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A Lesson of Value
A Lesson of Value

A Lesson of Value


A Lesson Of Value

Do you know what I would do, if I could live my life all over again? I would go to bed when I am sick, instead of pretending the Earth would go to pieces and my family would not survive without me. I would burn my most precious candles before they melted in storage. I would talk less and listen more. I would invite friends to dinner, even if our carpet were stained and our sofa old and faded.

I would take the time to listen to my grandfather ramblings about his youth. I would share more of the responsibilities my husband carries and expect him to be interested in mine. I would not insist that the car windows should be closed on a warm day because my hair had just been done. I would sit on a lawn without minding grass stains. I would laugh and cry less while watching television and more by observing the world around me. I would not buy anything merely because it is practical, does not get dirty too easily or is guaranteed to last a lifetime.

Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I would cherish every moment and treasure taking part in the miracle inside me. I would be proud to be a woman and feel honoured that one of God’s greatest mysteries was being created through me. I would no longer call my monthly cycle ‘the curse’, because I now know that it is a precious part of the great wisdom without which the wonder and miracle of God’s most beautiful gifts to humankind could not be given. If one of my children wanted to give me a kiss, I would not say: ‘Later. Now get washed and ready for dinner.’ I would use the words ‘I love you’ and ‘I’m sorry’ much more frequently. But mostly, when I come into my next lifetime, I shall seize every minute and take note of what’s happening inside and around me.

I shall not sweat over small things and worry about who does not like me, who has more than I have and who should be doing what. I shall cherish the relationships with those who love me. And I shall reflect frequently on what God has blessed me with and what I can do each day to create good health on all levels of my being, mentally, physically, emotionally and most of all spiritually. I shall treasure the good things of earthly life while I am there, be grateful for them and give thanks to our Father/Mother Creator for all their gifts. I am going to make the most of everything that has been given to me before this lifetime ends.

The above was written when my physical body was dying from cancer. Now that I have been in the world of spirit for some time, my message to you is: ‘Do not be afraid of death. I came to the other side and thought: ‘Why, there is nothing to it. I did not feel anything. Apart from being no longer in pain, I do not feel any different. I am still the same I was in earthly life.’

It’s really beautiful here, too. Everything I loved and treasured on the other side, I also have with me here. All the loved ones that ever left me and even the pets I lost are now with me. Had I known all that, I would not have been afraid of death or even illness. Who knows? Without fear my body may never have developed cancer. And when the Angel comes to take me home, I shall get hold of its hand happily and contentedly, knowing that I shall always be taken care of, wherever my destiny my wish to take me one of these days.

And by the way, do not believe it when anyone says to you that we come into Earth life with nothing and that we leave it in the same state. Take it from me: that is just not true. We are a spirit and soul, we are consciousness and that is what we bring with us into each new lifetime on the Earth. The learning we there draw from all our experiences help our consciousness to grow and expand. At the end of each one of our lifetimes we take with us into Eternity the sum total of everything we have learnt up to that moment. We bring it with us into every next earthly sojourn where it supports and sustains us.

No experience is ever wasted and my advice to you is: look for what you can learn from everything that is in your life. Make an effort to absorb the lessons life sends you, as that is the only way to grow and evolve. Know that everything serves a higher purpose, although it is often quite hard to recognise what that should be, it is always there. And do not forget to give thanks often for the wisdom and love of the Great Father/Mother of all life, our true parents. Thank them for creating you and allowing you to take part in earthly life, so that you may grow and mature into spiritual adulthood.

These are some of the things my most recent earthly lifetime has taught me. In all Eternity the learning I have found shall be mine. Because of it I shall be able to cope much better with earthly life next time round than during all previous occasions. This message is coming to you because I wish to share my learning with those who are still on your side of the veil, in the hope that it will help them in some way. God bless each one of you. See you around in the world of light one of these days.

Your loving sister in spirit,
Erma Bombeck
Edited by Aquarius

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8 Aug, 2018
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4 mins
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