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Greetings From The Wise One Within

The Spiritual Background Of Miscarriages (10)

Observations Of A Stargazer

Sunday 28th November 2021

Whatsoever we perpetrate, we do but row.
We are steered by fate.’
Samuel Butler

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‘We all have to row with the oars life has given us.’
English Folk Wisdom

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Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever Gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeoning of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade.
And yet, the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me, unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate
And the captain of my soul.

How good it is to know that:
Even though I am responsible for every one of
My thoughts, words and actions,
The Highest forces of life have always been
Steering my boat. All I ever had to do was row.
You, O Great Father/Mother of all life
Are the Admiral of my destiny’s fleet,
And my spirit guides are piloting me safely through
The treacherous waters of my earthly existence.
At the end of each lifetime, one of Your Angels takes
Me into the world of spirit and that’s my true home.
It’s harbour lights shine warmer and more welcoming
Than those of any other place I have ever been.
Each time my anchor is dropped there,
I can see plenty of evidence that
All is well with me and my world,
And that forever it will be so.

Having got as far as I presently am
On my evolutionary journey,
It’s good to know that:
Every human being is a great deal more than
A mere earthly personality.
The essence of everybody is spirit/soul.
A long time ago, it’s existence started as
A tiny spark of the Universal Christ’s light.
In the course of many lifetimes,
The strength of everybody’s own light
Constantly increases.

Every human being is as much part of God
As God is part of every one of us.
We are eternal beings who can and will never die.
The spirit realm is our true home,
From which all of us emerge at the beginning
Of each new lifetime and return to,
As soon as it has run its course.
Nobody is ever snuffed out like a candle.
One of the Angels of Death takes our spirit/soul
By the hand and moves us into
Another dimension of life, that’s all.

A high and holy destiny is in store for every one of us.
And because spirit guides and helpers are constantly
Accompanying us, we shall never get lost in
The vastness of the Universe’s space and time.
That’s why we shall always be safe wherever
The lessons of the earthly school of life
May still need to take us.
Everything that ever happened there served
The wise higher purpose of teaching humankind,
Individually and collectively, something.

So let’s be grateful for everything that has been
And be glad that, for as long as we send nothing but
Good, right and beautiful thoughts, words and actions
Into our world, nothing but the same will return to us,
In due course, when our karmic debts have been paid.
O Great Father/Mother of all life and Your
Only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ,
We stand in awe and wonder before the
Greatness and beauty of Your Creation.
Forever we shall be singing the praises
Of Your wisdom and love that have
Brought us and our world to this point,
Each on their own evolutionary spiral
And all together that of our world.

William Ernest Henley
Edited by Aquarius
Updated February 2021

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28 Nov, 2021
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