I want to breathe the words you say
and get lost in your eyes.
To care for you everyday
and write warm-felt poems for you.
I want to sense your hair in my hand
and your lips upon mine.
To taste your love
and fill all your desires.
I want to rest my head upon you
to feel the beat of your heart.
Make memories with you
so I have something to reflect on.
I want to live your greatest fears
so you won’t have to face them.
Dream of you always
to never miss a moment of you.
I will sacrifice my today
so you can live more tomorrows.
I want to give you everything another person can’t
and to be the one you want to have.
Because if you don’t want me,
I see no reason
why I came this far in life.
Author Notes: Much Love. Keep on Rockin'!
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