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Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (10)
Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (10)

Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (10)

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You And Your World Are Safe!

When Will The Golden Age Be With You? (1)

Some of you are asking when will the new golden age be with us? The deeper you and your world penetrate into the energies of the Aquarian age, the more it will be possible to be recognised by all who are sufficiently evolved. This is because, as mentioned before, the sign Aquarius is the one in which humankind’s highest hopes and dreams will eventually find fulfilment, individually as well as collectively. The new golden age will come about in quite natural ways, because it is what the Divine great evolutionary plan of life has always had in mind for humankind. It can only come about when the energies are right and that’s what they have been since the beginning of the present Aquarian age.

The following two extracts belong to some of the messages through which we have been communicating with your world, for many years by now, through what for a long time have been known as the increasingly popular Aquarian writings. This is because from the word ‘go’ these writings have brought humankind not merely the truth, but the whole truth. The following extracts are from ‘War And Peace Among Nations’ For more details please connect with the relevant link at the end of this chapter.

‘The Age of Aquarius is the age of rebellion and revolution that will be bringing our world the long yearned for enlightenment and spiritual freedom. It started approx. 1900 AD and will continue until around 4,100 AD. Therefore, it has been with us for quite some time by now. Lo and behold! Humankind’s long awaited saviour and redeemer, promised of old, is at last in flesh appearing. The spiritual rebirth of our race and our world is taking place right here and now and every one of us is taking part in it. It is happening in a highly surprising and much more beautiful way than anyone could ever have envisaged in past ages, even in their wildest dreams. The Christ spark is waking from its slumber, the Christ child is born and beginning to develop its Divine characteristics in increasing numbers of human hearts.

‘The deeper we move into the Aquarian Age, the more noticeable effect this is having on our world. And as the months and years go by, it can ever more easily be seen that the new age is by no means some kind of a fad or an airy-fairy notion that has sprung from the minds of the hippy movement. It is a concept that deserves to be taken seriously and demands the undivided attention, not merely of those who are already interested in their own spiritual progress and that of our whole world, but everybody. Ever more of us will be reaching the point of their spiritual development when spiritual wisdom and truth directly from the Source are going to flow into their hearts.’

Here is the second extract: ‘The Age of Aquarius is the age of rebellion and revolution that will be bringing our world the long yearned for enlightenment and spiritual freedom. It started approx. 1900 AD and will continue until around 4,100 AD. Therefore, it has been with us for quite some time by now. Lo and behold! Humankind’s long awaited saviour and redeemer, promised of old, is at last in flesh appearing. The spiritual rebirth of our race and our world is taking place right here and now and every one of us is taking part in it. It is happening in a highly surprising and much more beautiful way than anyone could ever have envisaged in past ages, even in their wildest dreams. The Christ spark is waking from its slumber, the Christ child is born and beginning to develop its Divine characteristics in increasing numbers of human hearts.

‘The deeper we move into the Aquarian Age, the more noticeable effect this is having on our world. And as the months and years go by, it can ever more easily be seen that the new age is by no means some kind of a fad or an airy-fairy notion that has sprung from the minds of the hippy movement. It is a concept that deserves to be taken seriously and demands the undivided attention, not merely of those who are already interested in their own spiritual progress and that of our whole world, but everybody. Ever more of us will be reaching the point of their spiritual development when spiritual wisdom and truth directly from the Source are going to flow into their hearts.

‘The equally long promised world teacher is appearing in our midst and reveals him/herself as none other than the living God within, our inner teacher or in-tuition, who is the only reliable guru in the whole of Creation who knows the answers to any kind of question we may care to ask. Through the small still voice of our conscience this teacher has always tried to intuitively tell us right from wrong. The English poet Robert Browning, 1812-1889, knew about it when he wrote: ‘There is an inmost centre in us all, where truth abides in fullness.’’

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When Will The Golden Age Be With You? (2)

What About Covid?

