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Miracles And Wonders (107)

Miracles And Wonders (107)


Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Thoughts For Today 26th January 2023

What About Fear?

Beloved children of the Earth, how familiar are you with the fact that all of you are personally responsible for every one of the thoughts, words and actions you ever released into your world, not merely in this lifetime but all previous ones? Spreading fear as far and wide as possible, and as you know nothing enjoy the people behind your world’s mass media more, causes a debit entry in the spiritual ledger of those who indulge in this pastime. Yet, even the smallest effort of dispersing it brings about a credit entry in that person’s ledger.

Resist the temptation of sitting in judgement over your world’s present troublemakers and scaremongers. Bear in mind that, they are the earthly personalities of so far spiritually young and inexperienced spirit/souls. Because of this they are as yet unaware that they have a spiritual ledger in which every thought, word or action is entered as either a debit or credit. For wise higher educational reasons it takes until about the middle of the curriculum of the earthly school of life’s lessons that you begin to realise this. As a result you start behaving better. Until that comes about, you are most certainly personally responsible for every bit of suffering you cause your elder siblings in the great family of humankind. Avoid fooling yourself because every human being’s nature has a sadistic streak. During the early stages of your earthly education you enjoy letting it loose on anyone who comes within your reach.

However, by the time you reach the later phase of your earthly education, more and more you are leaving your nature’s sadistic streak behind. Seeing others suffer no longer satisfies you. It makes you sad and you want to help people somehow. This is because by then your spirit/soul has spiritually matured sufficiently to be, equipped with a different earthly personality, who hasn’t a clue of what happened to you many lifetimes ago. Naturally, the new personality has no recall whatsoever of what happened to its spirit/soul then.

Yet, round and round the zodiac every one of you, without exception, goes. You spend many lifetimes in each and every one of the zodiac’s signs and houses, time and again. And every new round begins on a slightly higher level than the previous one did. This is how, in the course of a great many earthly lifetimes, all of you gradually become ever more highly evolved and in earthly terms civilised.

Because of this, its essential that when it comes to forgiving anyone, first of all it’s essential that you forgive yourself. Even though for a long time you were unaware of this, you most certainly are personally responsible for every one of your thoughts, words and actions you ever released into your world. Yet, don’t allow this to discourage you! This is because every human being also has the same high and holy destiny of eventually maturing into a Christed one. Each can only do this in their own way.

Never forget that anyone who, at any given time, is attending the earthly school of life’s lessons, is your sibling in the great family of humankind. Even though on the outer material plane every person is either a woman or a man, on the inner level all of you are whole. It’s just that the outer plane of everybody is conscious and the inner one unconscious. That’s all. There are no preferences for anyone. Everybody is treated in the same manner. You are constantly moving forwards and upwards on your own evolutionary spiral, which is part of the spiral for the whole of humankind as well as everything that exists in your world and shares it with you, on all its levels.

Every one of you moves at the same steady pace. The movement of the Sun indicates the pace for everybody’s spiritual development as a whole. That’s why in your birthchart by progression the Sun moves one degree per year forward and that decides what you experience. Your birthchart’s Moon determines what your earthly personality goes through. This Moon is known as the runner because by progression it moves forwards one degree per month.

Only those whose spiritual ledger, through their own behaviour has become well balanced, are going to be released into the greater freedom of the Aquarian age. They are also likely to take part in the new golden age, to which your whole world for some time by now has been moving with giant strides. And all of those who are suffering because of your world’s present state and the so-called pandemic, are likely to have taken part in what’s described in the following chapter. To create as many credit entries in your spiritual ledger, we hope that you will share all our messages, not merely this one, with as many as possible in your world.

We are with you, all the way, and are enjoying the spiritual progress that ever more of you are making these days. God bless you all. You and your world are safe and forever will be.

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From ‘Astrology On The Healing Journey’

The Inquisition And Witch Hunts

The Moving Finger writes
And, having writ, moves on.
Not all your piety nor wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a line,
Nor all your tears wash out a word of it.

