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A Hybrid's Life
A Hybrid's Life

A Hybrid's Life


Introduction Lie Ren saki

Raven Gracefield was born very sick and weak because she was a hybrid. Hybrids don't live that long past birth because their little body can't handle the power and the strength of having two different species in their body, so they die but Raven was lucky enough to survive.

But before I continue let me introduce you to her siblings, the eldest Tony Gracefield he's a fox spirit, and he's straight. Next, we have the second oldest Shuu Gracefield he's a god of nature, and he's straight. Now we have the third oldest Mich Gracefield he's a siren, and he's gay. Raven is the youngest out of all the brothers but let's now continue with the story.

And you also might be thinking what she is mixed with, but she's mixed with everything you could think of like a goddess, mermaid, siren, vampire, demon, werewolf, etc. But you are probably wondering how she is mixed with all these things and how her siblings are mixed with differ things as well, but they are only mixed with these things because their biological mother was the goddess, Irene Gracefield.

(which is the goddess that humans love so much and is like god in this story. Which also means that they are royalty in the realm that they live in. This means that Irene was the queen and Raven is a princess and her siblings are princes)

Irene has all the forms of every creature so that's how Raven and her siblings have differed forms than each other and their biological father Griffin Gracefield helped to because you need to people to have a child as you know.

But interesting enough their father was human, and Irene didn't have a human form she was normally in her goddess form to play off as a human, but she would get caught and would have to move to a different place. It was interesting because Raven ended up having a human form. Also, I only say biological because their parents sadly died when they were still small children, and their uncle Milo Wilson became the king of their realm and took them in.......

A First Day

Chapter 1

First Day


It's the first day of freshman year and I'm going with my siblings but my sibling have been going there for a while now, why am I so nervous it's just the first day of school nothing different from any other first day. They are just human and anyway they'll probably just bully me like any other year..............but what if............what if they find what we are because of me...................or what if I can't make friends................or what if I get left alone or left in the dark..............or what if I get a nickname like the monster, slut, bitch, whore and...................a-and what i-if he c-omes b-back..........w-what if I-I can't e-escape h-him..............*starts to cry* no Raven why are you crying there is no reason to be crying, you son of bitch stop crying. There is no reason to that stuff is in the past and I should just tell Tony then he will help right? *starts to cry harder* why can't I just escape this nightmare of a life!


Knock Knock

“Raven are you getting ready?” Tony asked on the other side of the door

“Yes, and I’m almost done, I’ll see you downstairs” Raven said trying to hide the fact she was crying

“Ok, see you downstairs, and please don't be late, you worked too hard just to get into this school"

Ok, so now I must hide the fact that I was crying shit this is going to be hard. Yeah, Tony's right I worked too hard just to be able to go to the human realm! I can't be late, not today

(a/n. Also, Raven doesn’t cry normal tears. Cause through her left eye she cries blood, and through her right eye she cries gold)

I just finished cleaning up my face now I can finally finish get-

“Raven are you trying to be late, I want to see all the hot girls at the new school!” Shuu said impatiently

“Is that all that’s on your mind, girls, *sigh* you’re a dumbass” Mich said disappointed in his older brother

“SHUT UP, AND DON’T CALL ME A DUMBASS!” Shuu said yelling at Mich

“I can call you a dumbass all I want” Mich said with an attitude


(a/n. Also, Mich is gay and if you don’t like it then you can leave)

“I know very well that I want to see the hot guys tha- “Mich was cut off


“But as I was saying, I can control myself, but you can’t” Mich explained


“Yes, yes I did” Mich said with pride

“OH, YOU LIT- “Shuu was cut off

“Cut it out you two, Raven is here we can leave now, and no fighting and no magic in the house” Tony said in a cold voice. Whenever Tony spoke in that tone it would scare even the toughest people.

“…...y…. yes…...T……Tony…...” They both said scared

We all then went to the car and the ride was silent.

CHAPTER 2 The New Student

At The School, in Tokyo Japan


When we got there, it seemed like a normal high school, well from what I know that is. The school was called.

