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Miracles And Wonders (123)
Miracles And Wonders (123)

Miracles And Wonders (123)


Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Thoughts For Today 10th February 2023

Changing Perceptions Of Life

From ‘Relationship Healing’

Varying Perceptions Of Life – Why? (1)

Each one of us is a precious and unique being, an individual in its own right and by no means some kind of a clone of our parents or other ancestors. Although we have come through this family line onto the Earth plane, we are not of them. This we did because their energies and educational requirement are compatible with and similar to ours and because Karmic links from other lifetimes connect us with each other. Yet, each has their own pathway to walk and earthly lessons to learn. Because everybody has different sequences of lifetimes with ever varying types of learning behind them, it is hardly surprising that the perception of life of each one of us is somewhat different from all others.

What makes us recognisable as human beings is not merely the outer form of our physical body, but the inner ability of thinking and making conscious decisions. It is being capable of making mistakes and learning something from every experience, so that we can do better next time we try. Through this we gradually grow in wisdom and understanding. Although during the earliest stages of our development as earthlings these aptitudes are still limited, they are there – if only in seed form. We are still human beings, i.e. a human spirit and soul who temporarily finds itself enclosed in the outer form of a physical body and in a material world, which it does not understand.

This creature, the same as every other human being, is a spark of the Divine, a child of God who contains all characteristics of its Divine parents, though at first only in seed form. The best and the worst is in all of us. The higher and highest aspects of our nature take a long time before they can come into the foreground of our consciousness and begin to come alive and develop. Before this can happen, the lower and lowest parts of our nature have to be explored and experienced with all its consequences.

That is how it comes about that we all view everything that is in our earthly existence somewhat differently from everybody else. There are as many variations on this theme as there are souls and that includes those who presently dwell on the other side of the veil of consciousness that separates our two worlds. No two people are exactly alike, not even identical twins. Although on the outside it may be hard to tell one from the other, inside they are unique beings. The Karma of no two people is identical, because we all have gone through different experiences and therefore reached a dissimilar evolutionary level.

All of us have only one window to view our world and through which the world sees us, and that is our own. The Ascendant in our birthchart is a symbol of this window, which is coloured by the energies and qualities of the sign at its cusp. The first house is the Ascendant and describes the physical appearance of the small earthly self, its demeanour and vitality, personality and instinctive behaviour in its encounters with the outside world.

It could be said that in some way the Ascendant is the most important part of the birth chart, because it represents our outer personality and acts like a mask we show to the world. One might think of it as a window through which we view the outside world and the way this world sees us. It is the filter through which all learning experiences of our present lifetime have to pass, to enable the inner self to assimilate and digest them. Through the daily experiences of the earthly self the psyche restlessly searches for enlightenment that can only be found in a better understanding of its own nature through the people and situations that are coming its way.

The Ascendant describes the part where our earthly self meets life head-on and sometimes collides with it. When this happens, it is helpful to bear in mind that this part of our being is but a mask and as such should at all times be worn lightly. Those who identify too much with their mask, i.e. the outer personality, run the risk of forgetting who they truly are and what one fine day they are sure to be again. This true spirit and higher self, however, cannot be found by any earthlings who are as yet unaware of the existence of such a part. As ever, awareness is the key for unlocking this particular door to another aspect of human consciousness.

Each one of the twelve Sun signs of the zodiac and the house position of our Sun in the birthchart also reflect a different attitude towards life and all it contains. Possibly the best example of this is the polar opposition of Aries and Libra. Read more about this by following the link at the end of this chapter. The zodiac is a symbol of the wheel of life or fortune. Round and round we go on this wheel, one lifetime after another. On every one of these journeys of exploration we first encounter the get-up-and-go Aries, where the Sun is in exaltation. Here the life force supplies us with sheer endless amounts of vim and vigour, zest for life and enthusiasm for adventuring and treading new paths and scouting out uncharted territories.

But there eventually comes a lifetime in which we reach the polar opposite of Aries and that is Libra, where the Sun is in its fall and not much zest for life is left in us. A certain world-weariness creeps into our being and that is because our Highest Self is beginning to prepare us for our final departure from the Earth plane. We may feel an almost irresistibly strong yearning for home and mother. When in the end we can do nothing but give in to these feelings, we may find to our greatest disappointment that our earthly mother is not at all the one we have been looking for.

Our perception of life changes most profoundly as soon as our earthly self re-awakens to its true nature. With this comes a fresh understanding of the purpose of our earthly existence, as well as the nature of all feelings of yearning. With great clarity we suddenly realise that our deepest innermost longings for home and mother were never meant to be fulfilled in earthly life. Our small self’s craving ceases with the awareness that all along we have been dreaming of going home to our true home and parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life. Through our attunement and reconciliation with God, our soul finds peace and healing for the deep inner wounds which the disappointments of our earthly existence once left behind in its memories.

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Judge Not And Ye Shall Not Be Judged! (2)

If you are familiar with the Astro Files, you may recall that the basic approach to life of the Fire and Air signs is masculine, active, positive and outgoing, whereas that of the Water and Earth signs is feminine, passive, receptive and reflective. The energies of our Sun sign, by sign and house position, are clearly reflected in our attitude to and perception of life. But, as always, there is a great deal more to this than meets the eye. The way we perceive this life, ourselves and others, is particularly important in all our dealings with those around us. There are many spiritual pitfalls here and we do well to become aware of and pay attention to them.

