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Is Blood Really Thicker Than Water?
Is Blood Really Thicker Than Water?

Is Blood Really Thicker Than Water?


The Aquarian Writings : Epilogue (4)

What about blood relationships? Are they really stronger than water? It’s by no means blood that brings us together in one lifetime after another, but karmic bonds. They are tying our fate and destiny together like cast iron chains, and love and forgiveness are the only way such connections can be dissolved. And when our spiritual development has advanced sufficiently, it’s important to first forgive ourselves for what we once did to the person at the other end of the karmic chain. If we had not done this, which could have happened in one of our lifetimes of long ago, there would have been no need for them to behave towards us the way they have done.

Memories of everything that ever happened during any of our earthly sojourns are stored deep within the subconscious part of every human being. And that’s necessary for our own protection, for if we knew what we have been up to in some of our previous lifetimes, especially during the early parts of our earthly education, it would be impossible to live with ourselves, never mind forgiving. Alas, every bit of it was unavoidable because as a young God in the making it was necessary to be familiarised with the lower and lowest drives and urges of our earthly nature, as well as the highest.

Whatever happened has been an essential part of our long evolutionary journey. It takes every human being from experiencing first hand their own and everybody else’s lower and lowest characteristics. From there we steadily travel onwards and upwards. Each on their own evolutionary spiral is constantly reaching out for and developing, ever more with the passing of time, the highest, noblest and best that’s within them.

Each time we leave earthly life behind and return to our home, the spirit realm, the characteristics of our personality are stored in the memories of our soul, in the subconscious part of our being. For as long as they remain undisturbed, they have the power of influencing us and our life in either positive or negative ways. The only way karmic debts that could have been incurred many lifetimes ago, can be paid is through finding ourselves, during one of our later times on the Earth, on the receiving end of that which we once handed out all too freely and liberally. We did this for the simple reason that at this stage of our development we were as yet as unaware of what our earthly existence is about, as the people who are making us suffer later.

That’s how the infinite love and wisdom of the Great Father/Mother, through the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma, takes the greatest of care of every one of their beloved children of the Earth. The Divine justice is perfect and that’s why, in the fullness of time, everything we send into our world eventually returns to us like a boomerang. And yet, the kindness of our Divine parents provides that this should only come about to any of us when we have spiritually matured sufficiently to cope with what comes our way. This is the reason why we first need to forgive ourselves and then those who in this lifetime hurt and wounded us.

Because of this, to my mind, no-one can come to the conclusion that ultimately, any one of us is truly guilty of anything. After all, aren’t we all children at school or students in the great University of earthly life, who are doing nothing but attending the lessons every one of us needs. And just like in any school on the earthly plane, in the spiritual one no-one is basically guilty of anything. When at last the curriculum of one of our earthly schools has been completed, the only thing we get is a certificate that proves we have taken part in it.

Then we are released into the greater freedom of adult life and that, for every human spirit/soul, is the whole of the spirit realm. Even though we cannot see them for a long time, spirit friends and helpers have always accompanied us. Forever they will be showing us suitable outlets for our gifts where they can shine and unfold to full blossoming stage through being welcome and appreciated. It’s good to find out at last that we have not spent many lifetimes developing and preening our talents for nothing, that all along they have served a wise higher purpose. And that’s how even the last one of us will eventually be able to do their share of transforming our world into a more beautiful and agreeable place for everything that shares it with us, not merely humankind.

I look forward to returning to the spirit realm and at last can see my spirit friends and helpers, to thank them properly for always having taken such good care of me. Communication with them will then be much easier in general, although the spirit realm is a world of thought where our spoken languages do not exist. And that’s the only difference between the two worlds in which every one of us, without exception, constantly takes part without for a long time being aware that the material outer part of our world also has an inner spiritual counterpart.

When all is said and done, ultimately aren’t those who are causing us to suffer in truth earthly life’s best teachers, because through their behaviour they are showing us how we do not wish to be. I thank every person who provided this valuable service to me and I am most certainly not joking. For example, my eldest sister taught me the value of truth. Every time she opened her mouth to say something one could never be sure whether it was true or not. That’s how at a young age, my sister was five years older, she taught me to look carefully behind things and never to believe anything at face value, whatever anyone said. With the passing of time, I ever more developed the habit that only if something makes sense and my inner feelings reacts with ‘this is true!’ to it, then for me it really is. It stood me in good stead and served me well since starting to write about spiritual matters.

And then, my dearest Julia, when one of these days, you return to the spirit realm, the way your parents did before you, you will be leaving your earthly nature behind, when one of the Angels of transformation returns your spirit/soul to humankind’s true home, the spirit realm. While we are there, we are nothing but spirit/soul because there is no place for anything else. The earthly personality we played in each lifetime was a role we played and that’s shed like a costume at the stage door upon our return to the spirit realm. The earthly personalities’ characteristics we have developed when we left the earthly plane, each time are stored in the subconscious part of our being. We pick them up again when we reincarnate once more into earthly life.

The spiritual development of every human being starts from tiny spark of the Christ Star’s light. It’s a journey that continues until we have evolved into a Christed one; each does this in their own right And at every developmental stage, the spirit/soul that dwells within its own physical body is that person’s higher God or Christ nature. This part of our being never has any difficulties recognising the mistakes its earthly counterpart makes in the course of each lifetime as a material being in a material world.

When our spirit/soul has gone home into the spirit realm, it consults with the wise ones in charge of our evolutionary journey. They advise us of the best way our next earthly personality can make amends for where it so far failed, maybe in all its previous lifetimes and in particular the most recent one. Naturally this also applies to you and me, dear Julia, when we have returned home once more. And that’s sure to also have happened to any set of parents, not only yours and mine but everybody’s who ever reached the end of one of their earthly lifetimes.

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24 Feb, 2022
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