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Just A Thought Away
Just A Thought Away

Just A Thought Away


Be A Miracle Worker – Part Twenty-One

There’s a place somewhere,
Where loved ones meet
After leaving the earthly plane.
It’s not some far distant heavenly place,
But on the inner spiritual level of earthly life,
A world that is never
Further away than a thought.

It is a world of warmth and light,
Healing and love, where
Fear and anger, loneliness and pain
Are shed and left behind at the threshold.
When human spirits and souls have rested
And recuperated sufficiently from
The trauma of earthly life,
This is the place from which we eventually
Set off on yet another earthly learning quest
That helps us to grow some more
In wisdom and understanding.

Every time we have attended another round of
Earth life’s tests, trials and tribulations,
We return to this place for rest, comfort and healing.
The ministering Angels
And many other spirit friends and helpers
Are there to attend to our needs.
Wise beyond compare,
Knowing the answers to our questions,
They accompany and advise us.

Once more we have found out
From first hand experience
That there really is no death,
And that all worlds and beings,
Including your loved ones and you,
Always have been and forever will be
Safely enfolded in the loving embrace
Of the Universal Forces.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

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About This Story
17 Feb, 2020
Read Time
1 min
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