“Promise High?” Raven said in a sort of a whisper

“Yup, that’s are school!” said a voice out of nowhere in a happy tone

“Hmm?” Raven said

“Oh, hey I’m Sakura Satou but you can call me Satou, and I’m your mentor!” Satou said excitedly

“Oh yeah, Raven since you didn’t come to the open house, Satou will be your mentor and show you around” Tony explained

“Oh, well hello Satou, my name is Raven Gracefield it’s nice to meet you” Raven said formally

“Nice to meet you too, Gracefield!” Satou said kindly

“You too and So, you’ll be my mentor?” Raven said questioning

“Y-yes I’ll be your mentor!” Satou said a little bit embarrassed

“Ok, so mentor Satou how about we begin” Raven said gesturing to her start the tour

“Oh ok, well then let’s being!” Satou said energetically

“Well then bye Tony, Mich and Shuu. See you guys later” Raven said waving goodbye to her siblings

“Wait! Will you be ok?” Tony asked worrying about me

“I’ll be fine, you just go and do whatever a junior does Shuu” Raven said reassuring him

“Raven are you sure you’re ok?” Mich asked worrying about me too

“Yes, you guys I’m fine you don’t have to worry about me” Raven said getting annoyed with their worrying

“Ok, you better be fine, if I find out you are in the nurses office by the end of this day, then I’m going to turn you into a pretzel. Ok” Shuu said

“Ok, so with that goodbye see you after school” Tony said after he felt satisfied with the answers, he got from Raven

After they said their goodbyes, they left to their classes and that just left Satou and Raven.


OMG, they weren’t lying when they said the Gracefields were hot. Like look at them Tony with his serious but kind face, and Shuu with his energetic and athletic body, but to be honest they all probably have a sexy body, and lastly Mich he looks so mysterious and that just makes me want him more! Raven is so lucky to have such hot brothers, like I would kill just too look at them every day and talk to them too! Also, I had a question for Raven, but I didn’t want to be mean but, why does she wear a mask and cover her right eye? Like does she have allergies or something? Or does she not want to be seen with her brothers, like if they were my brothers, I would always want to be seen with them!? Also why is she so prim and proper like does she EVER make a mistake!

“You ok?” Raven asked trying to get Satou’s attention

“O-oh, I-I’m sorry, I was just thinking” Satou said with a little giggle

“Well are we going to begin?” Raven asked annoyed

“Oh yes, sorry for the hold up!” Satou said happily

Inside Promise High


“Ok so, over here the cafeteria, and this is where the bathrooms are” Satou says as we continue to walk around school

“It’s huge” Raven thought to her-self

“And this is your last class, ok I’ll drop you off here and you know how to get back to the front of the school right?” Satou asked wondering if I’ll be ok by myself

“yes, I’ll be ok” Raven said annoyed that she’s worrying about me, like my siblings

“Ok, I’ll be leaving you see you later!” Satou said waving goodbye

So, this is my last class, Social Studies? Well let’s go in Raven you just have forty-five minutes left of school. Let’s do this. I walk into class, and once I do all eyes land on me and the teacher stops talking to look at me. I hate this feeling…. I feel like an animal. I’m standing in the middle of the classroom like an idiot.

“Oh, you must be the new student, Ms. Gracefield, right?” the teacher asked looking straight at me.

Raven keep your composure and be calm.

“Yes, yes I am” Raven said formally

“Oh ok, class this is the new student of the school, be nice to her” Mr. Yuri said to the class

“Yes, Mr. Yuri” the class said in unison

“Ok, Ms. Gracefield go take a seat in the back next to Mr. Suzuki Riku” Mr. Yuri said gesturing to me to sit down. Well I should probably take a seat next to Mr. Suzuki Riku, he looks so out of it and also like he gets in a lot of fights, but that’s the only seat open so why not….

“Ok so class, were now going to be getting into are supernatural lesson of this year” Mr. Yuri

“Supernatural, tch? There’re no such thing as supernatural beings” Suzuki said in a whisper

“Ok, first we’ll talk a little about them then, we’ll start with vampires a classic” Mr. Yuri said to the class

“ugh, this so idiotic” Suzuki said still in a whisper to him-self

Oh, only if he knew who was sitting right next to him, then he wouldn’t be saying what he is saying right now.