It is not for nothing that the Jesus legend warns us in the Sermon of the Mount: ‘Judge not, and ye shall not be judged; condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned; forgive, and ye shall be forgiven.’ This is one of the many references to the law of Karma that are hidden in the Bible, to remind us that what we send out into the world must inevitable return to us. As pointed out in the chapter ‘Transforming Weaknesses into Strengths’: ‘Observe life but resist the temptation of judging anyone. We cannot know another’s Karma and the special lessons they have come to learn in their present lifetime and are now struggling with.’ Maybe the following reflections can shed some light onto whether the lady and I are in this life to take part in lessons of very different nature.

Air and Fire yearn to be free; both are very strong in me. Earth and Water want to stay – maybe they are strong in her. Not wanting things to change, those born into the signs that rule them may cling like grim death to things and people alike. They may even consider them to be some kind of possessions, when in truth nothing belongs to any of us on the Earth plane. This explains why for example, earthbound and Earth-loving Taureans would be baffled and maybe even saddened by the longing for freedom of Fire and Air. On the other hand, a Fire/Air sibling is likely to smile in recognition and say: ‘Yes, I know that feeling!’

In similar fashion, intellectual Air may stand helplessly and bewildered before the frequent floods of tears that are a necessity of life for the emotional and spiritual wellbeing of the Water signs. The spiritual Fire of Sagittarius may easily feel trapped in situations and relationships, because it requires the freedom to explore the spiritual realms, hence their reluctance of shouldering responsibilities and shying away from commitments. Take Sagittarius and Aquarius; forward looking signs, the vision of those born into these signs is meant to move us and our world into a better future. In contrast to this Cancer and Capricorn are intended to act as the caretakers of the past and traditions; that’s why they cannot help looking towards that which has been.

There is no need to be sad or upset about such manifestations in anyone. Experiencing its longing for the release into the freedom of its true nature and home, whilst on the Earth plane, is as important for the Fire and Air signs, as is the deep enjoyment of all good things of the Earth, including relationships and money, that is typical of the Earth signs, especially Taurus. Included in the experiences of these signs are the difficulties of letting go of the things they have relish when the moment of their physical death has come. To deny any of the feelings that accompany these experiences, by pushing them away or pretending that they do not exist, to my mind is foolish.

Can you now see how forcing one’s own perception onto another is not only wrong but impossible? And do you recognise the benefit of at least a basic knowledge of each other’s Sun signs and the elements they are ruled by, and what a long way they can go towards becoming more tolerant and loving towards our earthly siblings and their view? Most important of all, our awareness saves us from sitting in judgement over others. No need for smiling contemptuously, smugly protected by our own ignorance, when someone to us seems slow, stupid or whatever.

Gone for good are the times when we may have congratulated ourselves: ‘How much wiser I am and so much better at handling this life!’ No longer any need for falling out with others, declaring them to be stupid when they find it impossible to see life the way we do, because we can see for ourselves that all they are doing is looking at it through a different window and from another angle. Over the ages, this has brought far too much suffering into our world, when clearly it’s no crime at all, merely what everybody does. Besides, these differences, to my mind, are that which makes human beings so endlessly fascinating. And I can think of no better remedy than astrology to stop them from sometimes also being utterly frustrating and infuriating.

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The Godhead Dreams Through Us (3)

We are part of God and God is part of us – we are God. The Godhead experiences itself through us and dreams its visions through us. At the same time, we are the dreamer and the dreamed. In one human soul God experiences itself as having great riches of the Earth, in another it is spiritual ones of freedom and ultimate release from the shackles of our planet. One dream is not better than another. Each is merely a different kind of learning and God getting to know different aspects of Itself.

The Sagittarian wanderlust is but one expression of God’s thirst for knowledge and ours. Another one is the Cancerian’s need for getting to know the joys of staying at home, of domesticity, marriage and parenthood. Appreciating this brings a measure of peace to us and our world straight away. It also stops us from creating difficult Karma by sending out hurtful and unloving thoughts, which must eventually return to us, to those who fail to understand our perception of life, because theirs is a different one.

The realisation that this is only for one lifetime adds to the liberating influence of our newly found understanding. For example, it stops Sagittarians from declaring their Cancerian friends to be stilly stick-in-the-muds. Cancerians in turn need no longer get sick and tired of their Sagittarian friends, pointing the finger at them as rolling stones that gather no moss and who shy away from responsibilities. It has ever been that one person’s meat is another one’s poison, and as we have just seen for wise reasons. Let’s trust the Universe; it does know what it is doing much better than we do most of the time!

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Reflections On Growing Older (4)

Drinking From The Eternal Fountain Of Youth

To me, growing older is the greatest gift that life has to bestow upon any of its children. In my view, it is not something to be afraid of, but to be looked forward to, relished and enjoyed, when it slowly but surely sneaks up on you. As the years moved by and the older I grew, the more my perspective of my life changed. One of the most enjoyable aspects of this part of my life is that with my ever increasing understanding of the spiritual background of life, many issues that once seemed all-important with the passing of time have simply fallen by the wayside.

It’s interesting to reflect a bit on those that once threatened to burn me up and swallow me whole around age 29 1/2, the time of my first Saturn Return, 40 to 45 Uranus Opposition, and 59 Second Saturn Return. You can read more about these landmarks in the evolutionary cycle of life by following the link at the end of this chapter. Having lived through the experiences the earlier parts of my life brought me, drawn the learning from them and having written about it, none of them are now of any consequence for me. This has set me free to make the most of what the experience of old age is bringing in rich measure. In my view that is the way it should be for all of us, although frequently it is not.

