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Love of Law-Chapter Two
Love of Law-Chapter Two

Love of Law-Chapter Two

1 Review

Storm's POV

I saw him.

He was staring, but I didn't care.

I joined the family as they were walking in.

After the service I went into the hall, and to the bathroom.

"I'm surprised she is wearing a long sleeve dress," one of my sister's friends said.

"Don't know why she would get a tattoo, much less wear a dress,"

another girl said.

Then my sister walked out of the stall.

"I saw her cute ex," she said.

"Say that again to my face," I told her calmly.

She was shocked, along with her friends.

I Then left the bathroom, and to the dining table.

It was too late before I realized it was the table Tokyo was serving.


"Here's the menu with today's special," he said to the table, "Also I'm sorry for all of your loses," he said mostly to me.

Then my sister walked out of the bathroom, "Oh hey Tokyo!" she started.

All I could do is drink my wine, then get my beer from the bar and leave.

"Aren't you with the countries princess?" she continued, "Her name is Daphne Holster, right? Yeah much better than when you dated Storm. Even though Daphne isn't one," she finished.

I got up from the table, slapped her got my beer, and went home. What an awesome day.

Author Notes: So hey!
I'm SOoOO sorry it's short today, I'm just realizing how short it really is.
Because I' home schooled I still of ALOT of work to do, and my country is on lock down until the end of May.

Personally not affecting me et al. U-U

But, if you want a Q&A I'm down for that!

So how is your day or week so far?


Happy corn teen!

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About This Story
28 Apr, 2020
Read Time
1 min
5.0 (1 review)

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