever closer to the new golden age when honesty and truth are going to be that world’s supreme rulers. With the passing of time, its outer material plane will gradually become ever more like its inner spiritual counterpart. And if any part of the Aquarian writings are helping some of you to work their way through your world’s present predicament, then her present lifetime and lifelong struggling with the shedding of fears have not been in vain.

‘Last but by no means least, for a moment let’s return to the cuckoo. It’s not surprising that these birds exist in just about every part of your world, because their behaviour can tell you a great deal about what has been and still is happening to humankind on its evolutionary pathway. About fifteen thousand breeding pairs exist in the United Kingdom alone. And that’s an astonishing number for such a comparatively small island that does not possess a great deal of forestry. In springtime the male cuckoo begins to call because he is looking for a female with whom he can mate, so she can start producing their eggs and depositing them in the nests of birds whose eggs look similar to the cuckoo’s. On average the female cuckoo lays about twenty-three of them. Although she chooses most carefully into which nests she places her eggs, around twenty percent are rejected and so never hatch.’

‘For you shall be in league with the stones of the field;
And the wild beasts shall surrender [their wisdom] to you.’
Job 5:23

‘But ask now the beasts and they shall teach you;
And the fowls of the air and they shall tell you;
Or speak to the Earth and it shall teach you;
And the fishes of the sea shall declare to you.’
Job 12: 7-8

The world around us is an outer manifestation of the inner life of our race, individually and collectively. It acts like a mirror that constantly reflects its state back to us. Subtly and in many different ways, the Universe has always been trying to guide us and teach us by showing us better ways of living harmoniously with each other and our world. The German monk Martin Luther, 1483-1546, forever changed Christianity when he nailed his 95 Theses to the door of Wittenberg castle in 1517. This was the spark that got the Protestant Reformation going.

Luther was the first one who ever made the Bible accessible to lay people by translating it into German. He observed: ‘Study the animal world and you will understand human behaviour much better.’ The same applies to all other parts of the world around us. Much new understanding can be found through observing the environment and intuitively interpreting what kind of messages it may contain. That’s why in the next chapter we are going to take a closer look at the cuckoo’s behaviour and what it can tell us about our world’s old religions as well as the plandemic.

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3 Jun, 2021
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