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Love of Law Chapter Five
Love of Law Chapter Five

Love of Law Chapter Five

2 Reviews

Storms POV

I quickly pushed away before Lou opened the door.

Thank God.

I thought to myself.

"The new client is ready," he said studying Noah for the longest.

"I'll be with them now," I told him

AfterLou left Noah carried me to the back room of my office and kissed me.

I pulled onto him as he pulled me closer as our lips smack each other.

We paused.

"Come by my place tonight," he told me

It was evident he wanted to just do it. But my client was waiting.

I shook my head and kissed him again.

Tokyo's POV

Joshua and I wait for her.

Thirty minutes pass, and she finally walks into the room.

Her eyes widened when she saw Joshua, he did the same.

There was a light blush on her face and a smirk on his.

"Good Morning," Storm said starting off the conversation.

"Tokyo," she said shaking my hand.

She matured, I thought to myself.

"And you are?" she asked referring to Joshua, as she tucked her now long hair behind her ear.

"I"m Joshua Lancaster," he said memorized by her, "Or Josh, or Joshie,"

She laughed.

Storm's POV

I laughed.

Wasn't sure if it was real or not.

"Let's talk business," I told them after I came to my senses

After the meeting, Joshua came up to me, "Are you free tonight?" he asked a bit nervously.

"No," told him, "But I'm free all day tomorrow," I told him with a grin.

We quickly exchanged numbers and I went outside.

Tokyo was there.

"Didn't know being a waiter paid enough for a BMW," I told him sarcastically, "Or is it, Daphne's?" I asked him

He quickly threw the candy wrapper in the trash.

"Lou works here now?" he asked ignoring my question

"Cool," he told me.

"I have to go to cousin night with Noah," I told him.

And quickly pecked hin cheek

But he pulled me in and embraced me.

With a kiss.

"What's going on with you and Lou?" he asked

"Just friends," I told him

He kissed me again and let me go.

"What about Daphne?" I asked him worried

"She's cheating too," he said with a grin

"Have fun with Noah," he told me a I went into my Porsche.

I drove home and noticed Lou's car was already there.


I open the door, and walk-in.

"Hey," he said as I walked into the bedroom.

"You need to leave," I told him, wasting no time.

He tried to kiss me, but I ducked and gathered his stuff.

"Calm down," he told me, "I'll leave," he muttered.

He pecked my lips and left into his car.

Later I quickly showered and got dressed to go to Noah's place.

*~After Driving~*

Storm's POV

I knocked on the door of Noah's house.

It was big.

He quickly pulled me inside and carried me upstairs.

"Thanks for coming," he said after we traveled up the fleet f stairs.

"How much guys hearts did you break while you came," he said jokingly

before I had a chance to answer he quickly kissed me and pushed me into his bed.

I rolled off before he had a chance.

"Noah I thought I came here to help you with retiring from the army and being a teacher," I told him in one breath.

"Right sorry," he muttered and got his shirt loosely back on

He sat his back away from me on the bed.

"Come on I didn't mean it like that," I told him with a sigh.

I quickly hugged him from behind and kissed his cheek.

"I'm sorry," I told him

He quickly turned around and pushed me down on the bed in one motion.

Then studied my face.

"It's okay," he told me as he pulled off his shirt again.

"Only if you want to," he told me

"Can we just take it slow," I told him, "and let me see my other options?"

he shook his head and kissed me.

He grinned showing his obnoxiously big dimples. "You're so damn adorable," I told him smiling.

"I know," he told me grinning

After we made out on the bed, he carried me down to watch a movie.

Ate pizza and icecream, then fell asleep.

*~The next day~*

Storms POV

I woke up with a start remembering that I have to meet up with Joshua.

I showered then got a fancy white shirt from Noah's Closet and my black jacket from lat night.

Then I pulled my hair into a high ponytail.

There was a knock on the door, so I answered it.

"Hey Stormie," Utah said with a wink

"Utah?.." I said in dismay

Author Notes: So yes it is long today!
Just so you know all the guys that potential with Storm are:

So goo luck guys! >/<3

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About This Story
15 May, 2020
Read Time
3 mins
5.0 (2 reviews)

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