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A Matter Of Perception
A Matter Of Perception

A Matter Of Perception


Reflections On Growing Older – Part Five

A Matter Of Perception

A blind boy with a hat by his feet was sitting on the steps of a building. A sign by his side said: ‘I am blind, please help.’ A man who was walking past noticed how little there was in the hat. He took some coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat. Pausing for a moment, he took the sign, turned it round, wrote something on it and then placed it so that anyone who passed by could clearly see what was written.

To the boy’s amazement, it didn’t take long until his hat began to fill because a lot more people were now putting something into it. The same afternoon the man who had changed the words came to see how things were going. The boy recognised the man’s footsteps and asked: ‘Are you the one who changed my sign this morning?’

‘Yes,’ replied the man.

‘What did you write?’ asked the boy.

‘I wrote nothing but the truth,’ came the reply. ‘All I did was to express your words in a different manner, so that your sign now reads: ‘Today is a beautiful day, but I cannot see it.’’

Both signs told people that the boy was blind. The first version simply stated this fact. But because the second one reminded those walking past how fortunate they were to be able to see, this one was more effective.

All of us could do with being more aware of and thankful for the gifts the Universe bestows upon us day by day. Giving thanks and praise for them helps us to become more creative and innovative in our thinking, because we then perceive our world and everything in it in a more positive way than before. And even if life at times gives us a hundred reasons for crying, it’s worth our while to make an effort to remember that at the same time we also have a thousand reasons for giving thanks and showing our gratitude by smiling.

So, let’s face the past without regrets and handle the present with confidence. Trusting the love and wisdom of the Great Father/Mother of all life to send us at all times what we truly need – even though that may not necessarily be what we want – with each passing day our ability to face the future without fear grows. And the more our faith increases, the more our fears decrease and dissolve.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

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9 Mar, 2019
Read Time
2 mins
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