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Miracles And Wonders (112)
Miracles And Wonders (112)

Miracles And Wonders (112)


Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Thoughts For Today 31st January 2023

Caring For Your World

From ‘The Very Best Of White Eagle’

The Feminine – Soul Of Your World (1)

The following was inspired by a White Eagle group of spirit guides teaching that a long time ago came my way through the White Eagle Lodge’s ‘The Lightbringer – Developing the Feeling Nature’. It’s update was finished on the 2nd July 2020, the day of the week that is ruled by the Great Mother of all life, when the Sun was moving through Cancer, the zodiac’s caring and nurturing sign that is also ruled by Her.

‘An essential part of your development, when the end of your earthly education draws near, is re-establishing your inner connection with God. You will find that with your intellect alone this is impossible. You also need to experience yourself as a spirit/soul who, through the world of its feelings, is taking part in another earthly lifetime to find out more about itself and its environment. The Aquarian age is the age of truth. It is bringing humankind the recognition that the Godhead of the whole of Creation consists of a Divine Trinity that has always consisted of the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter the Universal Christ, who is the Sun of all suns and the light of all lights. They always have been and forever will be the supreme rulers of the whole of Creation and therefore also of the earthly plane.

‘For a better understanding of this, we need to reach out a bit further. The first creative impulse is the masculine God or Great Father of all life. The second one is his counterpart, the feminine Goddess or Great Mother. In close co-operation the two express and manifest themselves with the help of the third impulse, masculine/feminine the Universal Christ. Everything in the whole of Creation, on all its levels, was brought into being by the partnership of the first and second impulse, working together and responding to each other peacefully and harmoniously, through the third impulse. In every boy or man of your world the masculine aspect of his nature is conscious and its feminine counterpart unconscius. Each one of the main women in his life, like his mother, partner or wife is an outer manifestation of his inner woman. For girls and women it works the other way round. Because every one of you is already whole, you do not really need others to make you that way.

‘Being part of God, every human being’s spirit/soul is immortal and just like God can and will never die. But for a long as this part of your nature unloved and is not nurtured and cared for, merely you do not know about its existence, its development stands still. Spiritual muscles are like physical ones. If they are not used regularly, they lose their usefulness. Use it or lose it! Unless your spirit/soul’s requirements are regularly attended to, this part of you goes to sleep and remains that way until you do something about it. The small still voice of your inner guidance, the wise one or living God within, is always trying to communicate with every one of you through the world of your feelings.

‘The voice belongs to the Great Mother. She knows the way of all things and has the answers to any question you may ever care to ask because She is part of everything that exists in the whole of Creation. She is the storehouse for the soul memories of all worlds and every individual soul within them. Not only are they stored in the Mother, they are also constantly feeding into Her. That’s how any knowledge that was ever gained anywhere during the long evolutionary journey of the whole of Creation found its way to Her. She is so wise and loves you so much that initially on your own journey She has always been showing you the way. Alas, if at some point of your development your feeling world went to sleep, you would have been unable to hear Her and follow Her advice because she was no longer available to you.

‘This is what came to pass in your world during the approx. six thousand years of patriarchy, with its all-male religions that encourage the masculine to dominate the feminine. Fortunately, this stage of humankind’s development by now lies well behind you. But to this day your world is struggling with re-balancing the unnatural state that was created by the patriarchal religions. We are glad to tell you that the withdrawal of the feminine influence from the Godhead was not meant to last forever. It was a temporary state that in any case only existed on the outer physical plane of life. Nothing of this kind will ever happen on the inner level, because the Great Father/Mother are one and inseparable. The wise higher purpose of withdrawing the feminine was to demonstrate to your world what happens to it when without the feminine’s softening, beautifying and civilising influence.

