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Laughter And Tears
Laughter And Tears

Laughter And Tears


About Joy And Sorrow – Part B

Laughter And Tears

You may well be asking yourself by now: ‘But how do joy and sorrow fit into the picture?’ Laughter and tears have their origin in the same source, and the deeper we are capable of feeling sorrow, the higher our joy can lift us when we recover and are resurrected and ready for fresh experiences. Every new lifetime is a gift from the Universe. It is the pleasure of our Highest Self, who provides us with it so that we should grow and learn some more. Its joy is the mask for our earthly self’s sorrow at the prospect of having to spend yet another time enduring the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune of the Earth plane and its harshness, suffering and pain.

Once upon a time, maybe many lifetimes ago, it may well have been our pleasure creating the things the law of Karma is now unerringly returning to us. The small earthly part of us weeps and mourns when this happens, but our spirit and soul rejoice and smile because they know that any sorrow that has to be born in earthly life helps our consciousness to expand in wisdom and understanding. When looked at in the right light, our lower self is the cup of bitterness for our spirit and soul’s joy, because the only way we can become wise and strong is by being fired in the kiln of Earth’s experiences.

The evolutionary pathway of every human soul starts with being a useless and unruly creature, in pursuit of very little but trouble, strife and pleasure. In the course of many lifetimes we move round and round the zodiac, until we have evolved into a reliable, responsible and useful member of society, whose main aim is to do our share of making our planet a more pleasant, peaceful and beautiful place for all its lifeforms. We have to become like trees and that in many different ways. Like branches our hopes and dreams, aspirations and visions need to reach up into the higher and highest regions of life, Heaven, our prayers asking for the highest good and the greatest joy of all. The roots of our tree search deep into Mother Earth, to draw from her the required sustenance and strength. And the shade of our branches offers rest, peace and healing to weary travellers on life’s journey. they can still their spiritual hunger from the fruits from our tree and quench their thirst for the Divine from the sap that can be gained by tapping into its trunk.

Like us, trees experience pain and sorrow. They too are part of the Great Mother’s wisdom and love. Let’s make no mistake about it, trees have a spirit that is similar to ours. When the woodmen arrive with their chainsaws and axes to cut some trees down, they smile and bear the pain. They are strong and brave because they know instinctively that their wood will be transformed into useful and beautiful things, like musical instruments for soothing and calming distressed human spirits and souls.

When the spark of the Divine in us eventually rises from its slumber and the characteristics of the Great Father/Mother come alive, we too ever more clearly recognise the necessity for experiencing the joys as well as the sorrows of our existence. Our inner vision opens and we see that the wisdom gained through them makes us stronger and more resilient. Trusting the wisdom and goodness of life is easier when we have experienced first hand that in the end everything always comes right and true again. Wise ones appreciate that beautiful earthly human beings are not born and just happen, they have to grow. That helps them to bear whatever may still have to come their way with greater patience and fortitude.

The wise ones know that such virtues can only grow in human beings through living their lives forwards and learning from every experience that comes their way. The knowledge they are gaining all along assists them with happily moving ever forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. Being guided by their Highest Self and trusting it, they no longer feel any need to hang on to the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions of the past.

And that is how each one of us in the end slowly but surely moves on from being a troublesome and belligerent, destructive and power-seeking, irresponsible and over-consuming burden to Mother Earth, into a veritable jewel in God’s crown on the Earth plane. We shall then be worthy of being called true sons/daughters of God, caretakers and keepers of their home planet, and of being entrusted with the guarding of its treasures for future generations.

From ‘The Milk Is White’: ‘Our earthly learning process can be likened to a very large jigsaw puzzle. At first there is a mass of little bits that make no meaningful picture. Subsequently, as we read, listen, analyse, accept and practice, pieces fall into place little by little and the picture grows. Apparently unconnected areas may develop but these coalesce, as time goes by. In any event, we become aware of progress and the picture builds up to make more and more sense. In later stages, however, as the picture fills out, we find that the border keeps moving outwards and the size and scope of the picture increase. This is because, until such time as we are fully enlightened, we will not have the full picture. Perhaps not even then, as there may be finishing touches to be made in other less dense planes of vibration.’

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17 Jan, 2019
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4 mins
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