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Lewis Speaks With the Queen
Lewis Speaks With the Queen

Lewis Speaks With the Queen

1 Review

"Looks like everything is falling into place, Your Highness."

"Wonderful news. But, didn't I tell you not to call me by my title?"

"Well, yes. I apologize, my queen."

"Lewis, please. You're my friend, titles are not needed."

"Ah, I understand. Once again, I apologize for my foolishness."

"Lewis, shut up. You are as much of a fool as I am. Now, do you think me a fool?"

"N-no, of course not."

"Then neither are you. Would you be a dear and tell the cook to prepare my special meal, Alice? Thank you."

"A meal? Now?"

"Yes, and I would like for you to invite Prince Gilbert to be at the meal."

"With all do respect, His Magesty has asked not to be bothered. He's even barricaded his door."

"Do what you must to make sure he knows I would like for him to be there. He needs something to fill his stomach."

"Yes, Your Magesty--I mean--yes, I will do that."

"Alright, thank you. Lewis, you are dismissed."

Author Notes: Yep, I’m back. And I’m starting off with a weird dialogue story for some reason. Huh, I guess my brain’s running on empty rn

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27 Jul, 2021
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<1 min
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