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Miracles And Wonders (113)
Miracles And Wonders (113)

Miracles And Wonders (113)


Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Thoughts For Today 1st February 2023

Time For Healing All Relationships

From ‘Relationship Healing’

Healing Our Relationship With Mother Earth (1)

Humankind’s relationship with its home planet has been crying out to be healed for a very long time. A most commendable contribution was made by Vivienne de Watteville in her travelogue ‘Speak to the Earth’, first published by Methuen in 1935. At the age of twenty-eight, Vivienne spent five months in Africa. She went with the intention of befriending and photographing the animals, instead of shooting them, which was the fashion in those days. This book is one of the most deeply moving and inspiring ones I have come across and I would like to share a few extracts from it with you here.

In her closing paragraphs p.328-329 Vivienne has the following message from Mother Earth for humankind. Words in square brackets are my additions: ‘At the root of all our lives is a great and terrifying loneliness, from which first or last there is no escape [the only relief we can find from it lies within]. Yet, by going out [into the wilderness] to meet it halfway, one discovers that its terrors are illusory. Solitude is an ally; there is nothing to fear, for truly ‘Nature never did betray the heart that loves her’. With infinite and loving patience she reassured me over and over – with symbols brighter than words: ‘You are not a stranger walking the Earth to clutch at this friendship or that, [or] to be comforted. As surely as you will return to me at last, so surely while you live am I interwoven with every fibre [of my being with yours].

‘You are never lost or alone, so long as you can claim kinship with everything that is. You are no more alone than the river is alone or the mountains are alone or anything in the Universe, for you are part of the whole and not a single unit of nothing, aimlessly drifting. Don’t build up the walls of loneliness about your spirit. Keep flowing, so that every day you can come out and meet yourself in the sky’s reflection or the dew lying in petals or any other natural thing. Renew yourself in these things; identify yourself with them; for all is fashioned from the same material, shaped by the same inspiration and animated by the same life breath.’

‘Earth and spirit proclaim with a thousand tongues the unity of the spirit. It is not life, nor fate, nor providence that is unkind, but we ourselves who persist in dividing instead of uniting. The same love of dividing that makes us cut ourselves into fifty religious sects, all seeking one and the same Truth; or that makes for the sifting and sorting into different social layers; or divides us into different political parties; or nation versus nation.

‘It is this same mania for dividing and separating that finally revenges itself upon the individual. Yet we are – after all – only superficially divided. Spirit will ever be like mercury, ready to run together again at the first opportunity. Nature may [seem to] be cruel contradiction – life for ever warring against life – but her ultimate message is the friendship of God. Secure in that friendship, we cannot be afraid. Life is the glorious experiment, and death the great adventure, when the mists shall at last lift long enough for us to see clearly [again].’

Page 314: ‘The Divine law, the Divine force and the Divine protection are all there, but the idea is too big for most of us to grasp. [It is like] The frog trying to give an idea of the size of a bull, and bursting with the effort. Our [earthly] minds being the size of frogs, the fear of bursting compels us to reduce everything else to the size of frogs also. It is a great simplification, but the things themselves remain the size of bulls or elephants or Himalayas, and it is only the link between them and our own vision that is needed. [The realisation that we all are spirit, and that the elephant, you and me, all things and beings are God is that link.]’

The adventures, as well as her impressions and insights Vivienne shares with us in her book are as valid, topical and poignant today, as they are sure to have been when they were written. For example on p.302: ‘Earth’s teaching [during Vivienne’s time in Africa] was always that the inevitable must be endured. It is our own fault if we suffer more than our due of pain, because we rebel against it; or dwell too much upon the thought of it.’

Page 288: ‘Returning to myself again – that circumscribed little prison – I thought: on the one hand I am nothing; on the other I am fire, strength, love itself, because I also am IT. As a single individual, [I am] less than the dust; as a part of the whole, [I am] strong as the hills and endless as the stars. Each of us is revolving like one of those spheres in space, moving at his own speed, carrying with them the atmosphere of their own thoughts and individuality. Things from without filter through, but not without some measure taking the colour of this atmosphere, or being distorted by it. To hear, see and feel them truly, it is necessary to project a part of oneself outside the mist and the hum of these revolutions, into the utter stillness of space.’

