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Miracles And Wonders (126)
Miracles And Wonders (126)

Miracles And Wonders (126)


Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Thoughts For Today 16th February 2023

Dishonesty And Honesty : Polar Opposites

Wise ones in your midst are aware that there is no such thing as death and that, whenever the end of an earthly lifetime has come round for one of you, what you leave behind is no more than an empty shell. The indwelling spirit/soul is alive and well, happy to retreat once more to its true eternal home, the spirit realm. You are by no means dead. You merely have retreated for a while from earthly life to rest and recuperate from the stresses and strains of taking part in life on the material plane.

Let there be no doubt in your mind that, at all times, wise ones are in charge of you. They most certainly know what’s good and right for you and helps you with the next stage of your development. They submit their plans to you. And because, in your present state, you recognise that they are good and wholesome and will benefit the progress you want to make, you usually agree. You know that otherwise you would never reach the end of your earthly school of life’s curriculum. It is written in the great book of life that, in the fullness of time, every human being – without exception – does.

You are well aware that taking part in earthly life, time and again, is what all of you need for their development. You understand that, after all, every human being who ever took part in earthly life a long, long time ago, the same as all those who are presently occupied with it, is a young God in the making. Let there be no doubt about that. And for a truly thorough education, as befits this sublime status, round and round the zodiac every human being needs to go, not just once. That’s why time and again you are attending the lessons of every one of its signs and houses.

We are glad to tell you that each new round starts on a somewhat higher level. That continues until the earthly school of life has nothing left to teach you. You have evolved into a Christed one, when the higher knowledge of your Christ nature has become greater than that of its counterpart, the small lower self. As each can only take part in these studies in their own right and way, every human being must attend to their own lessons. Learning through them, you slowly but surely spiritually grow ever more Heaven-tall.

On that road, the behaviour of every one of you is similar to that of a butterfly. And each time the initial part of another stage of your earthly development is finished, your indwelling spirit/soul leaves behind the material plane. Your physical body is very similar to a butterfly’s empty cocoon. It’s left behind when the time has come for your spirit/soul to once more take to its wings, just like your world’s beautiful butterflies.

You enjoy the greater freedom of our world, the spirit realm, because you know full well that it will only be for a while. That’s why, whenever the time has come to reappear in the material world and play your part, to the best of your ability, you freely and willingly return to the role of an earthbound caterpillar. The awareness that each earthly lifetime will only be for what, compared with Eternity, is nothing but a brief moment, helps you to make this decision whenever it comes round.

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The latest about how governments invent money out of thin air,
this time through Corona baloney: it's all about the money, honey!

by Jon Rappoport

Written March 6, 2020 – re-published 16th February 2023

We all understand that governments can invent money out of thin air. However, inventing a reason out of thin air to invent the money sometimes takes a little more ingenuity.

Enter THE VIRUS. The medical version of Satan.

To new readers: to fully understand the next paragraph, you’ll need to read my previous articles on the “China epidemic” con job.

Choose a virus whose very existence is in doubt; the diagnostic tests for the virus are entirely inadequate and useless and misleading; therefore, the case numbers are meaningless; the virus’ supposed origin (Wuhan) is a place where highly dangerous and unprecedented air pollution can account for the all the effects of the so-called virus---and now one prediction on steroids is pegging the eventual global case numbers at 15 million, and the cost of containing the virus at $2.4 trillion. The elite players are visiting their tailors and having their deep pockets deepened further to absorb this (planned) windfall.

Let’s go local to grasp how a city government can scoop up a small piece of the action: Los Angeles. Mayor Eric Garcetti has released this statement, explaining his declaration of a state of emergency:

“This morning, I joined our County leaders to provide the public with an update on everything we are doing to prevent the spread of Coronavirus and protect public health. I have signed a declaration of local emergency for the City of Los Angeles.”

“While there are only a few known COVID-19 cases in the region, the declaration [of emergency] helps us access state and federal funding to strengthen and support our efforts to prepare our region and prevent the spread of COVID-19.”

