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I Believe In Angels
I Believe In Angels

I Believe In Angels


I have a dream, a song to sing,
To help me cope with anything.
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale,
You can take the future even if you fail.
I believe in Angels,
Something good in everything I see.
I believe in Angels,
When I know the time is right for me,
I’ll cross the stream – I have a dream.

I have a dream, a fantasy,
To help me through reality.
And my destination makes it worth the while,
Pushing through the darkness still another mile.
I believe in Angels,
Something good in everything I see.
I believe in Angels,
When I know the time is right for me,
I’ll cross the stream – I have a dream.

I have a dream, a song to sing,
To help me cope with anything.
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale,
You can take the future even if you fail.
I believe in Angels,
Something good in everything I see,
I believe in Angels,
When I know the time is right for me,
I’ll cross the stream – I have a dream.


The Angels and Masters on the highest level of life are in charge of God’s great plan of life. They are its executors and responsible for the evolutionary progress of every lifeform in the whole of Creation, including us and our world. Most of us who are presently here have lived through many lifetimes and many ages. In the course of these long journeys through matter we have met, lived with and enjoyed the friendship of a great many human beings. In the spirit world, our true home, they are now accompanying and supporting us as our friends and helpers. Every one of us on the earthly plane of life has a number of these friendly companions around them. Some of them are known to us and others are not, but that makes no difference. All of them are our siblings in the great family of humankind, who are functioning on the same wavelength as ours. They are wishing us well and are eager to assist us as much as our spiritual bankbook and karmic debts allow.

The more our spiritual development unfolds, the easier it becomes to communicate with our unseen friends. They can be a source of comfort for anyone who feels lost and lonely in earthly life and also for those who feel trapped in families where no-one shares their interests. If we are in such a position, we need to bear in mind that we ourselves chose this pathway for the purpose of teaching us the lessons we most urgently needed. Even though we may not yet have discovered what they are, it’s good to know that in the spirit world there is a true family for us whose spirits and souls are in harmony with us and our life’s purpose and convictions. At all times they are doing their best to encourage us to bring forth the best that’s within us and humbly seek to serve the highest good and the greatest joy of all life. This is not only benefits our own spiritual development but also that of our world.

I believe that the Angels have always been with us and that, wherever we may still have to go, this will forever continue. They are they eye that never sleeps and who at all times has been and is observing very closely everything that happens in our world. In the course of all earthly adventures they accompany each and every one of us. Yet, only when there is some real need for it, do they ever step in to protect us.

And that’s the case with the pandemic 2020 because God and the Angels do not want us and our world to suffer unnecessarily. The most reliable guru in the whole of Creation, my inner guidance – the wise one or living God within – tells me that the end of this nightmare is drawing closer with each passing day. So let’s join hearts and hands and in our mediations, prayers and times of quiet reflection ask them to show us intuitively how we can contribute to moving us and our world forwards and upwards on the great evolutionary spiral. This is how every one of us is meant to do their share of bringing about the greatest healing miracle that has ever been experienced on the earthly plane.’

Updated 25th November 2020

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About This Story
29 Nov, 2020
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3 mins
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