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If I Be Raised, I Will Raise All People
If I Be Raised, I Will Raise All People

If I Be Raised, I Will Raise All People


Message Of Hope From The Lords Of Karma

Part Two

If I Be Raised, I Will Raise All People

Souls who have decided to come again into the darkness of earthly life out of love for their fellow beings are radiating God’s light from their loving hearts. They are walking hand in hand with God and the Angels and in due course their mere presence helps to transmute the very physical atoms of the Earth. This raises the vibrations of the whole planet and that’s the higher esoteric meaning of the Jesus legend’s: ‘If I be raised up, I will raise all people.’

Through us the Universal Christ is bringing you the following message today: ‘The heart of every human being at the beginning of its earthly existence contains a spark of My light in a slumbering state. For a long time it remains this way, but as soon as another earthling has evolved sufficiently, the spark wakes up and the lower self begins to bring forth and practise its Divine characteristics, which each one of you alike inherits from Me. With every one to whom this happens I, the Universal Christ, am being raised and the power of My light increases in your world. This in turn raises the vibrations not only of the whole of humankind and your world, but also the whole of Creation. The more you use your Christ energies, the higher and finer your own vibrations become, the more you become like Me and at one with Me.’

At all times spirit guides are accompanying and trying to help you. Alas, the measure of assistance we can provide you with depends on the faith and trust in the basic goodness of life you have developed at any given moment. Everything depends how you respond to your inner guidance, the living God within, the intuitive knowledge that comes to you from your Christ Self. But no matter what happens to you, we shall never leave you. We understand the trials and tribulations you have to endure much better than you do, because like you we once walked the Earth and during the initial stages of our education there, we had to work our way through very similar ones.

There are many groups of spirit helpers and each one of them is headed by a Master. The Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, is the architect and designer of the Great Plan of life. The Angels are its executors and in charge of every lifeform that exists anywhere in the whole of Creation. The Angelic hierarchy is responsible for the unfoldment of the plan and that, with the help of countless spirit friends and helpers, it keeps on unfolding in the right way and at the right time. Even though we are invisible to earthly eyes, rest assured that we are there. Without the spiritual background of your present existence and us there would be no life on the Earth.

And let there be no doubt in anyone’s mind that the reigns for the grand design rest safely in our Creator’s loving hands. Allow no-one to convince you otherwise and wherever you may find yourself, do what your inner guidance tells you what is good and right for you, at that particular moment. You have every reason to trust that, independent of what may still have to take place in your world, everything will always be well with you and it.

Referring to the law of Karma and its keepers, the Christian gospels tell you in St Matthew 5:18: ‘For truly I say to you, until Heaven and Earth pass away, not even a yoth or a dash shall pass away from the law, until all of it is fulfilled.’ Note: a yoth is the smallest letter in the Aramaic and Hebrew language. As far as the Great Plan of life is concerned, to paraphrase St Matthew 24: 35-36: ‘Even Heaven and Earth will pass away, but My words of wisdom and truth shall remain forever. The meaning of the words Heaven and Earth have been in the process of passing away for some time. The Angels of the Christ Circle, the throne of God, are conducting this process. They do know when it is complete, but they are not going to tell us, we too have to trust and wait, just like you.’

All we can tell you at present that you have every reason to look forward to the future with hope and confidence. Rest assured that everything will work out perfectly. Do not be disturbed unduly by the things that to this day are happening in your world. Every one of them serves as an educational tool for the unfoldment of the grand design for your race and your planet. They are necessary for the lessons that have not yet been sufficiently grasped by the younger and less experienced souls in your midst.

Instead of worrying and getting upset, look up and tune the receiver/transmitter station of your earthly mind into the frequencies of the highest forces of life. For a long time they have been working ceaselessly on the awakening of the Divine spark in the hearts of ever more human beings, whatever their evolutionary state may be. The contact with these forces alone can bring you and your world the peace and harmony for which deep down every human heart and soul is yearning deeply. Never give up hope that eventually a united world will emerge that has but one government for the whole of humankind.

Even now, ever more of you are becoming aware of the fact that no-one can live only unto themselves and that the same is also true for the countries of your world. So, do your best to establish the spirit of siblinghood and goodwill on the Earth by conducting your own life in this manner. Wise ones appreciate that there is nothing to fear from those who to this day insist on putting themselves outside of that which is good, right and true. These sages know that in due course, in God’s time rather than their own, the inner eyes of every perpetrator against the Cosmic laws will be opened. They will then realise the error of their ways and start to change their behaviour, just the same as you once did.

Eventually, everything that is no longer of use and desirable on the Earth plane will be absorbed into power and light of the Christ Star, the Sun beyond the Sun, to be uplifted and transmuted into blessing and healing energies for the whole of Creation. Meanwhile rest assured that humankind’s existence will never end because each one of you is a spark of the Divine. The true Christ-Mass is taking place with each one of you who awakes into the awareness of their true nature and starts to bring forth the characteristics of their own Christ nature.

With that we leave you, dear children of the Earth. Be consoled and rest safely in the knowledge that God is love and wisdom as well as merciful. God be with you and bless each one of you. We wish you a happier and more peaceful and contented New Year than you have ever had in your present incarnation and many previous ones. Our love, dear ones, all our love to you. Your guides in the world of light.

The best is never over,
The best has never gone.
There’s always something beautiful
That keeps us marching on.

There is a compensation
For every cross we have to bear,
And a secret consolation,
Is always waiting somewhere.

Every end is a new beginning
And as one day we’ll surely see,
The best is never over,
The best is yet to be.

And that is particularly true for us and our world.

The following is the essence of a White Eagle Monday Thought 27.6.2016 that arrived in my inbox when I had just finished updating the above chapter: ‘It is one thing to learn about scientific facts, as you call them, as well as spiritual or occult truth. Until you have built into your soul body the constructive God-atoms of light, you will be unable to serve life the way you would like to. There is a great difference between knowing with your mind and knowing with your inner self. The latter brings forth from you spontaneous good thoughts, words and actions because you then instinctively project the light of love that is within you. This light is creative and capable of raising the very atoms and vibrations of your whole world. And each time you think light and good, you are the co-creator with God of a beautiful world and humankind.’

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13 Aug, 2018
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