If I were the mayor of LA, I would have phrased my statement this way: “Grovelling on the steps of the US Treasury building, I implored the feds to drop bags of cash on my head. I understand the game. Go along with the charade, pretend we’re in the middle of a vast crisis, follow all the CDC guidelines, pronounce the magic word EMERGENCY, and good fortune will follow. Resist, defect from the artificial consensus, and earn the status of vile outcast. Weighing these two options---only a fool would refuse the federal gifts. I’m sure LOCAL GOVERNMENTS ALL ACROSS THIS GREAT LAND ARE LICKING THEIR CHOPS AND SIGNING ON TO THE OFFICIAL AGENDA. IT’S THE MONEY, HONEY.”

Here is an example of what the great mayor of the great city of Los Angeles is commanding, to stem the tide of the evil virus:

“LAX [airport] is following the guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)…installing more than 250 additional hand sanitizer stations and using virus and bacteria-killing disinfectants throughout the airport. We’re cleaning public areas and restrooms at least once every hour, and increasing deep cleaning — focusing on high touch areas like handrails, escalators, elevator buttons, and restroom doors. . .”

What, no spittoons? No plastic baggies to wear over shoes? No hazmat hoods with visors? No ray guns to kill the virus as it floats through the air? No oxygen tanks and masks to offset the toxic effects of the disinfectants?

Ahem. Is anyone still interested in the system of Federalism, and the principle by which the individual states and the federal government maintain their separate powers? Ha-ha. Just kidding. The federal government, with its ability to conjure money out of nowhere, can offer the states (and even cities) cash to surrender and accept federal policies and edicts.

“You want me to stand on my head? You’ll pay me to do it? I’m in.”

A “virus emergency” is just another scheme to expand federal powers. It’s a lot more than that, as I’ve explained in articles going back 20 years, but here I’m focusing on one element of Scam-Land.

Analogy: You could call the US education system another kind of virus---a social germ. “We’re the feds. Listen up, States. Accept our newest version of No Child Left Behind With A Mind of His/Her Own, and we’ll push money your way. Turn out clueless students without an original thought in their heads, without the ability to read a full paragraph of coherent prose, much less think in logical terms, and we’ll reward you handsomely. We have a whole line-up of programs and plans for the future, and they’re so outrageous we must have millions of dumb-as-wood people who will shrug and buy into them...”

One such outrageous program: a story about a biological virus, a fairy tale for the ages. As with all such jive, a happy ending is there, but only after much misery and fear.

Footnote: As if to prove the corona baloney is real, certain peripheral operations must be launched. An all-time favorite: torpedo the stock market. Ah yes. Top tier investment funds give the market a gentle but firm head-butt, and overnight, individual investors start dumping their shares in this, that, and the other. Headlines scream. Therefore, what more evidence do you need? The virus is coming, the virus is coming. Head for the hills. Pack up the kids. Live in the forest. Dig for roots and tubers. Survive away from the CONTAGION.

“I thought I was healthy. I was drinking fresh juice every morning and running in the park. I’m not even in favor of vaccines. But now I don’t know. I sneezed twice yesterday. For a moment, while I was watching the news, I felt what might have been a hot flash. Better call my doctor and get tested. What? He’s booked up solid for three months? Screw it, I’m going to talk to my boss and see if I can work from home. Who’s that drug dealer friend of your cousin, honey? Maybe he’s selling antivirals.”

Footnote #2: Forget food labels that announce ORGANIC or GMO FREE. When are we going to see stickers on apples that claim: NO CORONAVIRUS. For that matter, when will people starting wearing those stickers on their foreheads?

As I’ve been saying for 30 years, the most important long-term cartel of Globalism is MEDICAL. It flies no partisan banners. It proclaims its political neutrality. It expresses no interest beyond healing. It thus exemplifies a fabulous cover story for its covert operations. It employs armies of true believers, who will tell you they are SCIENTISTS. The problem is, they’ve undergone massive mind control. It’s called medical school.

They’ve never met a virus they don’t love. Even if that virus turns out to be nothing more than a theoretical artefact, a fabricated construct, a cartoon, a fairy tale spun out on the evening news...

