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A Message Of Hope From The Lords Of Karma - Part One
A Message Of Hope From The Lords Of Karma - Part One

A Message Of Hope From The Lords Of Karma - Part One


In the middle of December 2014, at the time of putting the finishing touches to the previous chapter, ‘Saturn And The Lords Of Karma’, the December 2013/January 2014 issue of Stella Polaris of the White Eagle Lodge arrived. It contained a New Year’s Address by the White Eagle group of guides under the heading ‘Behold, I Make All Things New!’ As this message is as valuable in the year 2020 with regard to our world’s present situation, I am sharing its essence with you once more as follows:

Once again you stand at the threshold of a new year. Before you are fresh opportunities for serving God and helping forward the spiritual evolution of the new age of Aquarius. In spite of the over-enthusiastic materialism of Earth life, the veil between the two worlds is constantly growing thinner, and each one of you can be an instrument of God to bring about the required change in the minds of the people that is capable of transforming their outlook on life. Everybody can become such a tool as soon as the true purpose and meaning of your existence on the Earth plane has been understood. Through you the light of the new spiritual revelation that is now coming to humankind is meant to spread throughout your world.
We bid you reach to the source of all life and light, to the living God, to the Eternal Light, which is the life of each one of you. ‘Behold, I make all things new! I, God, Father/Mother, the Source from whom all derive their being.’ We, your guides in the world of light, have said these things to you time and again. We make no excuse for this, as it is a truth that cannot be emphasised too strongly. As old as Eternity, it is the source of your strength and hope, comfort and happiness. Not only for this personal joy must you seek and work for the light, but for the wellbeing of your whole world.

When you take a closer look at the state of your planet and people’s conflicting minds, your hearts may feel sad or maybe even filled with fear and wondering what the coming year may bring. The Masters and Lords of Karma, who control and direct humankind’s progress, are waiting to reveal to those whose hearts are pure and simple the truth of what lies ahead. From these great beings we bring to you this message for the coming New Year.

In spite of uneasiness and fear of increased conflict, they tell us that the new age is destined to bring a fresh revelation of God’s love, wisdom and truth to humankind. However, before it can come the hearts and souls of all of your world has to be prepared. A furrow needs to be ploughed before any seed can ever be sown and the plough carrying out this work is constantly toiling on the Earth plane. Not surprisingly, many are finding this process unpleasant because it means shedding preconceived ideas, prejudices and false beliefs about themselves, others and life in general. They may have held them dear for a very long time, in some cases over many lifetimes. Yet, no matter how deeply ingrained some of them have become and how difficult they are to shed, each one of them must go.

The new age brings to you a wonderful and glorious revelation of life in a spiritual way, which is a celebration of the spiritual siblinghood and kinship with all life. Humankind has to learn that it cannot live for itself and that every thought, word and deed of yours affects not only the whole of your race but the rest of God’s Creation. Each one of you eventually has to come to the conclusion that whatever you gain for yourselves alone you cannot enjoy. It is impossible to be happy while many of your siblings in the great family of humankind remain in want. Spiritually personal happiness depends upon the welfare of everybody else.

This is a hard lesson and that is why much conflict arises during the ploughing of the field. However, when the first furrow is completed, the ploughman keeps his vision straight ahead and concentrates on his distant goal. Do not allow the opinions and fears of the world to deflect you, but keep your vision steadily fixed upon the Highest. Remember that with every passing day the Lords of Karma are offering each one of you fresh opportunities for restoring the balance of your spiritual bankbooks.

To this day many believe that the law of Karma is an unfair law, when in truth it is nothing of the kind for two reasons. On the one hand it offers you openings for paying off your karmic debts, and on the other it assists you with climbing ever higher upon the golden stairway that in the end leads every human spirit and soul back into the very heart of God’s Kingdom. The wise ones among you therefore consider each new year as one that is laden with chances for working their way through the last remnants of the darkness that over the ages has accumulated in their own souls and the soul of your world.

Some of you are heavy with sorrow because their loved ones are suffering. We are aware how hard it is for you to have to remain still, to be unable to do anything to help. Whenever you witness any kind of suffering of body or mind that you are unable to heal, remind yourself that the sufferer is passing through a condition of life that will eventually bring them into the light. Your contribution is to ever hold your loved ones into the light of the Highest and pray that sufficient hope and courage will come to their soul to make good.

We assure you that the Great White Spirit, Father/Mother of all life, is a God of infinite love, tenderness and mercy. Each one of His/Her children of the Earth is destined to go through experiences on your present plane of existence that eventually brings them the happiness and peace they are longing for. That’s why we are bringing you this message of hope and comfort. For what takes place in each individual personal life simultaneously happens in the collective. What you observe in your world that appears to be painful is the road your whole race must travel. That which you see in someone’s personal suffering is the pathway of that particular soul.

The story of the life of the Master Jesus, the blessed Christ, was once given to humankind as an allegory. It demonstrates how every human spirit and soul, as soon as it has become sufficiently evolved, is required to conduct not only its daily life on the outer plane but – far more importantly – its thoughts and feelings on the inner level. The birth of Jesus, his temptations, illumination, crucifixion and ascension were given to provide your world with illustrations of the initiations, i.e. experiences all of you eventually have to undergo on the way that takes you home into the full conscious awareness of your true nature and oneness with God.

Some day you will be able to compare the experiences of your own spiritual development with parables and allegories of the Christian Gospels. As you accept with patience and in sweet surrender the inevitable difficulties that had to encounter along the road, you will feel flowing into you the power of the Christ light and Its life-force who is constantly making all things new.

This energy can only come to any of you by degrees, very simply and slightly at first. You may occasionally become aware of a glow in your heart and a harmony that is working to shape your life anew. If you direct the right thoughts and put into action the law of love and direct it towards anyone you come into contact with, especially when adverse circumstances have to be faced, you will soon discover that quite magically things gradually smooth themselves out.

When your life begins to flow more easily, as surely it will, you may think to yourself: ‘Life is so good to me!’ You are beginning to realise that beyond the reach of your own efforts there is a power and a love at work that is helping you to conduct your life more harmoniously and peacefully. There will be a glow in your heart that brings a sweet happiness. This sometimes remains with you only for a few minutes, if you are lucky several hours or even days, but then to your disappointment it disappears. These feelings come to help you become aware of the Divine power and light that alone can bring human souls an inward peace and happiness that is beyond all worldly understanding. There is no way that those who are purely worldly minded can ever dwell in this peace, the glowing light and the supreme happiness it does bring to awakening and awakened souls.

These things are realisations that come to you occasionally and by degrees. They will increase as your life advances and you move forwards and upwards on a spiral of light that represents a lighted stairway that eventually brings all human souls into the eternal Kingdom of light and joy. Each one who reaches that state of consciousness has become a true child of God and a saviour of all humankind. No-one can be truly happy in this manner without also helping many others to reach the same state.

Anyone who has passed through great earthly tribulation ultimately enters into the full consciousness of Heaven and reaches the supreme realisation of humankind’s spiritual kinship and siblinghood with all life. From that point onwards you live to serve the many instead of yourself. When you have reached this evolutionary phase, you may at some stage of your own free will descend once more onto the Earth plane and live in an ordinary physical body. Through this the special role you are playing will remain unrecognised by those who are still dwelling in the shadows of their spiritual ignorance.

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17 Jun, 2020
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