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Letting Go
Letting Go

Letting Go

1 Review

Letting go has many implications.
It does not mean we no longer care for others,
We merely refuse to do for them
What they should be doing themselves.
It does not mean cutting ourselves off from loved ones,
But realising that we have no right to control them.
It means focussing on the experiences of our own life,
Making an effort to learn from them as much as possible.
There’s no harm in accepting that in many situations
We are powerless in any case,
Because their outcome lies in God’s hands.

Letting go does not mean
Trying to change others and piling blame onto them for anything,
When for us the time has come to
Change our own thinking and behaviour patterns,
To enable us to become
The captain of the ship of our own destiny,
Encouraging others to do the same for themselves.

Letting go does not mean
Caring for someone, but caring about them.
Fixing things for others,
But letting them do for themselves,
So they can learn from the mistakes they make
Along the pathway of their life,
Whilst we stand by to support them,
Should a genuine need for it arise.
Yet being supportive and standing by.
Judging anyone and loving them the way they are,
With whatever flaws and shortcomings we see in them.
Trying to be centre stage and pretending
To be able to arrange the outcome of things for others,
But encouraging them to come to their own conclusions
And make their own decisions,
As that’s the only way human beings can learn
How to take charge of the development
Of their character and through this of their destiny.

Letting go does not mean
Indoctrinating others, but encouraging them
To develop their own perception and through this build up
Their faith in God and the basic goodness of the life
All of us have been given and the roles we are playing in it.
Denying the things that come our way,
Without attempting to adjust them to our desire,
But accepting them gracefully and giving thanks for them.
Going with the flow and making the most of every day.

Letting go is not about
Regretting the past, but learning from the mistakes
We make along our predestined pathway through life,
Thinking with gratitude of those who helped us
To grow and evolve and become the way we are now,
That our wisdom and understanding has increased sufficiently,
So we can do our share of
Blessing and healing humankind and our whole world,
Thus being an active and conscious participant of
Establishing God’s Kingdom on the Earth and
Creating a happier and more secure future for everybody.

Letting go shows that we trust:
God’s great plan and the small plan for our life within it;
The basic goodness of life and the love
That once brought us into being;
That the Universe knows what’s really good for us,
And constantly provides for all of us
Only that which serves our highest good and greatest joy.
This knowledge sets us free to fear less and
To love more freely and from the heart.

Letting go proves that:
We are happy that our life, the same as everybody else’s,
Rests safely in the loving hands of God and the Angels;
We know that others, like us,
Need to be encouraged to make their own mistakes,
As that’s the only way human beings in earthly life
Can grow and make the evolutionary progress that is
The reason for our being together in our present existence.

The Universe rewards wise ones who endeavour to let go of outdated
Beliefs and prejudices about themselves and their role in life
By making it easier to let go on other levels, too.
The more we become aware that our children are not truly
Our children and our earthly parents not our real parents,
The easier letting go of each other becomes.
This realisation of this sets both parties free
To be true to their real nature and love the way
God loves each and every one of us,
His/Her children of the Earth,
Totally, unconditionally and with detachment.

This kind of love does not hold on.
It sets loved ones free,
So they can grow through their own experiences,
Each in their own way and at their own pace.
Learning to love this way is the ultimate purpose
Of every human being’s earthly existence.
When we have learnt to forgive whatever happens,
Because we understand the wise higher purpose behind it,
We are becoming ever more God-like ourselves.

And the sooner we come to terms with that:
Everything in earthly life is a gift from the Highest Forces,
Borrowed and on loan for a certain time only.
Nothing truly belongs to us, especially not people.
The only thing that’s truly ours is our consciousness,
That which we are on the innermost level of our being
And not what we have,
The easier it gets to set ourselves and others free.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

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About This Story
27 Jun, 2020
Read Time
4 mins
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5.0 (1 review)

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