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If I Can Help Somebody
If I Can Help Somebody

If I Can Help Somebody


If I Can Help Somebody

If I can help somebody, as I pass along,
If I can cheer somebody, with a word or a song,
If I can show somebody when they’re travelling wrong,
Then my living shall not be in vain.

If I can do my duty, as a child of God ought,
If I can bring back beauty, to a world that is wrought,
If I can spread love’s message, the way the Angels taught,
Then my living shall not be in vain.

If I can help somebody, as I pass along,
Then my living shall not be in vain.
My being here will not have been for nothing,
If I can help somebody to understand that their life
Has meaning because it serves a wise higher purpose.
What a shame if the gift of their present lifetime
Were frittered away, for in that case they would
Have to return in another one for a repeat performance
Of their quest for understanding.

Alma Bazel Androzzo
Edited by Aquarius

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About This Story
29 Mar, 2019
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<1 min
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