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Jupiter’s Blessings In Aquarius
Jupiter’s Blessings In Aquarius

Jupiter’s Blessings In Aquarius

1 Review

Nothing But The Truth : The Whole Truth – Part Eleven

My Kind Of Astrology

The mutable Fire sign Sagittarius is dedicated to the development of humankind’s super-conscious faculties. It’s planetary ruler is the benevolent expansive and yes, gaseous Jupiter. Many by now are aware that Aquarius is the sign of siblinghood and friendship with all manifestations of life. It’s also the sign of truth that flows directly from the highest levels of life into all human minds that are tuned into its frequencies and therefore are capable of receiving its messages. On top of all that, Aquarius is the sign of group consciousness in which humankind’s highest dreams and aspirations will eventually find fulfilment.

On 20th December 2020 Jupiter moved into Aquarius, where it will remain until December 2021. The merging of energies this produces is going to be particularly beneficial for bringing our world’s present state to a surprising and happy ending. Saturn and Uranus are the planetary co-rulers of Aquarius. Saturn’s energies have a restricting and crystallising effect on everything they come into contact with. This is going to counteract the gullibility that can be the hallmark of the Jupiterian energies in Sagittarius and the ninth house, Jupiter’s home sign and house.

Jupiter together with Neptune co-rules Pisces and the twelfth house. At the beginning of December 2019 Jupiter moved into Capricorn, the sign that rules large institutions and organisations of our world.

Would it surprise you if I told you that Sagittarius is the zodiac’s sign of showpeople, storytellers and yes, con-people and that our world’s religious institutions are ruled by this sign? What about men enjoying to appear on their church’s stages in colourful women’s garments? Or the wilder, more outrageous and less credible their stories turn out to be, the better their tellers like them? Our world’s legends bear witness to this and in particular Christianity’s Jesus legend. That’s because wherever Jupiter’s energies enter the picture, gullibility rears its head. The many problems this has always brought to our world and is doing to this day, has created ever more opportunities for deepening the effect of life’s lessons in the earthly school of life.

This is particularly helpful during the early stages of our earthly development, when we are still at the mercy of our lower animal nature’s endless desires. As a result, we are so gullible that we quite happily believe just about anything we hear, see or read. We grab it because it sounds to us that it represents some kind of what we, in our innocence – or rather ignorance – think of as a ‘Gospel truth’. We are still a long way from discovering that what came our way wasn’t truth at all.

Fast forward many lifetimes. When we have become sufficiently evolved, the scales begin to fall from our eyes at last. Our inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, through its reactions shows us that stories like those of the Bible cannot possibly be taken at face value. It tells us that the same is true for the tales of our world’s troublemakers and scaremongers, and that it’s the pharma industry who rewards them for spreading ever more preposterous lies, on its behalf.

That’s how, with the passing of time, every one of us is eventually guided by their Highest Self to discover that all legends that ever appeared in our world were inspired by God and the Angels. But only in the fullness of time, when the energies are right and allow it, the higher esoteric meanings that have always been hiding behind each tale’s surface words, can be recognise.

What is it that makes people so gullible that they swallow everything that comes their way, even the most unlikely stories? It looks like a left-over from the Piscean age, the age of blind faith, lying and cheating, deception of the self and others and corruption. The pandemic is an essential aspect of redeeming the karmic debts that accumulated not only in the course of the approx. 2,400 years of the Piscean age, but all others since the beginning of the patriarchal religions with their false belief of an all-male God-head.

The age of truth has been with us for quite a while by now. Isn’t it the highest time that ever more of us let go of the old false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices that have accompanied our race for such a long time? How about assisting some of the died-in-the-wool Christians around you, who still believe that every word of the Bible is literally true? Wouldn’t you like to help them make some progress on their personal evolutionary journey through finding out what their scriptures are really trying to tell humankind? Isn’t it time they used their earthly minds for doing some thinking of their own, instead of allowing themselves to be guided like sheep and believe in something that’s outdated and not true?

Our earthly minds are wonderful instruments. They are the receiver/transmitter station of ideas that have always been flowing from the highest levels of life into our world. This mind was not given to any one of us for nothing and to understand the true meaning of the incoming ideas, the mind is in need of constantly being fine-tuned into the frequencies of the Highest. Every one of them has always been waiting to eventually evolve into another channel through which the wisdom and truth of the Highest one day are going to flow without dilution onto the earthly plane, to be used for the blessing and healing of our world. Without training the earthly mind this is impossible.

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25 Mar, 2021
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