Page 319: ‘The things round me were ever trying to tell me something more, gently toppling over theory and leading me back to first principles. Not philosophy but simplicity. I missed much, for nothing is harder than to unlearn one’s preconceived ideas. [Ideally,] One should start [each day] off fresh without any. Things may be quite different from what they seem or from how we see them. As Montaingne wrote: ‘When I play with my cat to amuse her, how do I know that it is not she who is trying to amuse me?’

Charlotte Bronte was a born philosopher, if ever there was one. She was born 21. April 1816, a Sun Taurus who – by the time she wrote ‘Shirley’ had learnt her Sun sign’s main lesson, the one of ownership. For example on page 522: ‘I believe – I daily find it proved – that we can get nothing in this world worth keeping, not so much as a principle or a conviction, except out of purifying flame or through strengthening peril. We err, we fall, we are humbled; then we walk more carefully. We greedily eat and drink poison out of the gilded cup of vice or from the beggar’s wallet of avarice. We are sickened, degraded; everything good in us rebels against us; our souls rise bitterly indignant against our bodies; there is a period of civil war; if the soul has strength, it conquers and rules thereafter.’ That is as beautiful a description of the struggle between the human small earthly self and its counterpart, our Highest of God Self, as ever came my way.

* * *

Healing The Relationship With Ourselves (2)

When the Angels told us and our world through the Jesus legend’s St. John 8:31-32: ‘Then Jesus said to the Jews who believed in him: If you abide by my word, you are truly my disciples and you will know the truth and that very truth shall make you free.’ That’s how the Angels as early as that were giving us hints how we would eventually be able to release ourselves and our world from the great wheel of the fortunes of our earthly existence. It comes about through getting to know God’s true nature and our own, as well as every human being’s special relationship with our Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life.

On the inner level all life is one and there is no separation between anything. Throughout the whole of Creation all creatures and things are in relationship with everything else. But to this day, many on the Earth plane are as yet unaware that we are much more than mere earthlings. In truth, each one of us is a spirit and soul who, from time to time, for a limited period lives in a physical environment in search of mind and consciousness expanding experiences that help us to grow in wisdom and understanding. First and foremost we are in this life to find out that earthly life, just like the rest of God’s Creation, is ruled by Universal laws. The law of cause and effect, known as the law of Karma, is of particular interest to us.

The relationship with ourselves and God begins to heal with the discovery that each one of us is a spark the Universal Christ spirit, the light of all lights and Sun of all Suns. This is only born Son/Daughter of the Great Father/Mother, whose symbol is the Christ Star. As God’s beloved children of the Earth we are in relationship with all of life and it has the same inner connection with us.

The law of life is love, God is love and our true nature is love. From love we have come and to love we are returning now. So, how should we relate to those around us and the rest of life on all its levels? Every human being is a potential healer and lightbringer and a young God in the making. And if we wish to do justice to our true nature, Divine ancestry and high and holy destiny, there can only be one answer and that is: ‘With love!’

Everybody appreciates good relationships, but as already mentioned they don’t grow on trees or fall from the Heavens. Far from it! They take a great deal of time and effort, tolerance and kindness, love and respect for ourselves and each other and in the course of many lifetimes, they have to be built – by none other than us. We have been placed in this life to learn how to take advance of the Universal healing energies and to use them for repairing ourselves and all our relationships. The history of our world clearly reveals that the peaceful world the soul of humankind has been craving for a very long time is not going to come about on its own. No large hand will reach down from Heaven and do the work for us. No-one will appear in our world and wave a magic wand over all of it and say: ‘You are making peace, now!’

The Universe, through humankind’s history, is making it abundantly clear that, if we ever wish our world to become a peaceful one, it is none other that us who have to bring this about. Each has to do their share of creating it. Healing our relationships is the most essential and valuable input anyone can have into the creation of this world of our dreams. Through our actions we have to prove that we are not only aware of our real nature and our interconnectedness with all life, but that we are willing to act upon this knowledge, so that in the end our whole existence is filled with nothing but loving and peaceful encounters. Each one of them needs to be conducted in keeping with the spirit of the Aquarian Age of friendship and siblinghood with all life.

