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Is A Degree Of Sanity Returning At Last?
Is A Degree Of Sanity Returning At Last?

Is A Degree Of Sanity Returning At Last?


To Jab Or Not To Jab – Part Fifteen

Healthy signs are coming my way from different parts of our world that a degree of sanity is returning to us. There is sufficient evidence by now that many people in the USA, the United Kingdom and Germany, to name but three countries, are refusing to take part in the swine flu vaccinations. To give you but one example, on the 15th October 2009, the following information was sent to me by a friend, who in turn had received it from one of his friends who works in a National Health Hospital in the United Kingdom: ‘According to a survey by a regional doctor’s health insurance association, sixty percent of doctors in the German federal state of North Rhine Westphalia are not prepared to participate in the mass ‘swine flu’ vaccination campaign organised by the government. If the need arises, the doctors who are willing to participate have to agree to administer the jabs in tents in market squares. Each one will be allocated to work in special ‘vaccination centres’ in government buildings and public spaces, for example market squares, in what is surely going to be not only the biggest but also the most bizarre mass vaccination campaign in history.’

According to reports in the German media on the 3rd October of this year, officials representing the federal states of Germany are insisting on new talks between the German Ministry of Health and the pharmaceutical companies. They request that, because of its dangerous side effects, the new swine flu jabs should not contain the adjuvant ‘Squalene’. GlaxoSmithKline has a major production facility for the flu jabs in Dresden, Thuringia. According to a spokesperson, representatives of the Federal Ministry of Health and of Thuringia are going to discuss with the pharmaceutical industry how to produce the new Swine Flu jab and when. This move has come after growing opposition in Germany over the inherent dangers of the flu jabs that are presently available.

Wolfram Hartmann, the head of the German Paediatrician’s Association, said that the German government should not have ordered vaccines that contain mercury and adjuvants, especially not for children. The Pharma industry is arguing that mercury is necessary because multi dose vials are used instead of single injections. Relatives and friends in Germany confirmed that the information received was correct.

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21 Feb, 2020
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