When one of these days, because you have been burning your life’s candle at both ends through doing too much and not resting enough, you come down with what not so long ago would in your world have been called a common cold. That’s how since time immemorial human physical bodies have stepped in to protect their indwelling spirit/soul against continuing to overdo things. This is why one of you, not surprisingly every so often comes down with a cold. If you are one of your world’s wise ones, you know that this does not mean you have been attacked by the Covid virus. Oh perish the thought! You know that there never was such a virus and never will be. And because of this there is no need for you to go for a so-called Covid test.

Having learnt to pay attention to what their physical body at all times is trying to tell them, wise ones simply rest more and tune into our frequencies, so that we can let them know intuitively the best ways of shaking off what, when all is said and done, never was more than a common cold. As Shakespeare once wrote: ‘That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet!’ And we would like to add to this: ‘That which is nothing but a common cold, even though many in your world might try to convince you that you have been infected by the non-existent Covid virus, will just as much provide your physical body with a running nose and unpleasant coughing fits. Both are a nuisance and will pass, the way they have always done.’

And because we are part of everything that exists in the whole of Creation, therefore also your world, the inner spiritual part as much as the outer material one, we know the way of all things. This is why the true intentions behind every thought, word and action of all human beings who are taking part in earthly life, at any given moment. Nothing can be hidden in our realm and everything can clearly be seen by everybody dwelling there. When viewed from this perspective, as mentioned before, even the most secret thoughts of people in your world, in ours they come across as if they were being shouted from the rooftops. It’s the intention behind everything that decides whether something belongs to the category of good or evil, and whether what you are doing at any given moment creates a credit or debit entry in your spiritual ledger.

As far as your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers are concerned, the redemption of the debit entries they have for some time been piling into their spiritual ledgers will have to wait until future lifetimes. And they, almost certainly will have to be spent on a new planet these people will be occupied with colonising. This assists their own development as well as that of what, to them will be then known as their home planet. That’s what those who by now have evolved into spiritually old and experienced spirit/souls and their earthly selves have been doing for a long time on Mother Earth.

But let’s take another look at what Jon Rappaport wants to tell us in one of his most recent reports. He tells us that living human embryos have been and still are being used by your world’s scientists. The young and inexperienced ones among them are doing this in the hope of developing vaccines that will not be used for wiping out illnesses, like the jabs of the past. Even though on the surface of things they pretend that the same intention is the intention behind what they are looking for, the true reason is developing something that can be used to reduce the number of your world’s population, in this most sinister way. As mentioned before, the factor that decides whether what you do is good or evil, is the intention that’s hiding behind whatever you are doing.

If the scientists who are involved in this research were seriously interested in making your planet into a better place for everything that shares it with humankind, every one of their efforts would create a credit entry in their spiritual ledger. What they are doing brings about a lot of debit entries. We hope that you will be able to forgive these people, because after all they are your siblings in the great family of humankind. Forgive them, for they have no idea of what they are doing, and that most of all to themselves. This is because, in the fullness of time, the Divine Universal law of cause and effect or Karma will return to them whatever they are doing to your world now. Return it will and that with increased strength.

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When Will The Golden Age Be With You? (3)

What About Your World’s Scientists?

You will probably not be surprised when we tell you that there is an enormous difference between those who call themselves scientists in your world. Some of them are highly evolved beings who have a great sense of responsibility towards the wellbeing and health of whole of humankind and your world. Alas, there are also spiritually young and unevolved people are carrying out scientific work. Whenever someone offers them enough to satisfy their youthful greed for money and the lovely things it can buy, they willingly dedicate their whole being to developing, or at least pretending to do so, whatever someone asks them to develop on their behalf.

The situation was very different when spiritually highly evolved scientists once put all their efforts into searching for something to improve humankind’s health and wellbeing. Because the intentions behind their work showed us their genuine concern and caring, we intuitively provided them with ideas of how vaccines could be developed to assist the overcoming of illnesses that, at that time had become the scourge of humankind. Intuitively, we suggested the use of living human embryos for the development of vaccines, which would in small amounts be injected into human beings, as that would build up their own body’s resistance against the illness in question.