From the evidence around me, including my own life, all of us have brought our most trying relationships with us into this very special lifetime. We did this in the hope that with the help and will of God and the Angels resolutions would be found for healing them. But as pointed out earlier, our most urgent task for this lifetime is the healing of our relationship with our Creator through the knowledge of God’s true nature * and our own.

Next in line and just as vital is mending the relationship with ourselves. This is probably the most difficult one of all and therefore most in need of attention, because we all have everything within. The feminine and the masculine, the roughest as well as the smoothest, the most destructive and the most creative. The highest and brightest ideas and desires but also the drives and urges of our small earthly animal nature have to be accepted and worked with. All are part of our nature and the Earth plane is the only place where all of them have to be acted out and eventually integrated by taking charge of them and learning how to handle them safely.

Isn’t it strange that for some of us, including myself, it can take a very long time until we realise that we all have special requirements and that our own are in as much need of being attended to as those of others? If we wish to create peace in our world, our most urgent requirement is making peace with ourselves and learning to love and respect ourselves. By presenting us with the gift of our present lifetime, the wisdom and love of the Universe is providing us with the time and the space to do just that. Part of this is waking up to the realisation that our own innermost needs and wishes are just as important as those of others.

* * *

Healing The Relationship With Ourselves And God (3)

Searching For Peace

Deep inside me there is something,
Hiding but calling and ever abiding.
It unfurls a deep grief in my breast
And will not let me rest.

Could it be a longing for a different place,
Maybe for disappearing without trace?
Searching blindly, I continue my quest
To heal this pain in my chest.

Having explored some of the dark aspects of life,
I feel like a freak who is caught in a trap
I race forwards and yet peer back
At the mistakes I once made,
And the wages of my sins waiting to be paid.

There just has to be more to this life
Than the drawing of a card
And the rolling of a dice.
I’m reaching for a higher realm of understanding,
Something to give my life a purpose that’s more demanding.

It’s an inner war I’m fighting,
Which I’m sure I can win.
And so I keep trying again and again.
But still I act like a freak who’s caught in a fiendish trap,
Running scared and yet without stopping to look back.

What sacrifices am I willing to make to find peace?
If it’s my life, o Universe, it’s yours to take.
I willingly pay what you are demanding
To gain Your forgiveness and understanding.

The wages of sin I am paying now
Are worse to endure than death.
And I would give my dying breath
To let go of my inner demons,
So my soul rests and finds peace

* * *

The Great Mother’s Response (4)

Beloved child of the Earth, you are dear and precious to My heart much more than you will ever be able to understand. The seafaring folks’ of your world are giving you a demonstration of the behaviour of all human souls during their lifetimes in earthly life. Whenever they are at home with their mother and other loved ones, they are only happy and content for a short while. It does not take long until they once more begin to yearn and pine for sailing the seven seas of your world. Each one of you is a sailor on the great ocean of life. You and your earthly character are the boat and destiny that has been given to each one of you. And you alone are responsible for commanding and steering it back home to Me.

One of these days you will be back home in the world of spirit, with the Angels and Me, and other human souls you have come to love during your many earthly adventuring and exploring sojourns. Although you love it there, it will not take long until you become restless and long for more consciousness expanding experiences that help you to grow in wisdom and understanding of yourself, the world around you and life in general.

Now that you have reached quite an advanced evolutionary level, refuse to look at yourself as some kind of a freak, even though at times you had to take the boat of your life through some of the most loathsome whirlpools of earthly experiences. None of them have made you a freak, My dearest child. You did nothing worse than studying in the school of Earth life and everything you ever did took place because you were attending the lessons that are prescribed by the curriculum of this institution for every one of its pupils.

When you look back and recognise that you did not like some of your lessons, that to Me is a sign that you have not been wasting your time. You have made progress on the evolutionary spiral of life only because the happenings in your life made you grow in wisdom and understanding. Rejoice, for now you are ready to choose a different pathway that – if you so wish – will lead you forwards and upwards only, rather than moving down, down, down the way you did in the past. Your yearning for experiences of a higher and more elevated nature shows the Angels in charge of you and Me that all is well with you and your spiritual development.

