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Learn How To Use Your Lie-Detector

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Honesty & Truth : The New World Order – Part Six

Jon Rappaport : A Voice Of Truth

Jon having been born on the 15th April means that his main pathway is that of teacher and healer. Why? 1 = the Sun, 5 = Mercury, planetary ruler of the teaching and healing sign of Virgo, the harvest sign that has the power of bringing the spiritual fruits of someone’s own learning onto the earthly plane, so others can also make use of them. The day of Jon’s birth reveals that although he is a Sun Aries, he is also a Virgo. The motto of this sign is ‘First healer heal thyself and then share your learning with anyone who can make use of it.’

I wonder whether Jon’s efforts of helping our world to do just that through finding the truth behind our world’s present situation will be receiving their just reward towards the end of this lifetime, which he is likely to have reached at his present age of eighty-two. He is doing this without asking for anything in return because, like me, he obviously believes that spiritual knowledge belongs to everybody and should not be sold to the highest bidders.

Jon tells us that he worked thirty years as a detective and that to this day, he teaches private clients about expanding their personal creative power. It’s a picture book unfoldment of using the gifts and talents he developed in the course of many previous lifetimes, so they could be brought to full unfoldment in this one. Colombo, the TV detective played by Peter Falk, provided us with fine examples of Scorpio’s ability of getting onto the trail of any kind of crime that had been committed and how his highly sensitive senses could unfailingly lead him to those who had committed them.

Virgo’s planetary ruler is Mercury, the winged messenger of Roman mythology. He was known and loved for stealing the fire of the Gods – their ideas – to bring comfort and healing to the suffering of humankind on the earthly plane. These ideas have always been flowing intuitively into our world through people like Jon. That’s how the planetary energies of Mercury, God and the Angels using us as its channels, to this day are doing their best to bring us the truth about the background of our world’s present strange situation. They are not only doing this to relieve humankind’s suffering at any given time, but so that through ever more of learning from our experiences, suffering will eventually have gone from our world completely. Jon is a good example of what kind of an influence Mercury’s energies can have on someone’s pathway through life.

Healing and peace can only come to our world through a better understanding of the processes of life and the purpose of humankind’s existence on this plane. Ultimately, it’s up to each one of you, dear Friends, to decide how in your view Jon and Bill are influencing our world’s present situation. It seems to me that Bill is working hard to make the truth disappear, while Jon is doing his best to bring it back by revealing it. This is what George Orwell had to say about this kind of situation: ‘The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.’ Mark Twain added to this: ‘It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.’

It looks to me that Jon had to work his way through another very difficult lifetime, so he could enter the final stage of Scorpio’s development. Now he really is the dove of peace who works exceedingly hard to bring the truth about the present situation to our world, so that peace may come to it. I wonder whether Bill will have the strength to manage all three stages in one lifetime. As this is a very special time of transformation when our world evolves into an altogether more spiritual place, with the help and will of God and the Angels he can do it, but only then. Time alone can tell. Nothing short of a miracle can bring it about. And Bill’s Moon progressions are telling me that entering the third Scorpio stage could be on the cards or rather ‘written in the Stars’ for him, as these are indeed the days of miracles and wonders, as Paul Simon in one of his ‘Under African Sky’ songs says.

A while ago, someone wrote and I could not agree more: ‘Bill Gates does not have his own children vaccinated or let them use his cell phone. Makes you wonder why. Anything that someone says against Bill Gates and the vaccine is considered a conspiracy. The interesting thing is that the media is a reverse conspiracy. They put on the news they want you to hear so that when the real news hits, it looks like fake news. And to answer any questions about what does Bill Gates have to do with vaccines, next to the United States government, Bill Gates is the second largest funder of the world health organisation. Clearly the more money you have invested, the more your vote counts and the more you can push the use of vaccines. In my view, the pharmaceutical industry is a multibillion dollar legal drug pushing industry that kills people and that quite legally. Good work, if you can get it!’

Pay attention to how your inner guidance reacts to those words. And do the same with Jon Rappaport’s contributions provided at the beginning of this part of my writings. Your built-in lie-detector will tell you without fail who is speaking the truth.

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11 Feb, 2021
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