Update: The US Congress has just approved $8.3 billion for 'fighting the Coronavirus.' Talk about a money pot. Major fingers in that pot, including, no doubt, vaccine companies.

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From ‘Healers And Healing’

The Web Of Life

To paraphrase Chief Settle of the Duwamish tribe: ‘The Earth does not belong to humankind. We belong to the Earth. On the inner level of life everything is one and connected like the blood we all have in common. We did not weave the web of life and every one of us is merely a strand of it. Whatever we do to any part of the web we are doing to ourselves.’ Each one of us has their own web within the great one to attend to. We ourselves are the spiders who, one lifetime after another, are busily occupied with the weaving the web of their own life.

If it’s deception and lies we weave into it, that’s what we are going to find in common lifetimes, until our consciousness has been cleansed of this characteristic which is part of the lower unevolved part of our being. Those who are persecuting someone in this lifetime have to spend future ones being persecuted. If we are deceitful and corrupt in one of our lifetimes, that’s what we attract into our life in a future one, maybe several. Even though the weaving of the web is a highly complex and complicated activity, thanks to God’s Universal laws it runs with great precision and functions on such simple principles. That is not surprising when one considers that the great web of life, as well as every small one within it, was designed by God, the Great Architect of the whole of Creation, and the Angelic hierarchy His/Her helpers.

Life always has been and forever will be our teacher and every one of us can only learn through their own experiences. It is for this purpose that at first we find ourselves on the giving end of mental, spiritual and physical pain and anguish and later on the receiving end. As a result, when in the end we have learnt what it’s like to suffer, we do all we can to avoid hurting and harming anyone and anything. We do this because we are now aware that every human being, without exception, is a spark of the Divine who contains all the powers and characteristics that are in our Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life.

From the lowest to the highest, everything is part of God and belongs to God. Every character trace of the Highest is present in each one of us. We all contain the greatest evil as well as the highest and noblest qualities and we are all on the same evolutionary pathway in the school of earthly life. The lessons of this institution take us from working our way through getting to know the meanest drives and urges of humankind’s unrestrained lower nature up to the highest aspect of our being. The end of our curriculum has been reached when the lower parts have been left behind for good and we have evolved into a Christed one in our own right.

The world around us acts like a mirror that reflects back to us what we are within. Sometimes there is someone around us who so annoys and irritates us that we feel like sending them the most poisonous and hateful thoughts we are capable of. Wise ones refuse to do this because they know that such feelings are but signals from their spirit/soul that what they are seeing in the other person are their own unpleasant character traces that are waiting to be attended to. This knowledge protects them against projecting their own nastiness onto those around them; they prefer to go within and own up to what is there.

Even though such things are invisible on the surface of our earthly nature, our inner self’s reactions reveals that they are there. It’s then up to us to forgive ourselves for having behaved like that in the past. Love for ourselves and forgiveness for what we must have been through in previous lifetimes releases the disturbing energies from our inner consciousness. Hand in hand with God and the Angels they can then be uplifted and transmuted into blessing and healing ones for our spirit/soul. When this part heals, our outer being also comes right. From then onwards, each time we observe in others the behaviour that once so irritated and annoyed us, it no longer bothers us. We may just think to ourselves: ‘Oh yes, I have been there. I am sending you a loving and understanding thought in the hope that it will help you to overcome this part of you, too.’ And that, dear Friends, is by no means the end of it, as you can see from the next chapter.

Praying for younger and less experienced spirit/souls, after all they are our siblings in the family of humankind, benefits their spiritual development and also our own. All prayers are heard, it’s just that sometimes the answer – for karmic reasons – has to be ‘no’. Ours being a reasonable and justified request, it will be responded to in keeping with the recipient’s present life lessons. Besides, whenever we are praying we are tuning into the frequencies of the Highest Forces of life. This increases the flow of light into our own aura as well as of the people for whom we are praying.