Know that nothing on the Earth plane or anywhere else ever happens perchance or coincidence, the drawing of a card or the rolling of a dice. Everything is part of the great plan of life and the pathway through it for each one of you is mapped out, complete with the people and events that can help you at any given moment to take part in the lessons you are ready for. Your own energies draw them towards you and you always have the freedom to choose whether you wish to walk the upper or the lower road.

Eventually for each one of you there comes the moment when you realise that the lower road is no longer right for you, because it fails to give you the satisfaction you had hoped to gain from it. And that is what’s happening to you and why you cannot shake off a nagging feeling that there must be more to life than what you have been experiencing in the past. You are right, there is. That’s why you are beginning to draw people into your orbit who are willing to share with you the higher things and understanding their own life’s experiences has taught them.

Naturally, that is no coincidence either. In the school of life you are presently attending, whenever one of its pupils is ready for a more advanced lesson a teacher appears from somewhere, as if by magic. In Earth terms this is magic. It’s a sign that in the spiritual background the Angels and Master, your spirit guides, friends and helpers are watching, guiding and coaxing each one of you along the pathway of their earthly sojourns. Events of this nature reveal their presence and intervention.

At all times they are willing to support and guide you, but they cannot do your learning for you. No-one can do that, except you. You yourself have to walk through the depths to which the desires of your lower earthly nature are capable of leading you. But eventually there comes the time when your Highest Self takes you by the hand and shows you how to leave the pull of the desires of your lower animal nature behind. Through the world of your feelings your God Self has always been guiding you. When you have reached a certain point in your development vague and uncertain feelings begin to disturb your peace of mind and you sense that the lower road is not worthy of you and the hopes, dreams and aspiration of humankind’s higher nature. The way you feel about yourself and the things that have been occupying you is your Highest Self coaxing you along, so that under your own steam you can gradually come to the conclusion that enough is enough.

All along I am there with you. I am your Highest or God Self, the wise one within and when you are suffering, I suffer with you. Whether you are laughing or weeping I am sharing every experience with you. And I speak to you through the small, still voice of your conscience. At some stage in your spiritual development it begins to whisper to you and makes itself felt through an ever growing aversion against your adventuring of the past. When you start to listen to your feelings and respond to them by taking constructive actions to leave the darker aspects of life behind, you have reached a vital evolutionary turning point.

Your decision to start a new chapter in your life proves to the Angels in charge of you and Me that you are growing from spiritual infancy and adolescence into adulthood. Now you are ready to take charge of your earthly self’s character and that empowers you to positively and creatively influence your destiny of where and how you will be spending future lifetimes. But for the present you are moving ever closer to fulfilling your high and holy destiny as a true child of Mine, who through its behaviour and thinking patterns is doing its best to establish My kingdom on the Earth plane.

With the help of the knowledge you are now finding you can afford to look at you and your ways of the past not with loathing and disgust but with love and compassion for the suffering it has brought you. Enduring them have been the wages of sin and you have paid them already, many times over. Don’t keep on doing this over and over again. There is no point in it and there are no prizes for martyrdom. Rather than wallowing in self-pity, rejoice and celebrate for you have grown stronger and wiser. I am proud of you, My child.

Your feelings of guilt and shame, unworthiness and uselessness, and that your life is lacking purpose and direction have been part the wages of sin you had to pay. Your feelings are important, they have purpose and meaning, the same as everything else that is in your life. Listen carefully to the whole gamut of them, as each one is a signal from your inner Highest Self, the wise one within, Me. Through the world of your feelings I was showing you that the manner in which you had been conducting yourself was no longer right for you.

Because you had reached a sufficiently high degree of spiritual maturity, I was knocking at the door of your inner consciousness to call you back into the awareness of your true nature and your oneness with Me. I am glad that you finally set off in search of the missing parts of yourself. This quest is bringing you ever closer to me.

You will have heard it said that love understands all and forgives all. You probably know by now through your own life’s experiences how true this is. When you love someone and they trespass against you in some way, if you make the effort to look into and understand their motivations and the lessons they are currently taking part in, you can do nothing but forgive that person. And because I understand the whole of our pathway throughout all lifetimes, from the beginning of each one to its end, and the suffering your soul has already endured, I find there is nothing to forgive. As a matter of fact, each one of you is forgiven before you set out on your first visits to the Earth plane.