‘Up to the middle ages there were still many on the earthly plane who did not believe in the strange and unnatural all-male Godhead. As non-believers and heretics, they were mercilessly persecuted and wiped out. For a long time the patriarchal religions ruled your world with an iron rod and teachings that had been carefully designed to spread fear. Exploiting the masses and making them part with their earthly resources for the purpose of increasing the churches’ wealth was made easy that way. The beliefs, prejudices and superstitions that were part of their teachings were declared to be literally true and that created a barrier of fear on the inner level of their followers.

‘Being exposed to this kind of treatment for several lifetimes eventually made it impossible for them to access the Great Mother’s wisdom through the world of their feelings, so that they could no longer receive Her guidance. This is how a barrier of fear consisting of many layers of soul memories that were piled upon people’s initial natural inner connection with and their knowledge with their Creator. Now that humankind has been kept away from discovering the truth about its Divine parents for long enough, for every one of you the time has come for attending to their inner blockage and removing it. This is a process that can be likened to the peeling of an onion. To enable you to reconnect with God, layer upon layer of fear needs to be shed, so that a new understanding of who and what God truly can come to you.

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Nurturing And Caring (2)

‘God is the Great Father of all life, the first masculine aspect of Creation. His astrological elements are Fire, creative ideas, and Air, the intellect with its ability of thinking and transmitting them to His feminine counterpart, the second aspect of the Goddess or Great Mother. Her love and wisdom decide how they should be used. Her astrological elements are water, humankind’s emotional nature and world of feelings, and Earth, matter that’s created by slowing down the Universal Christ’s light. All matter in the whole of Creation is brought about in close co-operation of the first and second aspect using the third one. As sparks of the Christ light, the triple aspects of your Divine parents and also its powers and characteristics are in every one of you.

‘Getting to know God requires your intellect as much as the world of your feelings. With the intellect alone and without experiencing the responses of that world it’s impossible. But through nothing more than taking part in earthly life, as soon as you are equipped with the right kind of knowledge, that task is easy. Because you are as much part of God as God is part of you, you yourself are God, or rather a young God in the making. Each time you look into the mirror, who greets you there? God! If you wish to constantly be guided and protected by your inner guidance, the living God or wise one within, you have to be familiar and in touch with your feeling world.

‘Your first requirement on this journey is being aware of your spiritual nature and that in truth every human being is a spirit/soul, who from time to time spends another lifetime as a material being on the earthly plane. The awareness that the Divine Trinity has always consisted of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, who is the Sun of all suns and the Light of all light, eventually provides your earthly self with the knowledge that connects it, through the bridge of its spirit/soul, with the higher and eventually the highest levels of life. Your understanding of these things provides your lower self with the power of connecting its earthly plane with the higher and eventually highest levels of life. This is the esoteric meaning behind the sacred marriage or union between Heaven and Earth.

‘The aspects of the feminine in every human being, male and female alike, are part of the Great Mother’s caring and nurturing nature. It makes no difference whether a woman is a mother in her present lifetime or not. Every feminine creature, human and animal alike, has the natural ability to love and mother, nurture and care for, not only her own young but everything that shares her life without forgetting about her own needs. In the course of many lifetimes, human females learn that her caring nature needs to express itself not only with tender loving and caring but also wisdom. Both are equally important.

‘As the soul of the whole of Creation, the Divine Mother is peace loving and constantly tries to bring about more beauty and harmony, peace and perfection. At least potentially, so is your own soul and that of your world. The soul is intuitive and has the ability of not only knowing the past but also the future. She truly knows the way of all things and can supply the answer to the questions any one of you will ever care to ask. Now that you have taken part in the lesson of the Great Mother’s absence in your world long enough, Her only desire is to protect you and your world against destroying each other and your world. Christianity’s Virgin Mary is one of Her many symbols.

‘Every human being eventually starts bringing forth, each from deep within their own being, the Great Mother’s characteristics. And all of you need to teach the masculine and feminine of your own nature to co-operate and work together harmoniously and peacefully, the way they are doing in your Creator. When this has been achieved, warmongering and violence, trouble and strife, lying and cheating, corruption and exploitation of the masses will no longer exist on the Earth.

