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Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (3)
Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (3)

Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (3)

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You And Your World Are Safe!

Honesty And Truth : The New World Order

Whatever may still have to happen in your world, honesty and truth are your world’s new order towards which all life for a long time has been striving. We shall return to this theme in the next chapter. Meanwhile, your built-in lie-detector will intuitively help you understand that it’s for a wise higher reason that things are presently taking place in your world. It’s because some of humankind’s most ancient karmic debts are still waiting to be redeemed, in many of you. To this day they are occupied with attending to them because for long enough they have been waiting for it in their soul memories. As soon as these debts have been fully redeemed, there will be nothing in the way of only that which is good, right and beautiful ever more appearing in your world.

When people like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci return to our realm and realise that they were unable to take even a penny of their vast earthly fortunes with them, a great sadness will overcome them to discover that spiritually they belong to the poorest. It’s then too late for them to find out that what on the earthly plane they considered to be ‘power’, was never anything of the kind. The only true power is everlasting and belongs to us, the Angels and Masters on the highest levels of life who have always been serving the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ.

Earthly power only ever lasts for a predestined length of time and when that has run its course, it simply fades away. As soon as those who thought they had power return to our realm, they realise that their power never was anything but an illusion. That applies to everything that happens on the earthly plane. In a way everything is nothing but an illusion, even though while you are taking part in it, it never feels that way.

Allowing someone earthly ‘power’ is our way of testing how spiritually evolved people in your world really are. Soon enough this reveals itself in the manner a person handles the ‘power’ they believe to have gained when the come into office. Our assessment depends on how much of their power someone uses to bring benefits to themselves and/or whether they are capable of doing anything good for the whole of humankind and your world.

Look at what Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci have been doing for quite a long time and how they believe the ‘power’ they have will continue for a long time to come, if not forever. We hope that the understanding of your world’s spiritual background and its laws, will enable you not to sit in judgement over anyone. In particular this applies to the spiritually younger and less highly evolved siblings in the great family of humankind. It’s quite possible that they are what’s astrologically called being ‘ruled by the Stars’ and that means that they simply cannot help themselves. Please take a look at the links for Bill Gates at the end of this chapter.

Even though we, the Angles and Masters of the Christ Circle, are invisible to ordinary earthly eyes, we have always been and forever will be in charge of whatever happens on every level of life in the whole of Creation, including the two parts of your world, the inner as well as the outer. We are the eye that never sleeps, who in all directions and on all its levels is constantly observing your world. Nothing ever happens there or anywhere else in the whole of Creation against our will and wishes, who are the same as those of the Divine Trinity. Everything that comes about on its outer plane does so for the wise higher purpose of someone attending the earthly school of life’s lessons.

Nobody ever forces you to do anything. Everything is done freely and willingly by you. However, being educated in the earthly school of life is compulsory. Nobody can get away from this and if you wish to progress on your evolutionary journey, your spirit/soul knows that applying for ever more earthly lifetimes is necessary. Everything you learn there is of the greatest value. It’s what constantly keeps you and your world moving on an eternal journey in keeping with the Divine overall plan of life. This takes every one of you, the whole of humankind and your world, forwards and upwards on a huge evolutionary spiral.

And as the great plan will never stop unfolding, you and your world are constantly moving unto a somewhat higher evolutionary levels. This is why, from the beginning of the great school of earthly life, every human being taking part in it, at any given moment, has simultaneously played the role of teacher as well as scholar or student.

We assure you that you and your world always have and forever will rest safely in our loving hands. The fate and destiny of every one of you, the whole of humankind and your world never did lie in the hands of people like Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, to name but two. Although at times it has looked like it and at present still does, that could never be the case. This is because love and evolution have always been the two main laws of life, throughout the whole of Creation and therefore also your world. This means that evolution everywhere has always been based on the highest love vibrations, and they are not merely caring, loving and nurturing but at the same time infinitely wise.

And whatever happens on the earthly plane only ever has been a temporary state that serves the purpose of teaching and learning the earthly school of life’s lessons. The main one of these for around six thousand years by now, has been appreciating the value of truth. Independent of what still has to take place on the earthly plane, the general trend of your race’s development and your world, always has been and forever will continue to be, moving forwards and upwards and that on several evolutionary spirals simultaneously. Nothing in the whole of Creation, including your world, ever stands still or moves backwards, even the tiniest bit.

This explains why, for some time by now, your world has been moving through a transfiguration process. The best way of assisting yourself, everybody else and your world to pass more smoothly through this process is by keeping on to send kind, loving and forgiving thoughts, and that as frequently as possible, to all of your world’s troublemakers and scaremongers. This is helpful because such thoughts feed into the light stream of consciousness of which every spirit/soul belongs, independent of what strength anyone’s spiritual understanding at any given moment may have reached.

All spirit/souls are part of the light stream and every thought that’s sent into it helps the higher God or Christ nature of every one of them grow stronger. This assists the lower personalities who, at any given moment, are taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons, to grow in strength. That enables them to bring forth their higher nature, from deep within themselves, a bit more. This is why we ask you to keep on sending kind, loving and forgiving thoughts, especially to those on the earthly plane who are as yet unaware of the effect of whatever they are occupied with, at any given moment, has and how it influences its own development, as well as that of the whole of humankind and your world.

Maybe your thoughts can help some of the spiritually young and inexperienced siblings in the great family of humankind, to become aware that the life story of the Master Jesus is but legend that was never meant to be understood as being literally true. The God-man is not a historical figure who once walked the Earth. The spiritual youngsters in your midst also need to find out that Jesus is a symbolism of every human being’s higher God of Christ nature, including their own. The legend’s transfiguration, which took place after the Master had left behind earthly life, is the final initiation in which every human being on the earthly plane eventually takes part.

Recommended Reading:
• ‘Happy Birthday Bill Gates’

– To be continued. –

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3 Jun, 2022
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