Because I love all of you totally and unconditionally and understand the trials and tribulations that are lying ahead and have to be gone through by each and every one of you, there really IS nothing to forgive. And because you now understand why everything you experienced was a necessary part of your earthly education, the time has come for you to look at yourself with compassion and love, and to forgive yourself.

For a long time you have felt an ever increasing emptiness and a void within you. Whatever you tried to fill it, be it alcohol and drugs, money and material possessions, and endless pleasure-seeking, the barrenness would not go away. When you had tried all those things unsuccessfully, your soul with the help of your feelings was showing you that ultimately the only thing that can fill such inner voids is a conscious reunion with Me. Many of you are working on it now and I bless each one of you for the troubles you are taking upon you to bring this about. Peace be with you, always.

* * *

Peace Prayer (5)

In the cold of an over-materialistic world,
Where many are feeling lost and lonely
I wish you warmth and joy from the knowledge that
These are the days of miracles and wonders,
When ever more of us are once more
Becoming aware of their true nature
And the reason for their being here.

I wish you courage and strength
To heal your own pain and that of others.
May it grow from a steadily increasing awareness that
The love and wisdom aspect of our Creator,
The Great Mother of all life,
Is manifesting herself everywhere in our world.

I wish you a sense of humour and the gift of smiling,
To help you overcome all your fears,
So you can show others how to do the same for themselves.
In the silence of your inner being may you
Be at one with the will and power of the Great Father.
The Father/Mother and their only born
Son/Daughter, the Christ Spirit,
Are as much part of us as we are part of them.
May their highest qualities reveal themselves
In our world through you and your life.

I wish for inner and outer peace in our world.
May it flow from the heart-mind of the Divine Trinity
Into the farthest, remotest corners of our world,
To bless and heal all its lifeforms.
And may the Mother’s wisdom and truth enter
Into every human heart and soul,
As that’s the only place where truth is known.

I wish that the creative fire
Of the ideas from the heartmind of God,
Lighten and warm everybody’s days,
So that Its dreams and visions can come true,
Through us and our world, and all worlds.
I wish for the renewal of hope, faith and trust in our world,
To assist every one of us with ascending the heights of
The spiritual mountain of Divine compassion.
I wish for God’s love to flow into every heart and soul,
So that we may all walk together hand in hand,
As one big family, peacefully and forever united.

Although this is still a dream,
I know in my heart of hearts
That one day it can and will come true,
Through all human souls, including you and me,
For when God’s love has at last come alive
In every human heart and soul,
Anything will be possible and achievable.

Above all I wish for the gift of understanding
To enter every human heart and with it
The ability to stop taking things literally,
When the true meaning of something is
Hidden behind its surface words.


* * *

From ‘Words Of Hope And Encouragement’

Life Without Pain (1)

The wisdom and love of
The Great Father/Mother of all life
Never promised that Earth life
Would be without pain,
Laughter without sorrow,
Sunshine without rain.

What S/He does guarantee us
Is enough strength for each day,
Comfort for our tears
And light all the way –
To eventually take us back home
Into the conscious awareness of
Our true nature and oneness with Him/Her
And all life.

Wherever our predestined lifepath may take us,
God and the Angels provide us
With the courage and strength
To walk through it and
Come out the other end,
Happy and smiling,

Safe in the knowledge that painful lives
Are no longer necessary.
Realising the presence of the Universal laws
And how they have always affected
Every one of us and our world,
And that this will forever continue,
Enables us to conduct our lives
Without hurting or harming anyone,
So that, as soon as our last karmic debts
Have been redeemed, by one other than us,
Nothing but the same can return to us
And our world.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Updated July 2020

* * *

Strength And Courage (2)

‘Be strong and courageous.
Do not ever be afraid or discouraged.
The Angels and Masters who are serving
the Great Father/Mother will forever
be with you, wherever your evolutionary
journey may still wish to take you.’
Joshua 1:9
Edited by Aquarius

‘Courage is not having the strength to go on.
It is going on when you don’t have the strength.’
Theodore Roosevelt

It takes strength to be firm
And courage to be gentle.

It takes strength to stand guard
And courage to let down your guard.

It takes strength to conquer
And courage to surrender.

It takes strength to be certain
And courage to have doubts.