“So, class what do you know about supernatural beings?” Mr. Yuri asked the class

“I know that Mermaids weren’t always kind like how they are in the movies, they used to mean bad luck. Also, there’s a legend about a girl named Syrian and she was worshiped as a goddess, she was said to have partially transformed into a fish after diving into a lake” said one of the girls in the class

“You know that story isn’t real mermaids, demons, werewolves and any of that weird fantasy stuff, is not real” one of the boys said

“NO! they are real, and this story is true!” the girl protested

“Well if you want to believe then you can, but you sound like an idiot”

“You take that back! Your insignificant piece of meat!” the girl yelled back in anger

“Hey! I’m not an insignificant piece of meat, because you are worthless slu- “the boy was cut off

“Hey! we don’t use that type of language in school, also she is not wrong the story is indeed true” Mr. Yuri said which made the girl happy she was correct

“But how is it true? There no such thing” the boy said confused

“It’s true because of this” Mr. Yuri then went into his bag and grabbed a necklace, but it had a white jewel in it, and I could tell it wasn’t just a normal jewel it had magical. Also, the jewel or gem was an Irene stone. The Irene stone is a rare type of stone to find and if you do find one then you’re lucky, the Irene stone is a very powerful stone and it’s much like the goddess Irene (That’s where it gets its name from.) and if it’s like the goddess Irene then you can probably tell how powerful the stone is and if it’s in the wrong hands that’s even worst.

“This is an Irene stone, this one of the most powerful stone this. It almost has the same powers as Irene, it’s the most amazing thing humans have ever found!” Mr. Yuri said looking at the necklace in amazement

“That’s not real it’s probably just a fake” the boy said not amused

“Oh? You want to see in do it’s magic? Let’s go on a little class trip, shall we” Mr. Yuri then put the necklace on and he started using the magic from the stone and it seemed like he had already used the stone before it was like he had been practicing…..

Mr. Yuri then made a portal to the wyvern dimension, which I feel wasn’t a wise choice in dimensions because wyverns hate when humans go into their territory, but I can’t do anything about it so I have to go along with it, and get that Irene stone away from him.

“Ok class, let’s get in a line and go!” Mr. Yuri said with the necklace still around his neck.

Every was in shock, but they still did what they were told and even Suzuki was shocked, but he tried to play it off like he wasn’t. But he was right to be shocked because how did he get his hands on a Irene stone!

“M-Mr. Yuri were d-does that l-lead?” the boy said in a shaky voice

“This is a portal to the wyvern’s dimension and were going there so come on!” Mr. Yuri excitedly as he led us through the portal

Well this is going to be a problem…...

To Be Continued……

Chapter 3


Once we went through the portal, I used a little bit of magic to cover my sent cause if the wyverns would have acted strange around us. Also, if Mr. Yuri knows how to use an Irene stone then he knows how wyverns act around supernatural beings and humans.

“Oh, isn’t this beautiful this just look at all those wyverns!” Mr. Yuri said with excitement

“H-How long are we going to s-stay here?” said one of the boys

“Oh, you little dork you scared?” said another boy

By the looks of it, it seems like the classic case of a bully and the nerd or one very energetic friend and one very quiet friend.

“Torajiro can you please just stop; you don’t know how scary and how evil wyvern can be!” the boy said scared

“Who said you could call me my by first name Tamaki?” Torajiro said as if he was about to give him a beating

“Oh, sorry Sakaguchi…” Tamaki said in a whisper scared of what might happen next

“Ha-ha, you idiot why would I care if you called me by my first name! Like I called you by your first name too Matsuo” Sakaguchi said laughing

“Oh, ok” Matsuo said nervously

Oh, so their friends, so my second observation was correct. *sigh* well Mr. Yuri wasn’t wrong wyverns are so beautiful even if they only have two legs, they are just so maje-.

“ugh, sorry I didn’t mean to bump into you” Raven said rubbing her nose

“O-oh, It’s ok” said a familiar male voice, then the male extended his hand to help me up

“Thank yo- “I stopped what I was saying and saw that is was Matsuo Tamaki helping me up.

“Are you…ok…? Matsuo asked in a questioning and nervous tone also with his hand still extended

“O-oh! Yeah, I’m fine” Raven said a little bit embarrassed, but she still kept her composure. Then Matsuo helped me up.

“O-oh! You’re the new g-girl aren’t you” Matsuo asked nervously

“Yes, I am” Raven said formally

“Your name was…Gracefield right?” Matsuo asked kind of questioning his answer

“Yes, and you are Matsuo Tamaki if I’m correct” Raven said formally

“Y-yes…how did you know?” Matsuo said questioning how I knew this

“Hey, Matsuo who’s that?” Sakaguchi said wondering who I was

“O-oh this is Gracefield a-and she is also are n-new classmate” Tamaki said all of this while facing and not making eye contact with either Sakaguchi or myself

“Oh yeah you are *sigh* how did we get a cutie like you?” Sakaguchi said in a kind of a seductive tone, but right before I could answer Mr. Yuri started talking to the class.

