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In The Halls Of Learning
In The Halls Of Learning

In The Halls Of Learning


Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Nine

The Sagittarian Angels continues: When the Creator said: ‘Let there be light!’, it was to be brought about in two different ways. The first one is quite literally the Christ Star’s light. That is the giver and nurturer of all life. Even the earthly feminine elements of Earth and Water are created from this light. Light also consists of the knowledge and understanding that the thus created offspring will be gathering along the pathway of their long evolutionary journey. Spiritually, these two things are light and the lack of them is darkness.

Every earthly self travels round and round the zodiac, time and again touching down in every one of its signs and houses. The more frequently it does this, the more it grows in wisdom and understanding of itself, its environment and also of God. At the same time the cells and atoms of the lower self’s physical body absorb increasing amounts of the Christ Star’s light, who is constantly drawing all manifestations of life forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral into its loving embrace. And that’s how humankind’s individual and collective consciousness expands.

The human spirit is masculine. Every one of them is an integral part of the masculine aspect of the Divine Trinity, the Great Father or God. Like Him they are eternal and immortal. The physical bodies of humans and animals alike are part of the Earth and belong to it. As every creature grows in wisdom and understanding during its long evolutionary journey the cells and atoms of their physical bodies slowly but surely fill with ever more of the Christ Star’s light and so does your planet. That’s how Mother Earth evolves through the contribution of every one of her creatures.

And for as long as you are taking part in earthly life, your soul is part of Mother Earth’s soul. She in turn is part of the soul of the whole of Creation, the Great Mother, the feminine sensitive feeling aspect of all that is. She is the storehouse of the soul memories of every spirit/soul that ever participated in earthly life or any other place or world in the whole of Creation. This is why the Great Mother’s wisdom knows the answers to any questions any one of you may ever care to ask. And even the tiniest bit of new understanding someone gains along the pathway of their evolutionary journey, wherever it may be taking place, adds to the already existing vast amount of spiritual knowledge. Through this it will keep on expanding in all Eternity.

The number 1 represents the first impulse of the creative process, the masculine energies of the Great Father or God. 1 = Leo, ruled by the Sun, the Sun in its own sign. The number 2 represents the second impulse, the feminine energies of the Great Mother, the Goddess. 2 = Cancer, ruled by the Moon, the Moon in its own sign. The astrological masculine elements are Fire and Air. All creative ideas are of a fiery nature. Fire = ideas. Air = thought. Through the power of thought the Father is constantly communicating his ideas to the Great Mother. Her elements in earthly life are Earth and Water. Earth = matter. Water = emotional, soft and sensitive feeling nature, the soul. The human physical body contains a combination of all four elements.

Number 3 = expansion, Jupiter, the expansive and beneficial planetary ruler of Sagittarius, the sign dedicated to the development of humankind’s superconscious faculties. The light of the Universal Christ is the Sun of all suns and the light of all lights, the only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father and Mother. They are the Divine Trinity who is working and functioning as one, peacefully and harmoniously. Each one responds to the demands of the others freely and willingly. From the Christ Star’s light the designs that have their origin in the Father’s mind are formed and brought into manifestation on the material plane, for example on the Earth. The Mother’s love and wisdom decides what should appear and when. The same applies when the time for removing and de-creating whatever has served its purpose and therefore is no longer required. Nothing in the whole of Creation is ever wasted, everything is recycled and that countless times.

And now the Angel makes a human form appear. Turning to its listeners it asks: ‘Who to you think this is? Does it look like Jesus?’ When we nod in agreement, it tells us that what we are seeing is but a thoughtform. God and the Angels temporarily created it to support the belief that every word of the Christian religion’s Jesus story is literally true. Nobody on the earthly plane would ever have followed any of the religions the Highest Forces from time to time introduced there, if it had already been common knowledge that they have never communicated with your world in that way. You were not to know too early that they were always bringing the higher esoteric truths of their wisdom hidden behind the surface words of the myths and legends, allegories, symbolisms and metaphors they presented.

For a long time that has been their only means of communicating with you and your world, but this has been changing profoundly since your world’s entry into the age of Aquarius. It is the age of truth during which the ideas of the Highest will increasingly flow directly from the Great Universal mind into the receiver/transmitter station of the earthly minds that their owners consciously tuned into its frequencies. This shows their willingness to act as channels for what the Highest Forces wish to present to your world at any given time.

The understanding of the truth behind the surface words of the Jesus tales is of great significance for the present phase of humankind’s spiritual development. Even though the story in truth is but a legend, it was presented to your world as if every word of it were literally true. The purpose of this exercise was keeping humankind away from discovering the higher purpose of its earthly existence, of God’s true nature as well as its own and every human being’s special relationship with its Creator. God’s great plan of life provided that these things should be revealed only when the right time for doing so had come, which would be the case when the Aquarian age had been reached.

That’s why God and the Angels for some time have been revealing to your world that the only true saviour and redeemer of you and your world is the Christ Spirit because Jesus is but a symbolism that stands for the higher God or Christ nature of every human being. At the moment of its first appearance and the earthly plane a tiny spark of the Christ light is planted by God and the Angels in its heart where it remains in a slumbering state. Through the experiences of everyone’s earthly life the spark slowly begins to wake up. The Divine qualities of honesty and truth, tolerance and goodwill towards all manifestations of life are aspects of its Divine nature in all of you. These characteristics eventually are brought forth from deep within your own being. And that’s how, with the passing of time, the Christ Spirit ever more comes down to the Earth and brings peace, balance and harmony with it.

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21 Apr, 2020
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