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I Needed to Think...
I Needed to Think...

I Needed to Think...

1 Review

Have you noticed that almost every OC has a dramatic backstory and then ends up being really powerful? Almost every character is like that. Whether it be a character an animator on YouTube created or a famous character from a comic book. From Batman to a Sans fangirl, their backstories are very dramatically created.

I've realized that my OCs have fallen victim to the same fate. I've decided to take away some of their power, because I feel as though I'm beginning to become very attached to these characters and I can't really be attached to them unless they know the truth. The truth will be revealed to them, eventually. But for now, I'm just glad I haven't posted too many stories about them that are no longer accurate.

*Brain Explosion*

What if I let my original OCs keep their abilities and control over their home in the center of space and time, but created a NEW AU where they're just normal people going about their business? I don't know, but I would love to hear some advice.

I suppose, to get advice on this, I'll need to explain the ever-so-dramatic backstory of my OCs. If you actually want that, let me know. But until then, I'm just going to assume no one really gives a crap about what the heck I do with these randos.

Author Notes: I just needed a place to write down my thoughts. I would really love some feedback, though!

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27 Feb, 2021
Read Time
1 min
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