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I Believe
I Believe

I Believe


I believe for every drop of rain that falls,
A flower grows.
I believe that somewhere in the darkest night
A candle glows.
I believe for every soul that goes astray
An Angel comes to show the way.
I believe. I believe.

I believe that above each storm
Even the smallest prayer is heard
And someone in the great ‘out there’
Is listening to every word.
Each time I hear a newborn baby cry,
Or touch a leaf and see a star,
I know why I believe.

I don’t just believe, I know that
The darkest hour is just before the dawn.
I know this is true because
The world around me acts like
A mirror of what’s happening on the
Inner levels, the spiritual background,
Of our earthly existence.
I know that regardless of the many dark things
That are still taking place in many places,
A new day is dawning for each one of us
And also our whole world.

My consciousness has changed gear from
The blind belief of the Piscean Age
To the state of knowing of the Aquarian Age.
There’s a world of difference between the two.
Now my faith and trust in the goodness of life
That’s been given to us is something
That can no longer be taken away or destroyed
By anyone or anything.

I believe that God and the Angels are with us
And that they are not going to allow the
Scaremongers and troublemakers
Behind the scenes of our world
To continue manipulating us through fear.
Our karmic debts have been redeemed
And the greatest healing miracle of all times
Is taking place, right here and now.

Jimmy Shirl &Al Stillman
Edited by Aquarius
Updated July 2020

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About This Story
20 Jul, 2020
Read Time
1 min
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