From ‘The Rubaiyat
Omar Khayyam

Notre Dame cathedral was built on a small island called the Île de la Cité, in the middle of the Seine. Construction began in 1163, during the reign of King Louis VII, and was completed in 1345. This places it into the period when the Catholic church ruled supreme with the help of its long arm, the Inquisition. This powerful office was set up to root out and punish every bit of truth that emerged here and there throughout Europe and the Americas. It was declared to be heresy and mercilessly stamped out. Beginning in the 12th century and continuing for hundreds of years, the Inquisition is infamous for the severity of its tortures and in particular its persecution of Jews and Muslims. Its worst manifestation was in Spain, where it was a dominant force for more than two hundred years, resulting in some 32,000 executions.

The Inquisition has its origins in the early organised persecution of non-Catholic Christian religions in Europe. In 1184 Pope Lucius III sent bishops to southern France to track down heretics called Cathars. These efforts continued into the 14th Century. During the same period, the church also pursued the Waldensians in Germany and Northern Italy. In 1231, Pope Gregory charged the Dominican and Franciscan Orders to take over the job of tracking down heretics.

Cathars, in general, formed an anti-sacerdotal party, i.e. hostile to priests and priesthood, in opposition to the Catholic Church, protesting against what they perceived as its moral, spiritual and political corruption. They are now mainly remembered for a prolonged period of persecution by the Catholic Church who did not recognise their belief as Christian. Catharism appeared in Europe in the Languedoc region of France in the 11th century and this is when the name first appears. Languedoc-Roussillon, often called the Languedoc is a historical coastal region in southern France that extends from Provence to the Pyrenees Mountains and the border with Spain. It is now part of Occitanie. Montpellier, its regional capital is home to a well-preserved medieval quarter.

Inquisitors would arrive in a town and announce their presence, giving citizens a chance to admit to heresy. Those who confessed received a punishment ranging from a pilgrimage to a whipping. Those who were accused of heresy were forced to testify. If the heretic did not confess, torture and execution were inescapable. Heretics were not allowed to face accusers, received no counsel and were often victims of false accusations. If you did not like someone’s face, to get rid of them all you had to do is to report them as heretics.

Bernard Gui wrote the influential guidebook for Inquisitors called ‘Conduct of the Inquisition into Heretical Depravity’ in the early 14th Century. Gui himself pronounced over 600 people guilty of heresy and was featured as a character in Umberto Eco’s novel The Name of the Rose. There were countless abuses of power. Count Raymond VII of Toulouse was known for burning heretics at the stake even though they had confessed. His successor, Count Alphonese, confiscated the lands of the accused to increase his riches.

In 1307, Inquisitors were involved in the mass arrest and tortures of 15,000 Knights Templar in France, resulting in dozens of executions. Joan of Arc, burned at the stake in 1431, is the most famous victim of this wing of the Inquisition. In the late 15th Century, King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella of Spain believed corruption in the Spanish Catholic Church was caused by Jews who, to survive centuries of anti-Semitism, converted to Christianity. Known as Conversos, they were viewed with suspicion by old powerful Christian families. Conversos were blamed for a plague and accused of poisoning peoples’ water and abducting Christian boys.

Ferdinand and Isabella feared that even trusted Conversos were secretly practicing their old religion. The royal couple was also afraid of angering Christian subjects who demanded a harder line against Conversos. Christian support was crucial in an upcoming crusade against Muslims planned in Granada. Ferdinand felt an Inquisition was the best way to fund that crusade, by seizing the wealth of heretic Conversos. In 1478, under the influence of clergyman Tomas de Torquemada, the monarchs created the Tribunal of Castile to investigate heresy among Conversos. The effort focused on stronger Catholic education for Conversos, but by 1480, the Inquisition was formed.

That same year, Jews in Castile were forced into ghettos separated from Christians, and the Inquisition expanded to Seville. A mass exodus of Conversos followed. In 1481, 20,000 Conversos confessed to heresy, hoping to avoid execution. Inquisitors decreed that their penitence required them to name other heretics. By the year’s end, hundreds of Conversos were burned at the stake.

