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Looking Back To My Reflections On The Swine Flu
Looking Back To My  Reflections On The Swine Flu

Looking Back To My Reflections On The Swine Flu


This is what I wrote on 31st January 2020 about the latest report of the Coronavirus outbreak. According to official sources its death toll has risen to 170 and a confirmed case in Tibet means it has reached every region of mainland China. Chinese health authorities state that there were 7,711 confirmed cases in the country as of 29th January 2020. Infections have also said to have spread to at least fifteen other countries and the World Health Organisation (WHO) are going to meet in Geneva to consider whether the virus should be declared a global health emergency.

The year 2005 saw the bird flu and therefore became known as the bird flu year. Across the globe, the fear of avian influenza caused government officials everywhere to place a higher priority on developing plans to deal with what was declared to be a pandemic influenza. This was followed by the Swine flu outbreak that lasted from 2009 to 2010. The virus was first identified in Mexico in April 2009. It became known as swine flu because it was similar to flu viruses that affect pigs. It spread rapidly from country to country because it was marketed as a new type of flu virus that few young people were immune to. The year 2014 saw the Ebola virus outbreak and again, in spite of the joined efforts of the pharmaceutical industry and the mass media of our world, no pandemic came about.

I cannot help the sneaking feeling that the pharmaceutical industry seems to be of the opinion that sufficient time has passed since then and that our world is therefore likely to be ready for another of attempt of spreading mass hysteria. I hope that even in these fast living days people have not forgotten how previous artificially whipped up pandemics disappeared without mass vaccinations being carried out in the end. I believe that this was possible because not sufficient numbers of us can be led by their noses and are willing to run with the herd to have themselves vaccinated with the costly products of the pharmaceutical industry. To assist anyone who is in need of making up their mind about the present flu scare, let’s reflect on what happened during some of the previous ones.

Those who are familiar with my work know that increasing public awareness is its only aim. As explained in the previous chapter ‘The Effects of Pluto in Capricorn’, we live in times when nothing remains hidden from public view for very long. The scandals that are revealed everywhere are ample proof of this. No-one has the right, in my view, to pull the wool over our eyes and get away with it. I am willing to do all that is in my power to prevent these things. Let the pens of those who have been granted the gift of writing be mightier than the sword. May the living spirit within guide us to use them as swords of truth that cut through the layers of deception, to reveal the true intentions of those behind the scenario. The only gain I hope to find is that someone ‘out there’ – hopefully more and more of them – can be helped to look through all creeping manifestations of evil, to enable them by giving a loud and clear ‘No!’ to join the ranks of those who prefer to work with the forces of light.

Many branches of the pharmaceutical industry in the past undoubtedly have been among the great benefactors or humankind. Yet, it seems to me that the deeper our world sinks into the experience of materialism and the stronger the greed element rises to the surface of life, the more some parts of this industry are turning into wolves in sheep’s clothing. This is particularly noticeable with regard to vaccinations against all types of influenza. The first one developed was against the common flu, the second one the Bird Flu and the most recent one the Swine Flu.

One of my friends lives in Basel, Switzerland, the home of La Roche Pharmaceutical Industries. Having made it her business to investigate this matter, she writes as follows: ‘Tamiflu is the name of the serum against Swine Flu. It is the baby of La Roche, a company in which Donald Rumsfeld owns a big stake. The serum against swine flu was originally developed in New Zealand as a serum against bird flu, which also turned out to be ineffective. At the time of the bird flu scare, La Roche bought the licence to produce it under the name Tamiflu. Ever since, La Roche has been sitting on vast quantities of this serum and great stock piles of it also existed in the USA. And then someone came up with the brilliant idea of marketing this product against swine flu.

‘Roche stated that the US is their prime target, with fifty million shots sold at one billion dollars last week. Stock holders are thrilled. That none of these so called flu shots have been tested does not seem to matter to anyone. You don’t fuss in the middle of a world Pandemic! Created by whom? The videos of doctors, who have spoken up against mandatory shots, for example one in Austria, can be viewed on u-tube.’

Recommended Reading:
• ‘The Swine Flu Pandemic – Fact or Fiction?’

The three articles above are by Dr. Joseph Mercola, whose mission is to bring people practical solutions to their health problems. A New York Times Best Selling Author, he is the author of the ‘No-Grain Diet’ and ‘Take Control of Your Health’. He has also been featured in TIME magazine, LA Times, CNN, Fox News, ABC News with Peter Jennings, Today Show and other major media resources. The remaining items also each has its own poignant tale to tell:

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18 Oct, 2020
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