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A dreary morning. The sun is barely shining through the clouds and the rain is falling at a light rate. Mother had to leave. Father had a business trip and I am all alone. No siblings, no pets, no nothing. The closest person that would be considered family would be my next door neighbor Molly. She’s my babysitter. For two years now since I was six, Molly was there when my parents asked her to watch over me when they left for a date, went out with friends or just left in general. Whatever it was, she was there. I like her. Doesn’t get mad at me, leaves me be and takes good care of me. Molly’s eighteen with long dark hair and always dresses… I don’t even know how to describe it. Gothish like with a wool hat. Maybe a white punk band t-shirt, but that’s about all she looks to me. She also can cook well. I like that. Mom doesn’t know what good food tastes like and dad only knows how to grill. So when Molly makes food, it’s paradise. Mom said she would be right over as soon as possible. It’s been about 10 minutes. Seems to me Molly wasn’t gonna come. Suddenly,

“Knock knock! Alex, you there? Please open the door for me.”
I walk over and peer through the door window trying to see the top of her head. Yep, it’s Molly. Long black hair and that black wool hat, who else could it be?
I unlock the door and open it.
“Hi.” She says crouching down.
I hear the rain is getting heavier and stronger with winds starting to blow briskly.
“How are you doing today?” She asked
“Fine. You?”
“Seeing you is a great day always.”
She walks in and sets her backpack down on the ground beside the door. I don’t think she ever keeps anything in there. It is always laying down flattened with the shape of a box in it. Must be a computer or book or something. Or she just has it to make herself look smarter. She walks around and into the kitchen. She looks at the fridge and sees a note stuck to it with a magnet. She reads the note and says, “Okay, looks like your parents are going to be gone the whole day and come back late a night.”
There’s not much to say for me. She told me what I already read. She responds with emotion of wanting to do something fun, but sarcastically genuine in a way.
“What do you want to do?” Gesturing that we do something together.
This is strange. She asked me what I want to do. She never does that. Usually we go our separate ways and wait for my parents to come back. Now she wants to do something with me. This doesn’t seem right. She repeats the same thing in a different phrase. I respond confused.
“I’ a book?”
“What? Alex, you never read a book. You hate books.”
“I know. I’m just confused on why you asked me,” mocking her, “What do you want to do?”
“Well, Alex. I thought that since it is raining outside, we would be stuck in here and to not be just bored, we could do something.”

Molly’s staring at me with those “happy” looking eyes. I respond just wanting her to turn away.
“We could just watch a movie.”
“Great. What were you thinking?”
“I heard Midnite Voice is good.”
“Alex,” she replies in a tone of obviousness as to shun me for my attempt, “Isn’t that movie PG-13? Besides, you know your parents don’t allow you to watch scary movies.”
“Yeah they do.” I respond trying to make it sound sincere even though it’s not true. “My parents let me just a month ago, they let me watch movies that are PG-13. Don’t believe me?” I then thought, “Call them.”
“Okay, I will.”

My parents have a rule. Don’t pick up the phone when they are with company or on a date unless the person calls back twice in a row.
Molly is dialing right now. God. I hope my parents don’t pick up the phone. The rings seem as if they are forever.
Ring… Ring… Ring… Ring...
Yes. My parents didn’t pick up. Molly sighs slightly and gets into a serious tone.
“Okay Alex, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. BUT... We have to watch it during the day. I don’t want to deal with you being scared tonight after watching it in the dark and I for sure don’t want you to have to fall asleep next to me, okay. I don’t roll that way. And don't tell your parents. I don't want to get screwed over. Got it?”
I respond with enthusiasm, “Got it.”

Hours go by after watching it. It wasn’t that scary. So a few people got murdered by a stranger in their home. What’s the deal? There is a real world out there where people are far worse monsters.
It’s getting dark now and the moon is starting to come out and the rain fizzles away. Molly yells up the stairs to me to brush my teeth and get ready for bed.
“Alex, better get in bed quickly or you won’t be able to wake up tomorrow!”
“I’m almost done!”
“Almost done isn’t done!”
Seconds go by,
“DONE!” I shout
“Good, now get to bed!”
I shut the door and walked to my bed. Starting to fall asleep in my blue pajamas, I sense my surroundings are going quiet, numbing my senses as hands are during the winter months with the cold. Dark, silence…A door crashes on the wall.

I sprung my eyes open, wide awake. My clock flashing 11:20. Outside in the hallway, there is a light outlining my bedroom door that fades away. I walk steadily and slowly towards the door, grab the knob and twist it with mixed emotions inside me creaking the door open to see the hallway light is off. Tip toeing to the stairs passing by all the doors I have seen are all open with nobody upstairs including my parents. Venturing to look over the railing I see a shadowy figure just walking outside of my view going underneath the hallway below me. I start to crawl down the steps to keep the noise down. All the lights are off and only the edging of tables, doors and a room are seen with the moonlight as the person's flashlight sits facing towards the ceiling. I didn’t know who it was. If it was Molly, she would’ve came up or shouted my name, something, she would’ve done something. I check to see if she did leave. I look around the corner of the wall and see that her backpack is gone. Now I am terrified. Don’t know who it is or what to do. The sound of drawers opening and someone rummaging through them fills the house. I try to sneak out the front door without noise. The person is still in the kitchen and me, sliding to the door to get out. I push the door... I push the door again. It didn’t budge. Like something is blocking it from the outside. After noticing there is a strap underneath the door jamming it, I accidently let the handle slip out of my hand in shock and a loud click broke the sound in the of the person’s rummaging immediatley. I scurried into the closet next to me. This time I make sure the handle doesn’t slip out, grasping it tight like a bull rider’s glove to a rope. Shutting the door ever so gracefully, no sound made. Slowly start backing up till I touch the wall with my back and hide behind the ironing stand. Footsteps come towards the closet. The bolt of the door clicks open. My body begins to tremble. The closet door carousels slowly open to let moonlight that was once extinct in the closet now thrives with the persons dark imaging standing just outside the entrance. Whoever it was probabley knows where I am and wants the moment to last. The person takes two steps into the closet to stop and raise his arm back towards the door. Quietly, the moonlight disappears and the door shuts behind him. Leaving me in the dark with the stranger

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About This Story
15 Apr, 2020
Read Time
7 mins
5.0 (1 review)

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