Hearing the complaints of Conversos who had fled to Rome, Pope Sextus proclaimed the Spanish Inquisition was too harsh and was wrongly accusing Conversos. In 1482 Sextus appointed a council to take command of the Inquisition. Torquemada was named Inquisitor General and established courts across Spain. Torture became systemised and routinely used to elicit confessions. Sentencing of confessed heretics was done in a public event called the Auto-da-Fe. All heretics wore a sackcloth with a single eyehole over their heads. Heretics who refused to confess were burned at the stake.

Sometimes people fought back against the Inquisition. In 1485, an Inquisitor died after being poisoned and another was stabbed to death in a church. Torquemada managed to round up the assassins and burn forty-two people in retaliation. His own downfall came when he investigated members of the clergy for heresy. Complaints to Pope Alexander VI convinced him that Torquemada needed tempering, so was forced to share leadership with four other clergymen until he died in 1498.

Diego de Deza took over as Inquisitor General, escalating the hunt for heresy within cities and rounding up scores of accused heretics, including members of the nobility and local governments. Some were able to bribe their way out of imprisonment and death, reflecting the level of corruption under de Deza. After Isabella’s death in 1504, Ferdinand promoted Cardinal Gonzalo Ximenes de Cisneros, the head of the Spanish Catholic Church, to Inquisitor General. Ximenes had previously made a mark in Granada persecuting the Islamic Moors.

As Inquisitor General, Ximenes pursued Muslims into North Africa, encouraging Ferdinand to take military action. Upon seizing African towns, the Inquisition became established there. Ximenes was dismissed in 1517 after pleas from prominent Conversos, but the Inquisition was allowed to continue. Rome invented its own version of it in 1542 when Pope Paul III created the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition to combat Protestant heresy. This Inquisition is best known for putting Galileo on trial in 1633.

Galileo Galilei, 1564-1642, was an Italian astronomer, physicist and engineer who became known as the father of observational astronomy, modern physics, the scientific method and modern science. He championed heliocentrism and Copernicanism was controversial during his lifetime. The matter was investigated by the Roman Inquisition in 1615, which concluded that heliocentrism was foolish and absurd in philosophy and formally heretical since it explicitly contradicts in many places the sense of Holy Scripture.

Galileo later defended his views in ‘Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems’ 1632, in which he seemed to attack Pope Urban VIII. This alienated Galileo with the Pope and the Jesuits. Both had supported him up to that point. As a result, he was tried by the Inquisition, found vehemently suspect of heresy, forced to recant and had to spend the rest of his life under house arrest. During this time he wrote ‘Two New Sciences’ in which he summarised work he had done some forty years earlier on the two sciences now called kinematics and strength of materials.

Nicolaus Copernicus, 1473-1543, was a mathematician and astronomer o the Renaissance era. He formulated a model of the Universe that placed the Sun rather than the Earth at its centre, in all likelihood independently of Aristarchus of Samos Greece, who had formulated such a model some eighteen centuries earlier

In 1545, the Spanish Index was created, a list of European books considered heretical and forbidden in Spain, based on the Roman Inquisition’s own Index Librorum Prohibitorum. In other nods to Rome’s concerns, the Spanish Inquisition focused on the rising population of Spanish Protestants in the 1550s. In 1556, Philip II ascended the Spanish throne. He had previously brought the Roman Inquisition to the Netherlands, where Lutherans were hunted down and burned at the stake.

As Spain expanded into the Americas, so did the Inquisition, established in Mexico in 1570. In 1574, Lutherans were burned at the stake there, and the Inquisition came to Peru, where Protestants were likewise tortured and burned alive.

In 1580 Spain conquered Portugal and began rounding up and slaughtering Jews who had fled Spain. Philip II also renewed hostilities against the Moors, who revolted and found themselves either killed or sold into slavery. Philip II died in 1598 and his son, Philip III, dealt with the Muslim uprising by banishing them. From 1609 to 1615, 150,000 Muslims who had converted to Catholicism were forced out of Spain.

