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Keeping Our Cool
Keeping Our Cool

Keeping Our Cool


To Jab Or Not To Jab – Part Five

So, what can we, as individuals, sensibly do to counteract this kind of negativity and any other? Most of all by keeping our cool and not allowing ourselves to be dragged into any of it. Every small effort we make to remain firmly in the positive thought flow counts. It is greatly appreciated by the higher and Highest forces, who are all around us and working with us and through us.

This can be effectively supported by positive affirmations like: ‘We and our world rest safely in the loving hands of God and the Angels.’ Speak the words out loud! Be creative and make up sentences that really appeal to you and whose positivity you can feel vibrating through your whole being, each time you send them out into the Universe. Most of all, refuse to worry about this particular flu or any other. Trusting that all will be well and that all life rests safely in the loving hands of the Highest Forces of life, who with the help of this want us to see the matter more clearly, that’s the best insurance policy anyone can have against catching it.

So, for as long as the idea of the swine flu has not been dissipated, you catch a cold, don’t panic and react with: ‘Have I got the swine flu?’ Stay calm and reassure you that it’s just a cold. Even if it’s a severe one, the type everybody gets from time to time, most important of all refuse to go into fear mode. Treat it as you would any cold by staying at home, drinking plenty of fluids and resting, until you feel better. No matter what happens, refuse the jab because from it you could contract the flu much more easily than from anything else.

As far as the pharmaceutical industry and the mass media are concerned, the swine flu affair all along has been about making money, great masses of it. In my view, it never had anything to do with caring for the wellbeing of the people of our world. Sad, but true! Yet, we are by no means helpless and no-one can force us to take part in this madness or any other. Knowing that this – the same as everything else that is and happens in our world – rests safely in the hands of God and the Angels, sets us free to choose sending thoughts of hope and trust instead of fearsome ones into our world. Projecting positive and loving thought vibrations into the pool of collective consciousness is making a valuable contribution towards helping the vibrations of mass hysteria to subside. Surely, we owe that to ourselves, each other and our poor beleaguered world, who has deserved something much better.

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9 Feb, 2020
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