Having reached this time of life, any wisdom we gained is a reward for battling our way, as best we knew how to, through the many obstacles and hardships that are inevitable on our pathway through our present lifetime. I wish I had known then that no life can be without them, as otherwise we would not learn anything and grow. My situation eased considerably when I discovered that if we want help to come to us, we need to ask for it. God and the Angels can only draw closer when we reach out for their helping hands. I live in hope that this will also make my passage back into the world of light, our true home, an easier one when my time for it has come. The earlier in life one begins to live in this consciousness, the better and more effective that particular journey is bound to be.

I now no longer have any qualms acting out the real me and fully being the person I always wanted to be. When I look into the mirror, sometimes I am astonished at how young I still look. Yet, there are also times when I seem to look and feel a million years old. Never mind, I tell myself, that’s probably because I am. I am sure you know exactly what I mean. Most of the time, however, I feel amazingly young inside this body of mine, younger than I ever did before in my present lifetime. This must have something to do with the fact that having experienced difficult times – having reached my age, who hasn’t? – one gets more in touch with one’s immortal and ageless spirit and soul.

As the years slipped by, equipped with the learning I was finding along my way, life gradually became much easier in so many ways. But most of all I enjoy the knowledge that it is not death that looms ahead when we leave our physical bodies behind, but a rebirth and release into our true home, where loved ones are waiting for us. I think it will make a big difference to our relationships when we all stand before each other in our true roles as children of the Great Father/Mother of a all life and siblings in the vast family of all life, rather than as grandparents, parents and children. I hope that under these conditions proper reconciliation, wherever it is still missing, will be possible and the chains and shackles of Karma between us dissolved once and for all.

There is no need to envy anyone their youth or any other part of their lives. I certainly don’t wish for any season of mine to return. Once more round in this particular lifetime is enough for me. It’s not been an easy ride and I am glad to have got as far as where I presently am. I don’t know whether some people have less gray hair or flatter bellies because that’s not the kind of thing I pay attention to. To me, the most important part of anyone, including myself, is the spirit and soul that dwells in a physical body. If that’s a good one, nothing else is of any importance to me. Take it from me, the wisdom one gains richly makes up for the physical aging process, which in any case can be greatly influenced by an increasingly positive attitude towards life. I can tell you from first hand experience that in truth, growing older is very much a state of mind.

As my life progressed and with more understanding of my own needs, I became kinder to myself and less critical. I learnt to be my own best friend instead of my worst enemy. And that, as you may know, is by no means an easy task! I do not feel the need to overindulge in things like biscuits or chocolate. Over the years I have found that I no longer need such things as much as I did in my younger days. These days I prefer to treat myself regularly to cut flowers, candles and aromatherapy.

Sure, over the years my heart has been broken many times. Nietzsche was right when he said: ‘That which does not kill us makes us stronger.’ It’s good to know first hand that the experiences of the really do make us stronger, because they have taught us that life goes on and that there is always a way forward, no matter what may ever befall us. It is true that one’s heart bleeds and one’s soul weeps over the loss of loved ones, or when one has to witness the suffering that is at times inflicted upon humans and animals alike, but it is a great comfort to know that life is eternal and will always continue for all of us. And I thank the goodness of life for having taught me that from broken hearts and endured pain inner strength, understanding and compassion grow.

One of my many blessings is that, in spite of the fact that I have already spent a long time on the Earth plane, I do not yet have that much grey hair. Oh yes, there are wrinkles on my face and some of them are definitely getting deeper. But so what? They will only last for as long as I need this body – then I will hand it back and be free – free – free!!!

I shall take to my spiritual wings and I will be able to visit all the wonderful places round the world I never got to see during this lifetime. Just imagine, I shall do so without lugging a physical body around and having to care for it, which takes up an incredibly long part of each day. Never again will I have to carry a suitcase or wait in overcrowded airport lounges and endure screaming children running wild. I will think of a beautiful place and shall instantly be there. Now, isn’t that so much better than all the travelling hassle one has these days on the physical plane?

Most of all I enjoy getting older because I know that I am eternal being of light who can never die and that when my time has come for handing my physical body back to Mother Earth, I will return into my true home – the world of spirit, to rest and recuperate. Having done so, the greater freedom of the spirit world will be waiting for me and it will be possible for me to study any subject I care to name. I shall want to do all the things that of necessity had to be neglected during my present lifetime, for example learning to play a musical instrument, maybe several, and singing in a choir. If I’m good enough I might be invited by the Angels to join them. Who knows? Ah, endless possibilities, dear friends! Who would begrudge being so much closer to all of that, as one gets older?

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Reflections On Growing Older (5)

The Homecoming

‘If I knew I had to die tomorrow, I would still plant an apple tree today,’ Martin Luther wrote. The fruits we harvest from the tree of our life during this lifetime are the seeds of what we planted in others. It is never too late to start planting good seeds, especially if many of the apples on the tree of our present lifetime seemed to be either rotten or riddled by worms. The age of our physical body does not matter one bit. It is never too late for turning our destiny round and making a fresh start, no matter what age we have reached.

After all, it’s only our physical body that grows older, so why should its age have anything to do with the age of our soul and spirit? They are immortal, unborn and, therefore, have no age. They are eternally young and cannot die – time and ageless, they know no boundaries or limits. Time is part of the illusion of our temporary and fleeting earthly existence, and does not exist anywhere else.