It takes strength to fit in
And courage to stand out.

It takes strength to feel a friend’s pain
And courage to feel your own.

It takes strength to hide your own pain
And courage to show it.

It takes strength to endure abuse
And courage to put a stop to it.

It takes strength to stand alone
And courage to lean on another.

It takes strength to love
And courage to be loved.

It takes strength to survive
And courage to live.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

* * *

The Best Is Yet To Be (3)

The best is never over,
The best has never gone.
There’s always something beautiful
That keeps us marching on.

There is a compensation
For every cross we have to bear,
And a secret consolation,
Always waits for us somewhere.

Every end is a new beginning
And as one day we’ll surely see,
The best is never over,
The best is yet to be.

And because the law of life
Is love and evolution,
With evolution based on love,
That is by no means an empty promise
For every human being and our whole world,
Especially not when it comes to bringing
The plandemic to a natural happy ending,
Hopefully, quite soon!

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Updated August 2021

* * *

From ‘Songs Of Inspiration’

There’s A Place For Us

There’s a place for us,
Somewhere a place for us.
Peace and quiet and open air
Wait for us

There’s a time for us,
Some day a time for us,
Time together with time to spare,
Time to learn, time to care,
Some day!

We’ll find a new way of living,
We’ll find a way of forgiving

There’s a place for us,
A time and place for us.
Hold my hand and we’re halfway there.
Hold my hand and I’ll take you there
Some day,

From ‘West Side Story’
Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim
Music by Leonard Bernstein

Yes, it’s true. There is as much a time and a place for us while we are taking part in earthly life as well as when, at the end of our present lifetime, we say good-bye to it and leave our physical bodies and every other earthly possession behind. We then go to the place the song describes with peace and quiet and the open air of the greater freedom of the spirit realm, from which we emerge at the beginning of each new lifetime.

We are eternal beings who will never die and vast numbers of those who are presently taking part in earthly life have walked the above described way many times before. We don’t remember anything about these events for the simple reason that the love and wisdom of the Great Mother of all life has provided that the world of spirit, the home of Her human children of the Earth, should be the place where each one of them goes to rest and recuperate from the inevitable tests and trials, ups and downs of their earthly education.

Because the lower selves are left behind each time we return to the spirit realm, at the latest soon after our arrival there we once again become aware of our true nature and start behaving in keeping with it. That’s why in this place everybody exists together in peace and harmony. Each goes about attending to some more lessons in the halls of learning.

During our times on the Earth, to protect us against ourselves, a veil of consciousness separates us from the memories of past lifetimes and in particular of the moments when we shed our outer shell, the physical body. We would be unable to cope with consciously being aware which way it happened in some of our previous lifetimes. If we had conscious access to many of the things we have been up to in the course of our long evolutionary journey, we would find it impossible to live with ourselves.

On some occasions we could have died hanging on the end of a rope, being burnt at the stakes, beheaded, drowned or starved to death, shipwrecked on a desert island without any hope of ever being saved. The list is endless. When you think of what is known of human history, you will realise that old souls must have taken part in experiences like these time and time again. To create the necessary balance, sometimes we found ourselves on the giving end of creating misery and suffering for others and at other times we received this kind of treatment.

The soul is the storehouse for the memories of every experience of all our earthly lifetimes. In particular this applies to the thinking and behaviour patterns we develop along the way. Through our soul memories they accompany us into each new lifetime and from the subconscious level they immediately start to influence the way we behave, feel and experience ourselves and our present existence. In our thoughts, words and actions the memories of our soul do so beneficially or detrimentally, as the case may be. Everything depends on how we developed in previous lifetimes. The soul and its memories are part of our physical body’s waterbody and may try to reveal themselves to us through illnesses and what only seemingly are irrational and unfounded fears and anxieties.

The Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle are saying: ‘There really is that kind of a place somewhere and we want to take you to it in your imagination. Let us show you how, in the not too distant future, this kind of life will also have become a reality on the Earth. Walk hand in hand with us, follow us and trust that we know the way. This you do when you keep on keeping on and pay attention to your inner guidance. That’s how we can tell you in any given moment what’s right and wrong for you, and in the whole of Eternity you will never be lost.’

* * *

With love and light,

* * *

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1 Feb, 2023
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