‘The redemption of the karmic debts that mounted up in the course of lifetimes spent at the giving end of that kind of behaviour is the spiritual background for the suffering at the hands of those who, behind the scenes, are pulling the strings and are responsible for bringing about the 2019/2020 pandemic. Send them a loving thought and forgive them, if you can. For they do not know what they are doing themselves, the same as you did when you caused your world’s present regrettable state because you did not yet know about the existence of Universal laws that in due course return everything to its sender. That’s what they are sure to bring to them in the fullness of time and not as some kind punishment. It’s merely the Universe’s way of ensuring that every human being eventually gets first hand knowledge about the nature of suffering. This is achieved through alternating from someone first being on its giving end and later on the receiving one.

‘However, Great Mother does not wish your present world situation to continue forever. That would contravene the main laws of love and evolution to which the whole of Creation is subject, therefore also your world, because it would make evolutionary progress impossible for humankind. The Angels and Masters around the throne of God, the Christ Circle, are in charge of the development of all worlds on every one of its levels, therefore also humankind. They in turn are in charge of us and through them the Mother’s wisdom decides how much spiritual knowledge should be given to your world, at any given time and in what form it should be presented. Spiritual knowledge is a constantly expanding organism that should never be considered as being chiselled in stone or set in concrete and therefore unchangeable. Because of the new learning that is constantly being gained by someone in the whole of Creation and fed into the Mother’s store, this organism has never stopped growing and that will forever continue.

Acting on the Angels and Master’s instructions, we ask all who are reading this message and are capable of recognising its urgency, to turn to them and request their assistance for bringing about the pandemic’s natural end and at the same time ensure that no further ones will ever be possible. They wish to show as many of you as possible intuitively what kind of contribution each one of you can make towards the greatest healing miracle that has ever been experienced on Mother Earth. She is but one of the many manifestations of the Great Mother and so are the people who are reading this. The only difference between the genders is that men experience Her presence through their inner being and women are acting it out in the world around you. God bless you all and keep you and your world safe, now and forever.’

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In The Name Of Love (3)

The following is the essence of a teaching from the White Eagle group of spirit guides from the book ‘Spiritual Unfoldment’, which was first published in the 1940s: ‘The law of life is love and in the course of many lifetimes every human being is destined to evolve into a young God and that is someone who loves God’s way, totally, unconditionally and above all wisely and being able to give without expecting anything in return. However, in the early stages of your earthly education you frequently misunderstand sentiment as love. During that phase of your development you try to cover your weaknesses and faults by saying that you are doing things in the name of love.

‘Alas, for as long as you are blinded in this way you cannot yet perceive the true needs of those around you, i.e. their spiritual requirement for learning, each through their own experiences, so that through this you grow in understanding and wisdom. This prevents you from giving real service. It causes you to give foolishly in ways that indulge the other one and indirectly your own selfishness. This brings to mind devoted parents who give their children everything they demand, in the belief that what they are doing is an expression of their love. Instead of creating opportunities through which their offspring can learn and grow, such parents are robbing their youngsters of the means for self-development and self-expression.

‘More highly evolved parents are aware that the Great Mother allows all Her children to come to their own decisions and make their own mistakes, so they can learn from them and do better next time round. Being a wise parent does not mean you are cold and indifferent towards your children. Quite the opposite is true. Your love is so great and you are so wise that you recognise your children’s requirement for experiencing life, each in its own unique and special way. The greatest gift any parent can give their offspring is as early as possible encouraging them to come to their own conclusions and make their own decisions. When you have learnt to love God’s way, you will know when to give and when to withhold something and for how long, as this helps your child to learn how to appreciate the value of things.

