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Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (4)
Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (4)

Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle (4)

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You And Your World Are Safe!


As previously pointed out several times, death does not exist on the earthly plane of life. What happens at the beginning as well as the end of each lifetime to every human being is but a transfiguration. That’s what takes place, independent of what level of spiritual maturity any one of you has reached, at those particular moments. And that’s how, from the beginning of being educated in the earthly school of life, every human being has constantly been moving forwards and upwards, each on their own evolutionary spiral which, at the same time, is part of this spiral for the whole of humankind and your world.

Achieving spiritual Mastership is the ultimate aim of the earthly school of life’s education. This applies to every human being and there are no exceptions. That’s how you have always taken part in all the earthly school’s lessons because you, the same as everybody else, are destined to eventually being capable of bringing forth, each can only do this from deep within their own being, the highest, best and noblest characteristics of their very own higher God or Christ nature.

It takes a long time until you realise that transfiguration happens on your world’s personal as well as collective plane and level. That’s how from earthly beings, every spirit/soul in the fullness of time has evolved into a Christed one who no longer needs to spend time on the earthly plane, where a physical body is required for getting around. This has always been the purpose of the earthly school of life’s educational curriculum.

Many of you by now are aware that the Aquarian age is the age of truth. The deeper your world penetrates into the Aquarian energies, the more human beings realise that transfiguration is not something that ever happened to Jesus. And that’s for the simple reason that Jesus never was a historical figure who once walked in the midst of humankind. The God-man only ever existed as a thoughtform. In truth, he is a symbolism of every human being’s higher God or Christ nature. Fully developing this aspect of their nature has always been the evolutionary pathway and ultimate destiny of every one of you.

As incredible as this may seem on the surface of things, even your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers will eventually be reaching this developmental level. Not today or tomorrow, but in the course of many earthly lifetimes which, for the time being, still are a long way ahead in the future. What you need never forget that every one of these people is your spiritually younger and less experienced sibling in the great family of humankind. You are their spiritually older and much more highly evolved sister/brother. The protective aspects of your higher nature swings into action with this realisation.

As soon as your built-in lie-detector is fully functioning, you realise that, unless you assist the higher God or Christ nature of the spiritual youngsters in your midst so it wakes from its slumbering state, and beings to grow stronger, with each passing day. Without this kind of support it could take an exceedingly long time until any improvement in your world’s present situation could come about. So do your best and do what intuitively comes to you from us, on the highest levels of life, to alleviate that which would otherwise could do nothing but find its way back to where it came from. That’s what the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma does with everything that’s released into your world and with this the rest of the whole of Creation, where it affects all manifestations of life.

To change what the spiritual youngsters in your midst for quite some time have been doing to the whole of humankind and your world, we suggest that you turn to us, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the throne of the Highest, to ask for our help. From the beginning of life, throughout the whole of Creation, we have been in charge of the appearance and development of all manifestations of life that the Great Father/Mother of all life wishes to bring into being anywhere. Never forget that without asking no help can come to anyone from us. But whoever requests our assistance with any kind of problem, including this one, we shall always be happy to respond and to intuitively guide and show the way.

To assist the spiritual youngster in your midst, the best way of going about is by sending them, as frequently as possible, nothing but kind, loving and forgiving thoughts. It’s essential that you forgive every one of your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers, because so far they have no idea of what they are doing, most of all to themselves. However, it’s essential to forgive yourselves first because without having done, in previous lifetimes, what these people are doing to your world at present, the situation could not have arisen.

Many of you by now are aware that thought is the most powerful force in the whole of Creation. And never forget that, hand in hand with us, all things are possible and any condition can be healed. As soon as something comes about, it can only do so because it is in harmony with our will and wishes, which by then also have become yours. When you follow the intuitively received instructions, you will be able to use your thoughts the right way. Every thought then has the power of changing even the greatest suffering into wellbeing and happiness.

When in tune with our will and wishes, your thoughts can change the attitude of those whose greed so far made them too blind to recognise that, when the end of their present lifetime has come round, they will not be able to take a single penny of their ever vaster fortunes with them. With our assistance, your thoughts can help these people’s higher God or Christ nature to stir from its slumbering state, so that as a result their earthly selves wake up to the realisation that every human being’s existence, including their own, never was or will be merely a one-off affair, at the end of which you are snuffed out like a candle.

Ahead of every one of you is a long evolutionary journey. It consists of first spending many lifetimes with taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. And when your higher God or Christ nature has completely taken over its earthly counterpart, you have evolved into a Christed one. Each needs to do this in their own right. Nobody can do the work that’s necessary to achieve this for anyone else. As soon as this evolutionary level has been reached, the earthly plane cannot teach you any more. This means that you are ready to experience the next higher level of our world, the spirit realm, through taking part in it you get to know this level. As this process has been explained frequently enough in other parts of the Aquarian writings, we believe there is no need to go into more depth here.

As many of you know by now, the Aquarian age is the age of truth. The deeper you and your world move into this sign’s energies, ever more of you will be enjoying the idea that what they are doing is in fact nothing but a performance on the stage of the grand theatre of earthly life. As one of your world’s many pioneers and wayfinders, your pathway consists of helping those around you to understand the higher purpose and meaning of their earthly existence. Why they are there and what they are meant to be doing.

That’s how every one of you eventually will be able to help their younger and less highly evolved siblings in the great family of humankind, to understand that earthly life is nothing but a school and a place of learning. Through its many lessons every one of you is constantly growing in wisdom and understanding of all things that truly matter.

– To be continued. –

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7 Jun, 2022
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