Taking pleasure in the thought of growing older with me is not, I assure you, a way of wishing my present lifetime away. Far from it! But, as the knowledge that there truly is no death sinks ever deeper into my consciousness, I share the feelings of Chiron, the wounded healer, when he finally regained his immortality by coming home into the awareness of his true nature and relationship with God. It’s his joy I feel and strengthened by my inner understanding, like Chiron, I would not dream of turning away from Earth life and its responsibilities.

Quite the opposite is true. The wisdom I am finding along the way gives me, like it once must have done for Chiron, the strength to tackle whatever may come my way with renewed vigour. This is because now my consciousness rests securely in the knowledge that all life, including my own, rests safely in my Divine parents’ hands and that, no matter what may ever befall me, my world and I will always be safe. In this understanding all my fears slowly dissolve, especially the one of death and this sets me free to attend diligently to all my karmic duties and obligations. Learning to love all life God’s way, totally and unconditionally, enables me to make extra special efforts at resolving and healing even the most difficult and traumatic ones of my relationships.

Appreciating that everything that ever happened to me was provided by the great wisdom of my Creator helps me to enjoy my earthly existence and live it more fully. I revel in the knowledge of God’s unlimited power, omnipotence and omniscience, as the only one who truly knows the needs of all children of the Earth, to help each one through their own experiences to learn and grow into spiritual maturity. All this makes the prospect of more lifetimes on the Earth plane, should I require them, an enjoyable one.

White Eagle in one of the Lodge’s Monday Thoughts on 18.2.2013 had this to say about eternal youth: ‘Great cycles come and pass, time and time again like night and day. A great cosmic night follows each great cosmic day. To help you become more patient, try to get away from the limitation of time, do not think in terms of years. There are those who say to us, your guides in the world of light: ‘Oh, I am getting old!’ Bless their hearts. All eternity lies before them. Can you imagine life pulsating on and on? If you get the realism and the vibration of this in the heart of your being, weariness or death will be unknown to you. You undergo transmutations but never death. That is the secret of eternal youth for Master souls.’

It’s the heart
Afraid of breaking that never learns to dance;
It’s the dream
Afraid of waking that never takes a chance;
It’s the one
Who won’t be taken that cannot seem to give;
And the soul
Afraid of dying that never learns to live.

From ‘The Rose’
Amanda McBroom

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Reflections On Growing Older (6)

Looking At The Bright Side

Fed up and disenchanted with himself and his life and feeling thoroughly sorry for himself, a man was sitting in his study. After a moment or two of contemplation, he picked up a pen and started to write: ‘I had surgery last year during which my gall bladder was removed. Because of the operation I had to stay in bed for a long time. I was approaching the age of sixty in the same year and was disappointed that after having spent thirty years of my life in a publishing company and done well for them, I was asked to retire to make room for a younger person. This meant giving up my favourite job. During that year my father died and my son failed his medical exam, because he had been involved in a car accident and spent several days in a hospital bed with a cast on his foot. The car was a write-off. Ah, what a miserable year!’

If only the man had known that he was going through his second Saturn return, and that with it the time had come for clearing out the things that were no longer of any use in his life. Be that as it may, later that day his wife came to see him and found him looking sad and lost in thought. For some time she had been watching how he was sinking ever deeper into a mood of despondency and depression. Standing behind him she read his notes. An idea came to her and she silently left the room. But after a while she returned with a sheet of paper, which she placed by the side of what her husband’s notes.

The woman had recently consulted the Great Mother of all life, the wise one within her, and asked: ‘What can I do to help my husband?’ It was the Mother’s love and wisdom that guided the wife’s hand and thoughts when she wrote:

‘Last year I finally got rid of a gall bladder that had caused me many years of discomfort and pain. In the same year I turned sixty-five. I am of sound health and having retired from my job, I can now use more of my time to compose the master novels I have always dreamed I would write one day. They are going to be stories that have purpose and meaning, because I am now much more focussed and at peace.

‘After having lived to the ripe old age of ninety-five without needing to depend on others or suffering from any serious illnesses, in that same year my father passed into the world of light. Reunited with my mother, he is sure to be exploring his new home now and enjoying its greater freedom. I look forward to seeing them again in due course. If I last as long as my father did, I have another thirty-five years before me. It’s up to me whether I spend them unhappily dwelling on the things that once were, or whether I make them into the most happy and creative time of my life.

‘It is true, it was also the year my car was a complete write-off. However, the main thing is that our son is alive and has survived the accident without disabilities. All in all, I think the year passed well and when looked at in the right way, it has brought many blessings into my life, for which I give thanks and praise to the Highest.’

The ability to see the bright side of all our experiences is one of the finest and rewarding art forms Earth life has to offer. And if we but take a closer look at our lives, there is always something to be thankful for. Being grateful for the many gifts the Universe bestows upon us at any given moment fills our whole being with a sense of fulfilment, happiness and the goodness of life.

Count your garden by the flowers,
Never by the leaves that fall.
Count your joys by golden hours,
Never when life’s worries call.

Count your days by smiles, not tears,
And when birthdays come around,
Count your age by friends, not years,
And the gifts of love you’ve found.


