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"A Small Help"
"A Small Help"

"A Small Help"

gurujyotSunny Singh
1 Review

He was sleeping. A man with sickness, he had to have rest. He was there, on his comfortable bed. He was tired of the harsh and the unkind world. He wanted to die. Why so? Well, his life had no excitement. He had lost his parents early and therefore had no one for himself to help him in this harsh world. As an introvert, he had no friends. He used to get up at 6, Get ready, Go to his office and come back home. Nothing ever happened in his life. He was a sad man. He had often felt like giving up, But had always been scared of the pain he might have to bear. His normal was would repeat daily like a tape. Except for the too boring Sundays, all of his days were the same. Who could live a life like that? He was really sick, This was not some common fever. This sickness was the proof that he had started giving up.

After a long time trying to get some sleep, he finally slipped into sleep. When he started dreaming, he saw himself amidst a jungle full of crooked and dry trees. It was very creepy, but he had somewhat left of his courage. It was a starry night. He was sitting, still on his bed, which had somehow shifted into the jungle. He could still feel very tired and sleepy. Suddenly, he saw something moving under his bed. His curiosity rose, as well as his fear. He gathered his guts and looked under his bed, it was a shining angel, as beautiful as it could be. He tried calling out to her for help. He saw her moving away from him. Suddenly he felt the need to run after her and ask her why was he facing all the pain in his life?

He jumped out of his bed and started running after the angel as fast as he could. The angel looked behind, saw him running after her and increased her speed. The man was about to lose her but he brought all the immense energy he had in him and raced even faster behind the angel. After a long and tiring run, when he was just about to reach the angel, he suddenly noticed that he was at the end of a very deep valley. He just couldn't stop himself and went rolling down into the valley. He slipped into much deeper sleep, a sleep which reduced all his pain, emotions and everything that he was afraid of. He was dead.

The man woke up on his bed, just to find the angel sitting beside him.

"Why didn't you save me?" the man angrily asked the angel.

The angel just looked at the man with a bitter smile on her face.

"What would you have done if I would have saved you from death?" the angel asked.

The man realised that now he was a free man without any sickness and pain. He felt happy now that he was a free man.

"Who are you?" asked the man.

"Just a helper" said the angel, and dissappeared into thin air.

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About The Author
Sunny Singh
About This Story
28 May, 2017
Read Time
2 mins
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5.0 (1 review)

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