Although the scientists involved in this work were shying away from such methods, eventually they gave in and tried what had come to them intuitively. Lo and behold, to their greatest joy and ours, in the end their efforts were rewarded with success. We assisted them because the Divine evolutionary plan for humankind never decreed that there should be unnecessary suffering for God’s beloved children of the Earth. And that’s how, on our advice your world’s first vaccines were developed against various illnesses, so that in this way could gradually be wiped out.

As you may imagine, there is a world of difference between the scientists of those days and anyone who is now employed by the pharmaceutical industry to support ever more of their money-spinning drives. These scientists too are trying the method of working with living human embryos, hoping that it will help them to develop new vaccines that will then be used by those who believe they are ruling your world, for their evil intentions. They too are hoping that a new vaccine can be developed that will enable them to reduce the number of your world’s population.

The intention alone behind looking for any kind of means to destroy people is evil. Even though those who are getting involved in this kind of scheme are not yet aware of that after all, every human being is one of their siblings in the great family of humankind. Every thought, word and action that intends to harm people, individuals or groups of them, in whatever manner creates a debit entry in the spiritual ledgers of anyone who is involved.

It is quite different with the vaccines that were developed quite a long time ago and really worked. We supported each one because their appearance was in keeping with the Divine evolutionary plan for humankind. Because the research was carried out with our assistance and supervised by us, on that occasion the attempts at creating vaccines for overcoming some of humankind’s most serious illnesses were successful. What’s presently happening in your world, no matter how hard its spiritually young and unevolved scientists may try, which they have been doing for quite a while, you have our word for it that none of their efforts will ever be crowned by success.

The present number of your world’s population is estimated to be around 7.7 billion. It’s for a wise higher reason that we allowed this figure to such an exceptionally high one. Many of those who are around in your world these days were resting and recuperating, in the spirit realm, from the stresses and strains of their most recent earthly lifetimes. Their spirit/souls applied for another one that, hopefully would turn into the last one they were going to need to complete the curriculum of their earthly education. In the spirit realm it could clearly be observed that the final great transformation, which from the beginning has been part of the Divine evolutionary plan for humankind and its world, had entered its final stage.

Because all applications for a final earthly lifetime were granted, that’s why your world’s population has risen to this level, which is making Mother Earth’s resources creak. We promise you this will not continue for long. But that’s how it came about that, as many spirit/souls as possible, were granted the gift of another earthly lifetime. With the help of being born into another lower earthly self, their spirit/souls hope that they will be able to clear all their karmic debts, including the most ancient ones, from their spiritual ledger. They hoped that this would be the final one they needed for completing the curriculum of their earthly education. Hand in hand with us and supported by us, every one of them will hopefully soon be able to fulfil their dream of finally being released into getting to know the next higher level of humankind’s existence, through exploring and studying it.

In any case, ever more in your world by now are waking up to the realisation that in truth every human being, who ever took part in life on the earthly plane, as well those who are doing so at present, is an offspring of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. These days, ever more of you are aware that wise ones in our realm have always been and forever will be in charge of every human being’s development, as well that for the whole of your race and world.

Spirit friends and helpers have always been by your side, even though you are unaware of their presence. The instructions about your development they receive from us, the Angels and Masters on the highest levels of life, and then act upon them. This is how forever every human being will be taken the greatest of care of and watched over. When you ask your spirit friends for help, they are allowed to give it as much as possible without doing any kind of work for you. Never forget that without asking, no help can come to anyone in your world. And as much as it frequently feels as if you were struggling on your own in earthly life, not a single one of you is ever really alone.

The time has come when ever more in your world realise that every human being, without exception, has never been anything less than a young God in the making. The highest and holiest destiny has been the most important aspect of the Divine evolutionary plan for the development of the whole of humankind and every one of you within it. This is the reason why the education in the earthly school of life for human earthly minds comes across as an extremely long time. However, God’s time is Eternity and within that timescale each one is no more than the blinking of God’s eyelid.

Most important of all, we are glad to tell you that what to this day is happening in your world, is an essential aspect of Mother Earth ending to serve as a school and place of learning for human beings.

– To be continued. –

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21 Jun, 2022
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