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Reflections On Growing Older (7)

Learning To Tap Into The Inner Wellspring

Our spirit and soul and our Highest or God Self is our inner being. Yet, this is not something we have, it’s what we are. All human beings in earthly life are a spirit and soul, who one lifetime after another find themselves temporarily encased in a physical body. With the passing of time this body wears out and in due course is handed back to the Earth. It decays and its components return to the Earth and are recycled, as all earthly things must. In contrast to this spirit and soul are immortal and eternal. They are part of God and like God they have no age and cannot die.

Yet, because God is in everything and without God there can be no life, it would be a mistake to say that our small earthly self and its outer shell are not Divine. Every cell, atom and molecule of physical matter that exists in the whole of Creation was brought into being by the Great Father/Mother of all life. It has been created from the light of the Highest Star and the Greatest Light of all, the Christ Star, who is the only born Son/Daughter of the Holy Trinity. All life and lifeforms are imbued with Its essence. Read more about this in ‘The Story Of The Creation’ by following the relevant link at the end of this article.

For a long time the earthly self cannot recognise its inner light. To paraphrase St John 1:5: ‘And the Light shines in the darkness, but the darkness does not comprehend it.’ It takes many lifetimes before the lower self becomes aware of the presence of this its inner wellspring of the creative ideas of God, the masculine aspect of the Divine Trinity, and the wisdom and love of the Goddess, the Great Mother of all life, its feminine counterpart. The Mother is the soul of the whole of Creation and the memory bank of every bit of knowledge that was ever gathered anywhere.

The combination of these two energies is the eternal wellspring every one of us eventually learns to tap into it, so we can be used as a channel for the blessings and the Highest to pour through us into our world. The Angels are in charge of every human being’s spiritual development and that of our whole world. They alone know how much of the Divine wisdom and truth should be revealed intuitively to us at any given time, so that through us it may find its way into our world. They decide what kind of tale would be most suitable to teach our race the lessons we require at any given time. That’s how all the myths and legends of our world once came into being, including the tale of the Master Jesus’ life. And even the last and slowest learners recognise in the end that such stories should not be taken literally but perceived as metaphoric tales that are supercharged with symbolisms. These people too one day will understand that God never was an influence somewhere ‘out there’, but has always been an inner experience, waiting to be discovered.

Our conscious and subconscious mind as well as our super-conscious faculties are facets of our complete consciousness. When the inner and outer parts of their being has grown into one, they have evolved into a Christed one in their own right. The earthly conscious mind was created by the inner being focussing its attention constantly on the outer world and trying to come to terms with it through our physical brain and senses. All of us eventually need to train our earthly minds to take its attention away from the outer world and direct it ever more onto our inner being, so its resources can be accessed. Here alone can we find the wisdom, understanding and strength we require on our journey forwards and upwards on the evolutionary spiral of life. Our inner connection links us with the Universe and the spiritual life that is constantly beavering on our behalves in the background of our earthly existence. Ultimately, this part of us connects us with the infinite being of the Great Father/Mother of all life.

We are performers on the great stage of earthly life whose inner being, the Highest or God Self, together with the Angels and Masters, friends and helpers in the world of light, acts like backstage technicians who ensure that every performance of ours gets the required support so that things happen on cue. The wisdom and knowledge of the Universe is unlimited and every part of it becomes available to us, as soon as we learn to tune the receiver/transmitter station of our earthly mind into our Creator’s superconscious mind. If something appears to be missing for one of our stage appearances, the only thing we have to do is make our intention known to the Angels by asking for their help.

Our inner being runs the biological systems of our physical body without any conscious effort from our small earthly self. This is astonishing enough in itself, but the inner being knows a great deal more than that. It can provide us with the answers to anything we shall ever want to know. All we need to do is ask our questions and then silence our conscious mind sufficiently, so that the Angels can respond through our inner guidance, the small still voice within. Becoming consciously aware of the true nature of our being and the presence of our Highest Self and learning to tap into its resources of wisdom, understanding and strength, dissolves the limitations that for a long time have been restricting the growth of humankind’s spiritual nature. The knowledge we are now allowed access to is meant to provide ever more of us with the key for unlocking their own full human potential and through this that of our world.

When our inner doors begin to swing open, we need to build external outlets through which the results of our creative efforts can flow into our world. In this way we can do our share of making it into a more beautiful and peaceful place for all. And because every one of God’s powers and characteristics is also in us, we don’t need to become empowered, we already are. We merely have to stake our claim, take possession of our inner riches and manifest them in earthly life, so that the Divine light and power can flow unhindered into everything we touch. Each time we send Its radiance, power and love into our world and share them with as many as possible, our own body of light increases in brightness and strength. This is the body we shall need to get around on the higher levels of life. It’s one of the bodies that are worn underneath or rather within the outer protective shell of the physical body that allows us to experience earthly life. In due course this body will no longer be required.

The German Theologian Albert Schweitzer, 1875-1965, wrote: ‘At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.’ Through hearing or reading someone’s words the light of our inner candle can only be sparked into life when we are ready, i.e. the right moment has come and our energies have become sufficiently receptive to enable us to understand that which we are attracted to. Many in our world have reached this evolutionary point and are waiting for our gifts that herald a renewal of faith and trust in the goodness of life, gives them new hope and helps them to find peace of mind. These things provide them with the energy they need for their own efforts of establishing God’s Kingdom in earthly life.