By the mid-1600s the Inquisition and Catholic dominance had become such an oppressive fact of daily life in Spanish territories that Protestants avoided those places altogether. In 1808, Napoleon conquered Spain and ordered the Inquisition there to be abolished. After Napoleon’s defeat in 1814, Ferdinand VII worked to reinstate the Inquisition but was ultimately prevented by the French government, which helped Ferdinand overcome a fierce rebellion. Part of the agreement with France was to dismantle the Inquisition, which was defunct by 1834.

The last person to be executed by the Inquisition was Cayetano Ripoll, a Spanish schoolmaster hanged for heresy in 1826. The Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition still exists, though changed its name a couple of times. It is currently called the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

Witch-phobia and prosecutions for the alleged crime of witchcraft reached a highpoint from 1580 to 1630 during the Counter-Reformation and the European wars of religion, when an estimated 50,000 persons were burned at the stake, of which roughly eighty percent were women and most often over the age of forty.

The Reformation was a movement within Western Christianity in 16th-century Europe that posed a religious and political challenge to the Roman Catholic church – and papal authority in particular. Period: 1517 – 1648

The Counter-Reformation (Latin: Contrareformatio), also called the Catholic Reformation (Latin: Reformatio Catholica) or the Catholic Revival, was the period of Catholic resurgence that was initiated in response to the Protestant Reformation. It began with the Council of Trent (1545–1563) and largely ended with the 1781 Patent of Toleration, although smaller expulsions of Protestants continued into the 19th century.

Initiated to preserve the power, influence and material wealth enjoyed by the Catholic Church and to present a theological and material challenge to Reformation, the Counter-Reformation was a comprehensive effort composed of apologetic and polemical documents, ecclesiastical reconfiguration as decreed by the Council of Trent, a series of wars, political manoeuvring including the efforts of Imperial Diets of the Holy Roman Empire, exiling of Protestant populations, confiscation of Protestant children for Catholic institutionalised upbringing, heresy trials and the Inquisition, anti-corruption efforts, spiritual movements and the founding of new religious orders.

Such reforms included the foundation of seminaries for the proper training of priests in the spiritual life and the theological traditions of the church, the reform of religious life by returning orders to their spiritual foundations, and new spiritual movements focusing on the devotional life and a personal relationship with Christ, including the Spanish mystics and the French school of spirituality.

It also involved political activities that included the Roman Inquisition and the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Protestants. One primary emphasis of the Counter-Reformation was a mission to reach parts of the world that had been colonized as predominantly Catholic and also try to reconvert areas such as Sweden and England that were at one time Catholic but became Protestant during the Reformation.

* * *

How the main stream press induces fear in the public...
Coronavirus: The Contagion of Propaganda

by Jon Rappoport

Written March 2, 2020 – re-published 26th January 2023

“The virus is coming, the virus is coming.”

As my readers know, I’ve been presenting evidence that this so-called viral epidemic is unproven. I’ve detailed the fraud from a number of angles. Here I want to comment on the true contagion of propaganda.

The press is piling on, as it always does. A story, true or false---it doesn’t matter---describes how basic items are disappearing from store shelves in a town like there’s no tomorrow.

The STORY causes fear. So more products disappear from store shelves in more places. Now a NEW story with photos of empty shelves takes center stage. More fear. More panic buying. And so forth and so on. The build-out of propaganda.

The psychological equation is: if there is fear, then the virus must be dangerous. But this is actually like saying: if a man walking on a street at night believes a mugger is about to parachute out of the sky, the sky-mugger must be real.

The story the press should be featuring is: “our coverage of so-called panic is creating panic.” RUN THAT PIECE.

“Today in Manhattan, six greed-head editors of major newspapers and television news outlets met to discuss how their coverage is causing more and more fear. They agreed they were collaborating to incur a desired reaction...”

“Hey, guess what?” five hundred thousand readers and viewers of mainstream news say immediately. “THEY’RE making us afraid.” If only that could happen, we’d be living in a different world.

