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Leaving All Your Fears Behind
Leaving All Your Fears Behind

Leaving All Your Fears Behind


The Aquarian Spiritual Transformation – Part Twenty-Two

Message Of Hope From The Spirit Realm – Part Three

‘After having rested sufficiently in our world and recovered from the stresses of the earthly plane, you will be invited to join one of the many groups of spirit friends and helpers for those on the other side of the veil that separates our worlds from each other. You will then no longer be bothered whether your most recent death certificate states that its cause was the Covid virus. You will be able to see for yourself that there never was such a thing as a life-threatening virus by that name, and that the true cause of the illnesses it is supposed to bring about in the masses of your world should by rights have quite a different name and that is FEAR.

‘The most urgent task that awaits everybody on the earthly plane is the shedding of fears. Every one of them has served the purpose of keeping you away from things for which you were unready. Having done so for long enough, they are merely waiting to be left behind, once and for all and one after the other. This first thing that’s needed for this process is the knowledge that in truth there never is anything to be afraid of and much to be looked forward to. Until recently, the fear-inducing false beliefs of the patriarchal religions about concepts like Heaven and hell, and the processes of life and death, have kept the doors to our realm firmly locked and bolted in the individual and collective consciousness of humankind. These tales were purposely designed to scare easily frightened earthly selves in many cases quite literally to death.

‘Yet, every one of you has made this journey of to and fro between your two worlds many times, in some cases thousands of them. Why is it that you don’t recall anything about them? It is because the memories of what you experienced in all your past lifetimes for a long time needed to remain tucked away in the subconscious part of your being. Because you would not be able to live with yourself if you were consciously aware of what you have been up to in those lifetimes, these memories are inaccessible under normal circumstances. And that’s why working with them for the purpose of letting go of them, once and for all, is difficult. Yet, never forget that, with the help and will of God and the Angels, all things are possible and any condition can be healed, and that without asking for help it cannot come to anyone.

‘The old religions were purposely designed to keep humankind’s inner doors firmly locked and bolted, until your world had reached the Aquarian age, the age of truth. In order to teach humankind the value of honesty and truth, these qualities were purposely withheld from your world during approx. six thousand years of patriarchy, so they would be cherished and valued beyond compare when at last they reappear on the earthly plane. The deeper this age is penetrated, the more inner doors are opening and that ever more widely, in spite of the many false beliefs that piled layer upon layer of the fears of death and the unknown into every human being’s soul memories. Having served that purpose, they are merely waiting to be removed. The truth will help you to remove them carefully and lovingly, one after the other in a process that’s not unlike the peeling of an onion.

‘We believe that the best way of overcoming all human fears is through a steadily growing understanding of how the processes of life really work and how, independent of what your world’s old religions ever brainwashed their followers into believing, they have always been affecting life in the whole of Creation, therefore also every one of you and the whole of humankind. The most urgently needed bit of wisdom for the shedding of fears is the knowledge that in truth there is no such thing as death. There never can be and will be, and that’s because the essence of every human being is spirit/soul. And that’s why like God, you are an eternal and immortal being who can never die.

‘The only thing that happens when one of you leaves their physical body behind, at the end of another earthly lifetime, as soon as its purpose has been fulfilled, is that your spirit/soul slips from the vehicle it needed for getting around on the earthly plane. This outer casing is meant to last for one lifetime only. Whenever one of you is ready to depart from the earthly plane, one of the Angels of Transformation appears and assists you with your journey from the material dimension of life into our realm of spirit or light, humankind’s true eternal home. Irrespective of what anyone’s death certificate ever stated as the cause of their departure from your plane, one of these Angels only appears when the purpose of that particular lifetime has been fulfilled, one way or another. Only then is anyone allowed to return to their eternal home, for rest and recuperation. For those who are unafraid of what’s ahead and maybe are even looking forward to the greater freedom that awaits them when they are no longer encumbered by a physical body, there is struggle. They just quietly slip away from the earthly school of life.

‘Participating in every one of its lessons is compulsory for all human beings. And yet, nobody ever forces you to do anything, either on your plane or ours. During your rest periods here, the decision whether to go ahead with applying for another earthly lifetime is entirely up to every one of you. But you can then for yourself that without further earthly sojourns you will never be able to reach the end of the earthly school’s curriculum. And as without this no further developmental progress of any kind will be possible for you, you turn to the wise ones in charge of you and seek their advice. In consultation with them you work out where, when and with whom your next earthly lifetime will be spent. And while you are here, if you feel like continuing your studies, you can go to our world’s Halls of Learning and kneel yourself into any subject that’s of interest to you.

‘That’s how you find out that since time immemorial God and the Angels have been trying to help humankind to understand their earthly existence by providing them with guidance about the behaviour of members of the animal kingdom. For example, every one of the bird species is a messenger from our realm that can tell you a great deal about yourself and your own behaviour. Swallows are of particular interest when you seek to understand what happens to every human being during the first part of its apprenticeships as a young God in the making. The springtime migration of the swallows to your world’s cold Northern climates represents humankind’s existence as physical beings on the material plane where they have to work hard on developing the various aspects of their being. Its equivalent are the periods the swallows spend in the Northern climes where they rear at least two broods of young. In particularly favourable years this can rise to three.

‘When this work has been done, the swallows leave the Northern shores behind and migrate to warmer African countries. To illustrate the value of group consciousness to humankind, swallows stick together and support each other. It’s rare to see one swallow on its own. Safely guided and protected by the Great Father/Mother’s love and wisdom, in huge swarms swallows every year without fail migrate to and fro between your world’s different climate zones. There is no breeding for them in Africa, they merely feed and rest, enjoying their freedom and building up their strength for their next journey to the North. This is the equivalent of the periods every one of you from time to time spends in our world. Free to enjoy yourself, you rest and recover from the coldness and stresses of the material plane and work on building up your strength for another lifetime on the earthly plane.

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22 Aug, 2021
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