God and the Angels are constantly watching, guiding and supporting us, because on the inner level of life all is one and there is no separation between anything. That’s why every one of our thoughts, words and actions is known to them. As a result, everyone’s lessons on an ongoing basis are designed in keeping with their individual requirements. This is how we always get what we deserve, no more and no less. But when they now look into the heart and soul of humankind, all they can see is an awakening of a new kind of sweetness that’s invisible to earthly eyes, which is spreading in earthly life. They are observing a rise of courage in people and kindness towards each other, and an ever increasing desire to live in peace, to give of our love to anyone who is in need of it. The Divine will for these things has been slumbering in our own subconscious and that of our world for a long time, but for some time it has been rising ever more forcefully into its conscious awareness and directing the course of people’s lives.

Anyone who has learned to tap into their inner wellspring of creativity and love, and unselfishly serves the good of all by freely sharing their gifts with others, will never suffer from writer’s block. The inner fountainhead is the very source of our being. For a long time this part of us has been working its way into our individual and collective conscious awareness through layer upon layer of the ancient soul memories that are stored in our subconscious. This continues until at last the earthly self becomes aware of the presence of its inner light and that enables it to start working together with it, as best as it knows how to go about it.

* * *

A Matter Of Perception (8)

A blind boy with a hat by his feet was sitting on the steps of a building. A sign by his side said: ‘I am blind, please help.’ A man who was walking past noticed how little there was in the hat. He took some coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat. Pausing for a moment, he took the sign, turned it round, wrote something on it and then placed it so that anyone who passed by could clearly see what was written.

To the boy’s amazement, it didn’t take long until his hat began to fill because a lot more people were now putting something into it. The same afternoon the man who had changed the words came to see how things were going. The boy recognised the man’s footsteps and asked: ‘Are you the one who changed my sign this morning?’

‘Yes,’ replied the man.

‘What did you write?’ asked the boy.

‘I wrote nothing but the truth,’ came the reply. ‘All I did was to express your words in a different manner, so that your sign now reads: ‘Today is a beautiful day, but I cannot see it.’’

Both signs told people that the boy was blind. The first version simply stated this fact. But because the second one reminded those walking past how fortunate they were to be able to see, this one was more effective.

All of us could do with being more aware of and thankful for the gifts the Universe bestows upon us day by day. Giving thanks and praise for them helps us to become more creative and innovative in our thinking, because we then perceive our world and everything in it in a more positive way than before. And even if life at times gives us a hundred reasons for crying, it’s worth our while to make an effort to remember that at the same time we also have a thousand reasons for giving thanks and showing our gratitude by smiling.

So, let’s face the past without regrets and handle the present with confidence. Trusting the love and wisdom of the Great Father/Mother of all life to send us at all times what we truly need – even though that may not necessarily be what we want – with each passing day our ability to face the future without fear grows. And the more our faith increases, the more our fears decrease and dissolve.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius

* * *

We Have All The Time In The World (9)

Once we’ve returned for good
To humankind’s true home, the world of light,
The whole of Eternity will be ours for the
Great mystery of life to unfold before us
And reveal the extent of what
God’s wisdom and love always has had
In store for every one of us.
There will be time for exploring
The true meaning of love.
And once we have that,
We require nothing more.

Every step of our evolutionary journey
God’s love has accompanied us and
Forever will do so in many different forms.
And when we have left the cares of earthly life
Far behind us, there will be
All the time in the world
To be true to our real nature and only love.
Nothing more, nothing less,
For that is the time for being just love and be loved,
Loving for the sake of loving.
When everything but love has fallen away,
At long last we are
Only love.

Hal David & John Barry
Adapted by Aquarius

* * *

From ‘Words Of Hope And Encouragement’

Life Is A Journey (1)

‘Life is a journey,
not a destination.’

• Earthly life is a school and a place of learning. Every lifetime is a journey and not a destination. All life in the whole of Creation consists of circles within circles and cycles within cycles that move in an upwards winding spiral onto ever higher levels of existence. Every human lifetime represents one of these circles that is subject to the same seasons as the world around us, i.e. spring and summer, autumn and winter. Each circle has its beginning in the world of spirit and also ends there.

• Don’t undermine your worth and waste your time by comparing yourself with others. On the inner level of life we are all one and although in many ways everyone is the same, we are still special and unique beings and therefore different from each other. Refuse to set your goals by what other people think of as important. You alone and your inner guidance know what at any given moment is good and right for you. Therefore, pay attention and follow its advice.

• Don’t take anything for granted, especially not the people and things that are closest to your heart. Believing that without them your life would be meaningless is utter folly because everything in earthly life is a gift on time and only on loan. Eventually it has to be handed back in as good condition as possible. True and everlasting security can only be found in God and never in our present existence and only the higher and highest aspects of life are of lasting and eternal value. Knowing these things, be thankful for everything that is in your life and do not cling to anything, when the time for letting go has come.

• Don’t allow your life to slip through your fingers – live it now and refuse to dwell unduly on the past or the future. Instead, live consciously one day at a time and make an effort to learn something from everything that comes before you, so you can benefit from it, no matter what may still be ahead. For as long as there is love in your heart and soul, and you have something to give and share with others, there is no reason for giving up. Things are only over when we stop trying and in truth even then they are not. But that’s a different story entirely! Whatever happens, do not shy away from anything. The tests and trials that come our way are life’s way of helping us to bring forth our inner strength.