The press is also cross-cutting stories. This technique works well. In the middle of a piece about empty store shelves, we’re suddenly treated to a statement from some public health official, who says, “Epidemic cases are coming to America. We can’t stop them.” Now you have two themes; each one gives added strength to the other. But wait. There’s more. In the SAME STORY, we read or hear about a man in Montana or Arizona who has been identified as a carrier of the virus. He’s being sequestered in a hospital. It’s a triple play. Three streams of nonsense pouring into one another.

We’re not nearly finished yet, because…social media. Someone takes the above story and flashes it on Twitter. Comments stretch out. A Twitter reader with a YouTube account sits down and turns out a quick video and posts it. His twist is: this is the big one; doomsday; it’s a planned attack using the Coronavirus.

Comments below the video feature a brawl about whether the virus was made in a lab, leaked out of the lab, or was designed as a weapon. And if a weapon, who did it? The Americans? The Chinese?

YouTube demonetizes the video. This gives rise to several articles in the “alternative press.”

Now, a scuzzy outlet uses the demonetized video to make a point: people shouldn’t fly off the handle with conspiracy theories; instead they should listen to the medical authorities talking sense about the virus.

Of course, the medical authorities are blowing out tons of their own version of fear porn. They’re the propaganda experts. They use “science” to make their claims.

There are what, 20 or 30 supposed cases of the supposed Coronavirus in America, out of a population of 300 hundred million? As I’ve detailed, the diagnostic tests, on which “new cases” are based, are worthless. But no matter. Join the Club of Fear. Your friends are in the Club. You don’t want to feel left out, do you?

Soon, I expect this kind of story: “Today, in Rigatoni, Delaware, a man in a supermarket unleashed a volley of profanities at the store manager, because the shelves were fully stocked...”

“Authorities transported the man to a local hospital, where he was interviewed briefly by a resident psychiatrist, who then gave a statement to the press: “I believe Mr. (name withheld) was correct. The store manager gave the wrong impression to shoppers. The stocked shelves could impart the message that we are in a condition of social normalcy, which is far from true. The virus is a very serious and immediate problem. I have contacted the town council. I recommend products should be removed from the supermarket shelves...”


Let’s get back to reality. Oh, sorry, we can’t. Because in more theater of the absurd, Mike Bloomberg, running for the presidency, just spent a million bucks (or more) for a TV ad, in which he’s posing as the president in an Oval Office-like setting, assuring the nation he would/will guide us through the Coronavirus crisis.

And more politics: Part of the press fear porn is critically directed at Trump, who addressed the country with the message that the government “is doing great” at handling the virus situation.

The ladder, descending from the top, looks something like this:

* Pharma plus elite Globalists are on the lookout for: a new excuse to exert more control over populations, and new billions in drug and vaccine sales.

* In Wuhan, China, where the poisonous air pollution is creating serious illness, researchers decide a new outbreak has occurred---and it must be a virus. These professionals---local Chinese, World Health Organization and CDC---claim to find the new Coronavirus in five minutes. (They never adequately confirm this.)

* The World Health Organization and CDC feed the press ominous tales about the new virus, the “outbreak,” and five minutes later, “the epidemic.”

* The Chinese government locks down several giant cities.

* The epidemic story explodes in the press.

* The “virus is spreading.” “Containment will be difficult.”

* “Containment isn’t working.”

* “New cases in other countries.”

* “It’s coming to your country.”

* Fear porn follows.

* Panic buying in stores.

* People think, “If shoppers are buying up food and water like the world is ending, I better buy food and water, too, before they’re all gone.”

Lovely, isn’t it?

An artificial crisis. The propaganda germ.

My shelves and closets and rooms at home are filled with essentials. They’re piled so high and packed so tight, I can barely move. I’m building a machine-gun nest on my front lawn, and a moat stocked with alligators. My neighbor is watching. He sees what I’m doing, so he’s installing rocket launchers in his yard...

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With love and light,

* * *

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26 Jan, 2023
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