‘Too many sweets in more than one sense can be the cause of severe bilious attacks! If you indulge those around you and give them all they want, mistaking this to be love, in due course you are likely to create a spiritual bilious attack that will be as uncomfortable for your loved ones as for you. Human motherly love with its maternal instincts in its lowest form expresses itself as possessiveness that has its roots in selfishness. Experiencing this is an inevitable part of humankind’s early earthly education.

‘The higher you move on the evolutionary spiral of life, the more the caring and nurturing Divine aspects of maternal love in both women and men come to the fore of their consciousness and gradually take over their whole being. This kind of love is creative and endlessly giving. It manifests itself in the creation of every new life. In the long evolutionary process that follows each birth Divine love constantly endeavours to assist its creation to become ever more beautiful and perfect. In the case of human beings this is achieved when all aspects of their nature are integrated and working together peacefully and harmoniously, the way they are doing in God.

‘As you mature into spiritual adulthood, you are familiar with your own true nature and why you are taking part in earthly life. In your lifetimes as women or men in which you play the role of a parent, you no longer look at your children as your property. You know that they are not of you, but merely have come through you. This awareness makes it easier for you to steer the youngsters in your charge in the right direction. Because you realise that your children are on the Earth for the same reasons that you are, if their natural gifts are different from your interests and inclinations, you would not dream of forcing them to follow in your footsteps. Aware that their talents, like yours, are likely to have taken many lifetimes to develop and that with the necessary encouragement in this one they may fully unfold, you do your best to support your children.

‘In some of your lifetimes you appear as a man and on other occasions as a woman. Depending on your Karma and what kind of life lessons are most beneficial for you, you are sometimes required to act the part of a father or a mother. And how does your mind react when you realise that in some of your lifetimes you could have been the son or daughter of the person who is your child in this one? So, enjoy your children as gifts for a time, the same as everything else you are allowed access to in your earthly existence. Glorify and protect Mother Earth, dear Friends, as one of the many physical and spiritual manifestations of the Great Mother of all life. Each one of you, women and men alike, are another one.’

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A Vision To Hold At This Time (4)

The following is the essence of two White Eagle teachings. The first one appeared in ‘Stella Polaris’ August/September 2005: ‘We, your guides in the spirit world, are seeing a glorious future for humankind, when injustices have been righted and all those present have learned to conduct their lives in keeping with God’s laws and the way of wisdom. We perceive a natural and beautiful coming together of all nations who are united in one great family. The time is coming when your race has understood its responsibilities towards everything that shares its world and especially the animal kingdom. An expansion of consciousness lies ahead when every human being will be capable of looking beyond the ends of their noses and even the astral planes to the celestial world where the Universal Christ with His/Her Angels and all other companies of the Highest are dwelling.

‘Those who to this day insist on holding other nations and their people in subjection will gradually be withdrawn from earthly life and there will be an end to powerseeking, dominion and empire building, persecution and warmongering. Everybody will be occupying their rightful place in the country that once was created for them by their own group spirit and soul. Although each country has its own, in the evolutionary process all of them will gradually merge into one great nation and that is your whole world. There is going to be a growing sense of partnership between the countries in which everybody respects the culture of their neighbours whilst continuing to enjoy its own.

‘This new world is ready and waiting for you beyond the veil that to this day separates your world from ours. Do not doubt and do not fear. Instead live consciously in the company of God’s Angels and Masters, and all other spirit friends and helpers. Do not be misled by the reasoning of your earthly minds and blindfolded by its reactions. They were given to you for good purpose and wise reason and have their place because they provide you with the necessary balance between the earthly plane and the highest realities of life. On the wings of the spiritual knowledge we are bringing you rise above and look beyond the realities of present existence to that which is truly important, namely that which lies behind it with its eternally true values. God bless each one of you with His/Her vision and truth.’