• Don’t shut love out of your life by saying you cannot find it. Love is the law of life. Its value is eternal and whatever love we give to anyone unerringly finds its way back to us. Therefore, the surest and quickest way of receiving love is giving it. And the fastest way of losing it is trying to hold onto it. The best way of keeping it is giving it wings, setting the beloved free to fly, so they can grow through their own experiences. If it’s love, it will return to you. If it is not, you would not want it anyway.

• Pay attention to your dreams. Having none means existing without hope. And without hope life lacks purpose and meaning. Take time and stop once in a while to indulge in some dreaming about what kind of a world you would like to live in. Our thoughts create our future reality. Dreaming of and frequently thinking about our ideal world is a vital step towards bringing it into being.

• Refuse to move through your life so fast that you can no longer recognise where you have been and where you are meant to go. Bearing in mind that life is a journey and not a destination, make an effort to savour yours every step of the way. Even if a human lifetime lasts a hundred years, it is but a brief interval on the evolutionary pathway that in the end takes each one of us back home into the conscious awareness of our loving union with God and the whole of Creation.

• Last but by no means least, the essence of a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides just reached me: ‘Love and evolution are the two main laws of the whole of Creation, therefore also of planet Earth. Because of this God and the Angels always have been and forever will be occupied with transmuting anything that starts off as something dark, ugly and evil into something that’s ever more good, right and beautiful. Whatever to this day still has to be experienced in your world, please bear this in mind.

• ‘Never forget that every one of you always has been and forever will be guided, one step after another, along a pathway of eternal progress. And that’s because of the wise loving care of your true parents, the Great Father/Mother of all life, and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. In keeping with their will and wishes, the Angels and Masters, who are in charge of humankind’s development, are constantly occupied with bringing about ever more of that which is good, right and beautiful for you and your world. At the same time, what’s left of that which is dark, evil and ugly is being reduced. The Angels and Masters are the power behind the throne of God, the Christ Circle. From the beginning of humankind’s existence on the earthly plane, their task has been to create light from darkness and bring ever more knowledge and wisdom to replace humankind’s ignorance.’

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Updated January 2022

* * *

Risks (2)

For our small earthly selves life frequently
Appears to be a too risky and scary business.
That’s why we usually dislike and resent the changes
The Universe has in store for us, even thought they just
Wish to move us forwards and upwards on our personal
Evolutionary spiral, so that through new experiences
We can learn and grow ever more Heaven-tall.
Never mind the small earthly self detesting the changes.
Without them our spirit/soul will never be able to discover
Our own true higher God or Christ nature.

Risks have to be taken so that our approach to life
And the way we perceive its purpose can transform itself.
Deeply ingrained wrong thinking and behaviour patterns,
False beliefs, prejudices and superstitions need to be shed.
They are the ones that bring about obstacles and difficulties only.
Time to say goodbye to anything that has outlived
Its usefulness, including people and places,
And especially our world’s old religions.

Alas, life can seem to be a risky business because
Sometimes laughing can make us appear foolish,
Weeping as being sentimental.
And yet, through reaching out for others
We become involved with them.
If showing our feelings reveals
Too much of our true higher nature,
Hoping exposes us to despair,
If we try something and fail
And truly living does not stop our
Physical body from dying.
So what?
The indwelling spirit/soul are eternal
And immortal, they can and will never die.

Risks have to be taken.
The greatest hazard in life is risking nothing.
The one who risks nothing,
Does nothing, has nothing and is nothing.
People who hope that by not risking
They can somehow avoid earthly life’s
Suffering and sorrows are very much mistaken,
Because these things are necessary parts
Of every human being’s evolutionary pathway.
The only thing that can be achieved by risking nothing
Is avoiding precious opportunities for changing,
Learning and growing, loving and truly living.

People who allow themselves to remain enslaved and enchained
By the false beliefs, superstitions and prejudices of our
World’s old religions, forfeit the only freedom that’s truly
Available to human being’s on the earthly plane.
It consists of believing and following that which
The wise one or living God within everybody’s own being,
The inner guidance of our built-in lie-detector,
The only one in the whole of Creation whose
Information is truly reliable and trustworthy.

Its guidance provides us with the courage of acting
Upon the knowledge that every human being
In truth is a being of love, who has its origin in love
And is on its way of returning to it.
Independent of how long this journey
May still take, that’s what every one of us is.
This knowledge lights our way
Home into what we always have been
And forever will be:
God’s beloved children of the Earth,
Immortal spirits and souls who, from time to time,
Are for a while encased in matter.

Only those who are willing to take the risk
Of conducting their lives in keeping with this
Knowledge will ever be able to love the way our Creator,
The Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born
Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, loves every one of us:
Totally and unconditionally, wisely and free.

Created by Anon.
Edited by Aquarius
Updated January 2022

* * *

Come To The Edge (3)

‘Come to the edge,’ He said.
They said: ‘We are afraid.’
‘Come to the edge,’ He said.
They came . . .
He pushed them . . .
And they flew.

Guillaume Apollinaire 1880 – 1918
French poet, playwright, short story writer, novelist and art critic

* * *

Come to the edge.
We might fall.
Come to the edge.
It’s too high!

Come to the edge!
And they came.
And we pushed.
And they flew.

Christopher Logue 1926 – 2011
English poet associated with the British Poetry Revival

* * *

From ‘Songs Of Inspiration’

Good Morning, Starshine (1)

Good morning Starshine,
The Earth says hello.
You twinkle above us,
We twinkle below.
Good morning Starshine,
You lead us along.
My love and me, as we sing
Our early morning singing song.

