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Memo From God
Memo From God

Memo From God


I am your God, the Great Father/Mother of all life and our only born Son/Daughter is the Universal Christ Spirit and Light. The Age of Aquarius is the age of truth and the time has come when all of you need to become aware that you are never alone. Each one of you has many friends in the spirit realm – humankind’s true home, from which every one of you – without exception – emerges at the beginning of each new lifetime and returns to when you have reached it’s end. This is where your spirit/soul rests for a while and recovers from the stresses and strains of its earthly existence. Until the time has come to reapply for another one, you enjoy the greater freedom of My world. There is no other place where any one of you can go to.

During the times spent on the earthly plane, your spirit friends are always happy to help you deal with any kind of problem that’s coming your way and that’s especially valuable at present. The main law of life is love and that your spirit guides do love you. That’s why they would not dream of doing the work this entails on your behalf. If they did, your consciousness could not grow in wisdom and understanding of yourself and the world around you. In that case it could not expand, the way it is meant to do and that would make it impossible for you to move forwards and upwards on your personal evolutionary spiral as well as that of the whole of humankind and your world.

Your spirit friends helping you is an essential aspect of their own evolutionary progress. Everybody can be assisted by them. But alas, without asking no help can come to anyone from our world. But as soon as you request it, they start communicating with you through the special gift every human being has been endowed with and that’s their inner guidance or teacher. This is the wise one or living God within, the only truly reliable guru in the whole of Creation, who knows the answers to any questions you may ever care to ask and shows you the right way of reacting to whatever may come your way, at any given moment. Refuse to believe that anyone can save and redeem you. You alone can do this and each has to save and redeem themselves. You are personally responsible for every one of their thoughts, words and actions – and ultimately also for the state of your world. All of you, in many different ways have brought it about. This is because you are sparks of the Universal Christ’s sacred fire and co-creators with Me. Through this every one of you is constantly in the process of bringing something into being.

You are never alone and there is no need to be afraid of anything. The spirit world is the eye that never sleeps. The Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, also known as My throne, and their many groups of assistants are constantly observing everything that happens on the earthly plane. We are the eye that never sleeps and who has always been looking after you with the greatest of care and love. You are safe and so is your whole world, now and forever. The pandemic 2019/2020 will soon be coming to its natural happy ending and that in quite a surprising way, for My ways are mysterious as well as loving and caring. The truth about it’s background is bubbling ever more forcefully to the surface of your world’s consciousness. Through the present circumstances, the Christ spirit in all of you is constantly increasing in strength and with it every spirit/soul’s inborn love of honesty and truth.

The inner guidance of every one of you communicates with its outer earthly personality, through the feeling world. If it’s reactions tell you that something is right, you can rely on it that for you it is – even though it may not yet be for anybody else. Do not believe the tale that God is in Heaven and you, lost and lonely, on the earthly plane. I am everywhere and everything is part of Me and, whether someone is as yet aware of it or not, so is every human being. Nothing could ever separate any one of you from Me. It was a false belief that, for a wise higher reason, created an obstacle to stop you from connecting directly with Me and My realm too early. But now the time has come for doing so!

Love and thought are the greatest powers in the whole of Creation. They can create miracles where no hope seemed to exist. They can make crooked lines straight and heal any kind of condition, including the present state of your world. Your total and unconditional love for Me, and Mine for you, has the power of dissolving layer upon layer of the blockage that we created in the course of many lifetimes through the false belief that you are separate from Me. You are not! No-one will ever be able to separate us from each other. You and your world will forever be safe and there is nothing to fear. We will always be able to show how to proceed to those whose earthly minds are tuned into our frequencies. Every human mind, at least potentially, is a receiver/transmitter station for the ideas that are constantly waiting to flow from our realm into your world.

If your inner guidance says that what you are reading here is true and you decide to share this with your friends, I thank you for it. You could be touching their lives in many wonderful ways that you might never be aware of, for I work in mysterious and beautiful ways. I bless you all, My beloved children of the Earth.

Created by Anon,
Edited by Aquarius
Updated December 2020

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10 Dec, 2020
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4 mins
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