From Stella Polaris Feb/March 2008 ‘Transmutation’: ‘When humankind fully recognises its birthright, there will no longer be any wars and no-one will be subject to disease and poverty. Even death will be overcome when the Christ Spirit, the living God within, has achieved mastery over the cells and atoms of your physical body. In the days to come the powers of the spirit will be so highly developed that you will be able to read at a glance the thoughts of your companions. Yet, no-one will be entrusted with this gift who does not yet know how to treat it with the reverence it deserves.

‘We are explaining these things to help you understand that there is a great need for spiritual growth in every one of you, so that the finer gifts of the spirit can eventually become yours. The more you work selflessly and from a loving heart, the more your vision and perceptiveness of the spirit increases. In the fullness of time the power to heal and all other talents the Master Jesus is said to have possessed in the legend of his life, will also be yours. The highest forces will then be using you as their channel and the legend’s prophecy will come true that even greater miracles than the ones he performed will eventually be worked and that through each one of you.

‘The final and complete overthrow of death is waiting for humankind. Each one of you will discover for themselves that there is no death and that there never will be any. We hear you ask: ‘Do you mean no death of the physical body? But that would be against nature!’ What we mean is not death the way you know it today. When your small earthly self has surrendered itself completely to the Christ Spirit within and you have become a Christed one in your own right, a transmutation of the cells and atoms of your physical body takes place. This will move your whole being onwards and upwards to higher vibrations where decay like that of the Earth plane does not exist.’

Updated March 2016. Considering that some of the earliest White Eagle teachings appeared as far back as 1937, it stands to reason that by now considerable progress in our individual and collective spiritual development has been made. Therefore, it is likely that we are a good bit closer to the above vision becoming a reality in earthly life.

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From ‘Words Of Hope And Encouragement’

No Regrets (1)

Even if our present lifetime lasted one hundred years,
It would be too short to waste spending
A moment on regretting anything.
So let’s love the people who treat us right
And leave behind the ones who don’t.
Never forget that everything on the earthly plane
Is of a temporary nature and
Never more than a passing phase.

Everything that happens is only there
For teaching us some kind of a lesson and
Whenever life offers us a second chance,
Let’s grab it with both hands and
Do our best to create something of value from it.

Nobody promised Earth life would be easy.
But when in future something happens
That changes our life profoundly,
Let’s go with the flow and allow things to happen,
Resting safely in the knowledge that,
As long as we grow and learn something
From every experience that comes our way,
This lifetime has not been a wasted one.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

* * *

There’s A Reason (2)

‘There are times when we understand and
times when we simply have to trust
that everything happens for a reason,
even though we do not know what it is.’

For every pain we have to bear,
For every burden and every care,
There’s a wise and higher reason.

For every grief that bows our head,
For every teardrop that we shed,
There’s a reason.

For every hurt and for every plight,
For every lonely and pain-racked night,
There’s a reason.

And if we trust the Highest that all life
Has always been moving forwards and upwards
On the evolutionary spiral
And that this will forever continue,
Even the pandemic will work out well
And reach its natural happy ending
In the not too distant future.
The Universal laws of love and evolution together
With the law of cause and effect or Karma,
Are the reason why things of this
Nature happen.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Updated July 2020

* * *

The Weaver (3)

My life is but a weaving
Between my Creator and me.
I cannot choose the colours,
As S/He worketh steadily.

Oft-times S/He weaveth sorrow,
And I, in foolish pride,
Forget S/He sees the upper
And I the underside.

Not till the loom is silent
And the shuttles cease to fly,
Shall God unroll the canvas
And explain the reasons why

The dark threads are as needful
In the Weaver’s skilful hand,
As the threads of gold and silver
In the pattern S/He has planned.

S/He knows and loves and cares –
Nothing this truth can dim,
And S/He gives the best to those
Who leave the choice to Her/Him.

But then, one fine day, we wake up to the
Realisation that the only freedom we
Earthlings always had was the
Decision of how to react to any
Kind of situation that comes our way.

And when we at last wake up to the
Presence of God’s Universal
Law of cause and effect or Karma,
The goodness and kindness of the
Highest Forces of life at last lay the
Rudder for steering the boat of our life
In the desired direction.