Good morning Christ Star,
O Light of all lights and
Sun of all suns.
All earthlings say: ‘Hello!’
You radiate Your light into our world
And we respond to it from below.

Good morning Christ Star,
Please lead all of us along.
We kneel before You and
Our early morning song
Sings our gratitude and
Praise for You.

Our whole world yearns for the
Spiritual freedom of the Aquarian Age
Of believing what our heart and soul
Tell us is true.
May Your honesty and truth,
Loyalty and integrity rule
Us and our world,
For ever and ever.


From the musical ‘Hair’
About the Age Of Aquarius

Book and lyrics by
James Rado and Gerome Ragni
Music by Galt MacDermot
Adapted by Aquarius

This part was inspired by a message from the White Eagle group of spirit guides that reached me from the White Eagle Lodge during the Coronavirus pandemic: ‘Many people in your world are as yet unaware that every one of you, without exception, is a spark of the Christ Light and therefore a child of the Great Father/Mother of all life. The time has come for ever more of you to find out that all characteristics and powers that are in God are also in you. And that means that in the present situation none of you is as helpless as you may think you are.

‘The infinite wisdom and all encompassing, understanding and therefore forgiving love of the Highest Forces have granted every human being the precious gift of freedom of choice. And choose you must because not choosing reveals that you are supporting those who are once again trying to rule humankind with the power of fear. This is how a comparatively small minority in your world is at the moment trying to exploit the mass of people for selfish gains. That’s how the religions of your world once ruled humankind and therefore represents the way of the past. No person or organisation of your world will ever be allowed to act the part of the priesthood.

‘This is because by now the Aquarian age has been reached. It is the age in which all Divine qualities, especially those of honesty and truth, are slowly but surely taking over the role of humankind’s supreme rulers. It will not come about through an outside force, but through each and every one of you bringing forth, each from deep within their own being, the characteristics of their very own God or Christ nature. And it’s up to every one of you choose to cower fearfully, like a rabbit in front of a snake that given half a chance will surely eat it, or whether you would rather turn to God and the Angels to request that they show you intuitively how you can contribute to humankind working its way out of its predicament.

‘The help of God and the Angels cannot come to anyone without asking. But they are happy to advise those who turn to them. For a long time they have working on humankind’s awakening to its true higher nature. The present situation is a wake-up call that is accompanied by an opportunity to prove that with their help and will all things really are possible, that crooked corners can be made straight and any condition healed.

‘They are waiting for your call because they need the help of every one of you as much as you need theirs. To set the wheels in motion, take care to go about it the right way. In your moments of quiet reflection and meditation request their guidance and protection before venturing into healing mode. Pay attention to what comes to you intuitively, trust the instructions you receive and follow them.

‘Know that the Christ Star’s light has the power of absorbing all darkness and fear that exists on all levels of your planet. In the Divine Trinity’s healing temple the Angels of healing and peace are constantly occupied with uplifting and transmuting such energies into blessing and healing ones that from there flow to anyone who is in need of it and works on restoring it to normal healthy functioning. Every year at the special time of the Wesak Festival the roots of every human being can reach particularly deep into the heartmind of the Divine Trinity. In return they are provided with a steadily increasing unshakable faith and trust in the profound goodness of the life that every one of you has been given.

‘In your imagination now visualise the spiritual inner level of life where the whole of humankind is kneeling before the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter, the spirit of the Universal Christ. They are praying for Divine mercy and forgiveness. Let’s join them and add prayer to theirs:

‘O Great White Spirit and the Angels please grant every single one of us and the whole of humankind the gift of Your guidance and protection. Please show all of us intuitively how to go blessing and healing our world, so it can return to normal healthy functioning for all lifeforms that shares it with us. Become aware that every human earthly mind and imagination is a powerful instrument. As co-creators with God, each one of you has the power within to create good as well as evil, sickness and also good health.

‘Take good care how you use this your very own precious tool. And now imagine that the Christ light’s warmth and love deeply penetrates every cell and atom of your own being and flows from there into your whole world. Watch how everything it touches that is harmful for anyone’s wellbeing is uplifted and transmuted into something beneficial.’

* * *

Good Morning, Starshine (2)

‘Love and evolution together are the main Divine law that rules life in the whole of Creation, including that of the Earth. In keeping with this law, the damaging influences that remain anywhere are merely waiting to be changed into something beneficial, in this case not only humankind but everything that shares your planet with you. That’s why God and the Angels, through us, invite you to take part in the following: during your times of quiet reflection and meditation imagine that the Covid-19 looks like the image above. Observe how the full strength of the Christ Star’s light deeply penetrates into the virus and how through this its colour changes from red to a pleasant green like the trees and grasses of your world.

‘This invitation is the tool that God and the Angels are herewith laying into the hands of anyone who is reading this. Please do not forget to share it with as many as possible of those around you, so that they too can make their very own contribution to changing your world’s present situation. It’s up to each one of you whether it will continue for an indefinite time or reach its natural end. With your help it could come much sooner than anybody dares to think at the moment and that in quite a magical way.

‘God bless every one of you and keep you safe, forever and ever. To us, your spirit friends and helpers, it makes no difference whether anyone is as yet capable of following our invitation or not. We love all of you, totally and unconditionally, because we are aware that, in the fullness of time, even the last and slowest one of you is going to wake up from their spiritual slumber and get to know God’s true nature and their own.’

* * *

With love and light,

* * *

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10 Feb, 2023
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