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In The Healing Temple Of The Sun
In The Healing Temple Of The Sun

In The Healing Temple Of The Sun


Looking At The Year 2020 – Part Eight

Imagine that you and I, together with our Guardian Angels, are standing on the shores of a lake in the world of light. Its water looks like mother-of-pearl and appears to be perfectly still, but then we notice that it is gently moving and that its colour is constantly changing. Another Angel joins us who introduces itself as the keeper of the lake and explains that it is a healing lake. Sensing that we are in need of healing, it tells us that the best way of starting this process is to slowly and deeply keep on breathing in the love of God, until every cell and atom of our whole being is filled with it and white wings of healing light have wrapped themselves around us.

The Angel explains that although God’s healing light looks white, in truth it contains every colour of the rainbow and each one has a different healing quality. For example, green is cleansing, blue brings deep feelings of peace and relaxation, a golden shade of yellow restores hope, faith and trust in the Highest and also vitality, the different shades of purple assist the opening of humankind’s higher consciousness and so forth. Just by looking at us the Angel knows what colours are going to be most beneficial for us. So it takes us by the hand and walks with us into the lake. The water is soft and warm; it supports us well and our movements are peaceful and effortless. Floating in it feels like being held and protected by the loving arms of the Great Father/Mother. Refreshed and cleansed we leave the water after a while. Thanking the Angel of the lake, we say good-bye.

Our whole being is open to the beauty and wonder of the spirit realm. It is filled with the rosy glow of dawn and we notice that one of the stars in the sky above us shines with particular brilliance. Our Guardian Angels have taken over again and one of them explains that what we are looking at is Venus, the planet of love and peace, beauty and harmony. In earthly life it is the planetary ruler of Taurus, the feminine fixed Earth sign of the builder. Here Venus appears as the Morning Star. Venus also rules the cardinal Air sign Libra, the masculine sign dedicated to the development of marriages, partnerships and all other kinds of relationships. Here Venus appears as the Evening Star. ‘As a matter of fact,’ the Angel says, ‘what you are looking at is a good omen that a new developmental phase of the whole of Creation and therefore also for the whole of humankind and its world, is progressing well.

The Sun’s light together with that of the Morning Star creates a pathway of healing light across the lake’s water. At first it’s just a narrow strip, but it soon widens out and becomes a golden highway into the heart of the Sun. Hand in hand with the Angels we are walking into the love and warmth of the Sun that’s drawing us ever closer into its loving embrace and our whole being joyously responds. A circular temple comes into view that is supported by seven mighty pillars and filled with light. We walk up seven steps and enter the temple through a golden arch. One of the Angels explains that the pillars represent the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of God. As executors of God’s great plan of life, they are in charge of and responsible for the evolutionary development of the whole of Creation, including us and our world.

The Angel continues: ‘What you see on the altar of the temple is the holy grail of the consciousness of the Great Father/Mother of all life, from which their love constantly flows into every cell and atom that exists in the whole of Creation, nurturing and caring for it at all times. And wherever something is in need of healing and putting right, God’s love does its best to restore its normal healthy functioning. If you would like to find out more about this, how about visiting the Halls of Learning?’ When we nod in agreement, our Angels take us to the hall where the Angels of Sagittarius, the zodiac’s sign dedicated to the development of humankind’s superconscious faculties, hold their lectures.

When we enter that hall, the Sagittarian Angel at the lectern interrupts its flow and greets us with these words: Everything you will ever hear in these halls is the truth and that includes scientific subjects. In this realm no-one is exposed to the assumptions and the more or less inspired guesses that some of your earthly scientists indulge in, in the hope that this will enable them to join the ranks of highly paid pop-star scientists. Many in your world to this day believe that the event of the earthly sciences has put an end to the notion of God, the Creator.

How could there be a Creation without a creator? Nothing comes from nothing, nothing ever could and nothing ever will do. But there will come a time in the not too distant future when everybody on the earthly plane will know that the only thing your scientists can do is trying to understand the Great Architect and Designer’s laws that are the basis of all life , on every one of its levels and that throughout the whole of Creation, not merely on your planet. There is no need for humankind to do away with the notion of God as the Creator of everything that exists anywhere. The only thing that’s required is a better understanding of who or what God truly is.

However, let’s return to the creative ideas that are constantly flowing from the Great Father’s mind and how they are brought into manifestation on the material plane. The material for anything that is brought into being in the whole of Creation is the Christ Star’s light. For the material world the Father’s will reduces the light’s vibrations and the power of his thoughts projects his ideas to the Great Mother. Her love and wisdom decides which ones should be brought into being and where, and that could be anywhere in the whole of Creation.

When one of the Father’s ideas starts to manifest itself in the matter of your world, at first it can only do so in a crude and unevolved state. That which in earthly life is perceived as evil is in truth merely the early phase of development. In particular this applies to the earthly personality of human beings. The evolutionary journey of every individual spirit/soul may take hundreds, thousands and in some cases millions of lifetimes. From the moment of their first appearance in the material world the Divine Trinity constantly draws them, the same as all its creations, forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. And that’s how they slowly but surely evolve into ever more accomplished and sophisticated, beautiful and perfect manifestations of the ideas that exist in the Father’s mind.

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20 Apr, 2020
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