Created by Anon.
Adapted by Aquarius
Updated July 2020

* * *

From ‘Songs Of Inspiration’

Yearning For Our True Home

Wandering Between Two Worlds

I come from highlands down to shore,
The valleys steam, the oceans roar.
I wander silent, joyless here:
My sigh keeps asking! ‘Where? Oh, where?’
Their Sun appears to me so cold,
Their blossoms limp, their life so old;
And what they speak of, empty fare:
I am a stranger everywhere.

Where are you, land, beloved home?
Imagined, sought, but never known!
The land, the land, whence hope does flow,
The land where all my roses grow,

Where friends shall never meet in vain,
Where all my dead shall rise again,
The land that speaks my language true:
Oh land, where are you?

I wander silent, joyless here,
My sigh keeps asking: ‘Where? Oh where?’
The spirits answer my distress:
‘Where you are not, there’s happiness.’

The song speaks of the wanderer between two worlds,
Which every one of us is.
It’s about the earthly self’s longing and yearning
For its true eternal home that cannot be found on that plane,
Which only exists in the inner world of the spirit realm.
The essence of our being is spirit/soul and they,
Like God, are eternal and immortal.
Death is unknown to them.

In the noisy busyness of the outer material world
Our earthly selves frequently feel like strangers
And are profoundly unhappy and disturbed.
That’s hardly surprising because
Every human being once emerged as mere idea
From the heartmind of the Great Father.
He gave birth to us with the help of
The Great Mother’s love and wisdom.
Together, in the sweetest harmony, they place a tiny spark
Of the light and warmth of their only born
Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ,
In the heart of each new human being that’s about to
Appear for the first time on the earthly plane of life,
To start taking part in the many lessons of that school.

For a while we rest in the spirit realm,
To rest and recuperate from the stresses of earthly life.
We spend many lifetimes on that plane
Each time we return to it, we bring with us
Every bit of learning from previous lifetimes
That’s now stored in the memories of our soul
In the subconscious part of our new earthly self.
From there whatever we’ve already learnt has the power of
Influencing us in either positive or negative ways.

Every earthly lifetime is merely a temporary stopover.
Each one enables us to steadily advance on
Our personal evolutionary spiral.
This is how, one small step after another,
Because of taking part in the many lessons
That the earthly school of life offers,
Our development on many different levels progresses.

On every occasion we stay until that’s lifetime’s
Purpose has been fulfilled.
The lessons we promised the wise ones in charge of us
To take part in have been imbibed and
A sufficient amount of our karmic debts redeemed.
Only then do we return to our true eternal home,
The world of spirit or light, where
We rest and recuperate from life on the earthly plane.

The knowledge of our true eternal home is
Programmed into each spark before being
Launched on what’s going to be an
Exceedingly long and protracted evolutionary journey.
And that’s why, on the deepest innermost level of their being,
Every one of us during our times on the earthly plane
Has not forgotten that there is a home somewhere,
Where we all live together in peace and harmony,
Where trouble and strife, warmongering and empire-building
Are unknown.
Instead of exploiting and taking advantage of each other,
Everybody helps and supports those around them.

This is how it comes about that deep within every one of us
There’s always a strong yearning and longing for such a place.
But although we would dearly love to go and live there,
It does not seem to exist anywhere. We cannot find it.
It takes a long time until we realise that this is because
Such a place doesn’t exist on our world’s outer material plane.
The song was written to remind us of the everlasting
Realities of our nature and its spiritual home,
Where every one of us truly belongs.

We emerge from it at the beginning of
Another earthly lifetime and return to,
Enriched by some more learning and growing,
As soon as it has run its course.

Georg Phillip Schmidt
Translated by Walter A. Aue
Set to music by Schubert
Updated for our time by Aquarius

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With love and light,

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31 Jan, 2023
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