“Ok class I will allow you to look around and if you are allowed you can touch the wyverns. but don’t get hurt or try and ride the wyverns either or feed them. Other than that, go crazy!” Mr. Yuri said with enthusiasm. After that everyone was running all over the place, even some people were trying to take secret selfies with them too.

“Sweet! We can now explore this place isn’t that cool!” Sakaguchi with amazement

But I think this is outrageous because wyverns can be territorial and can be very aggressive their land too. *sigh* but I want to see how this goes so let’s act like a human and look around. Also, anyways I wanted to see how Chaevel Heldraniss, lord or the yellow and protector of life which is kind of funny because the yellow wyverns are the ones of royalty and the leaders and they protect the life in their tribe, but anyways I should go and see how he’s doing like a human would.

“Hey! Where are you going?” Sakaguchi yelled at me as I walked away

“Oh, I’m just going to look around that’s all” Raven said as she continued to walk away

“Let us go with you” Sakaguchi said really wanting me to agree with him

“*sigh* sure you guys can come with me” Raven said reluctantly


Yessss! She agreed *sigh* she’s such a cutie….


Damnit I was just planning to go by my-self, but it will be fine just walk around an-.

“Cutie look! It’s a wyvern you want to go and touch it?” Sakaguchi asked while gesturing to the beautiful cyan wyvern

“S-Sakaguchi don’t you think that’s a bad idea?” Matsuo said nervously

“No, Mr. Yuri said that we can touch them as long as they allow us to” Sakaguchi said while trying to imitate Mr. Yuri

“B-but still we c-could scare it and i-it will then attack u-us” Matsuo said unsure of what might happen if we go and touch it

“Oi cutie, how would you like to go and touch the wyvern?” Sakaguchi asked hoping I’d say yes

“Well…if you want to get your head bitten off then go ahead” Raven said with no emotion

“I-I-I why are you so mean!” Sakaguchi whined

“Well I’m just telling you the truth” Raven said while walking away

“Wait! Where are you going!?” Sakaguchi yelled to me

“I’m going to that building over there” Raven said while pointing a big dome like structure

“Wow!” Sakaguchi and Matsuo said simultaneously

“It’s so big…” Matsuo said in an amazement

“That is what he said~” Sakaguchi said in a seductive tone

“R-Really Sakaguchi” Matsuo said embarrassed

“What’s wrong my pansexual friend?” Sakaguchi said confidently

“S-Sakaguchi! I didn’t want anyone to know about that…” Matsuo said while hiding his face in his tan colored hoodie

“Whoopsie! I’m sorry Matsuo I didn’t mean to, and anyways Gracefield I don’t think she’ll tell anyone. Right?” Sakaguchi asked as he looked towards me

“I won’t tell anyone, anyways I don’t care either, you can love whoever you want it isn’t my job to tell you who to love. Also, my brother's gay so now you have dirt on me, and I have dirt on you” Raven said while walking toward the dome

“Wait! I just realized that your older brothers are, and with you consent can I call them by their first name?” Sakaguchi asked

“You may” Raven said

“Well then your older brothers are, Tony Gracefield, Shuu Gracefield, and the gay one your talking about Mich Gracefield or also known as the Gracefield brothers” Sakaguchi said

“Oh yeah you’re right Sakaguchi” Matsuo said agreeing with Sakaguchi

“The Gracefield brothers?” Raven said questioning what they said

“Yes, the Gracefield brothers! That’s what everyone calls them” Sakaguchi said with a big grin on his face

“They call them that because of some similarities they have” Matsuo said

“Similarities? They have nothing in common except that they are my siblings” Raven explained

“Well from what I heard they do. I like from some girls they said that they have muscular b-bodies” Matsuo who was a little nervous at the end of his sentence

“Also, they said that there all smart but the 2 oldest can be…. ummm…stupid” Sakaguchi said while trying to be as unoffensive as possible

“It’s fine Shuu can be an idiot, but he’s smart too” Raven said

“But that’s we know about their similarities” Matsuo said in a shy whisper

“Well anyways, let’s go with and see what the hell this dome is!” Sakaguchi said excitedly

“*sigh* ok let’s go” Raven said

Then all three of them walked towards the dome to see what’s inside, but only one person knows what lays inside….

To Be Continued……

Chapter 4


Author Notes: hope you like it

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27 Aug, 2021
Read Time
18 mins
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