God and the Angels gave our world the knowledge of the law of Karma through the Buddha legend. The story of his life is about a prince by the name of Siddhartha Gautama, who later became known as Buddha, which means the enlightened or awakened one. He is believed to have lived in Nepal during the 6th to 4th century BC. The legend tells us that he meditated under a Banyan tree to find the answer to the question why there is so much suffering in our world. During this session it came to him that we ourselves are its cause and that it is in everybody’s own hands to take responsibility and do their share of changing this sad state of affairs.

In the Hindu religion the Boddhi tree represents the tree of life. The Buddha being as much a legendary figure as the Master Jesus, it is not surprising that the tales about the length of time he sat in meditation and also the type of tree where this took place vary considerably. The legend of the tree states that after having become enlightened, the Buddha stayed under it as well as others for seven more weeks of meditating and learning how to master his sensual nature. However, the accounts of these seven weeks do not always exactly match in some details such as timing. It seems likely to me that the seven weeks are more of an allegory, a symbolism for an indefinite length of time, similar to the forty days and nights Jesus is said to have spent in the desert.

Because Buddhism lacks the concept of God as its central point many do not think of it as a religion but a philosophy of life. Isn’t it astonishing how, without saying so in as many words, the Buddha legend was placing humankind – approx. 2,500 years ahead of its time – in the role of the Creator. Now that the age of truth is with us, it emerges with ever greater clarity that each and every one of us really is a young God in the making.

None of the religions of our world on its own ever made much sense. Yet, as soon as one treats each one like a piece of a giant jigsaw puzzle and joins them together, the picture of the religion of the new age emerges. Just like the Sun in the sky above us rises in the East and sets in the West, the Sun rays of God’s sacred wisdom and truth once rose in the ancient civilisations of the East. Through the Middle East, beginning with Egypt, they reached our Western world, where the light of God’s Sun is in the process of setting in great splendour and glory. I believe it could not have happened any other way.

Last but not least, here is a spot of wisdom from the Buddha legend: ‘Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it somewhere. Even if it is spoken and rumoured by many or you have found it written in the religious books of your world or you received it from your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. When you find, after careful observation and analysis, that something agrees with your reasoning and is conducive to your good and the benefit of all, accept it and conduct your life by it. In this way alone can it become your spiritual property that no-one will ever be able to take away from you.’

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From ‘Songs Of Inspiration’

He Is My Brother

The road is long,
With many a winding turn
That leads us to who knows where
And God only knows when.
But I am strong,
Strong enough to carry him,
For he ain’t heavy, he’s my brother.

So on we go.
His welfare is of my concern.
No burden is he to bear.
We’ll get there,
I know.
He does not encumber me,
For he ain’t heavy, he’s my brother.

If I am laden at all,
It is with sadness
That everyone’s heart
Is not filled with the gladness
Of love for each other.

It’s a long, long road,
From which there is no return.
While we’re on the way there,
Why not share?
When I do, the load
Does not weigh me down at all,
For he ain’t heavy, he’s my brother.

He is my brother and she is my sister
And as on the inner level all life is one,
Their cross and pain are mine.
Each time I hurt someone,
I do it to myself.
This is why I do whatever I can
To comfort my brothers and sisters
With the help of the gifts
You, O Great Father/Mother of all life
Has bestowed upon me.

All our world’s troublemakers and scaremongers
Are my siblings in the great family of humankind,
Just the same as everybody else.
That’s why I’ll keep on sending them nothing but
Kind, loving and forgiving thoughts.
They feed into our world’s stream of Christ light
And increase its strength and that helps the Christ nature
Of the offenders to wake from its slumbering state.
Through this the spirit world’s love of honesty and truth
Begins to come alive in their earthly personality and
Gradually takes it over.

This is how, slowly but surely,
Another Christ child is born on the earthly plane.
This time it’s not in the form of a myth or legend.
It’s real and alive one.
So whenever such thoughts return to me and
Come to my mind, I send them out again and again.
Each time the Christ light stream’s strength increases.
This enables it to absorb some more of our world’s darkness.
And that’s the only way the evil of lying and cheating,
Dishonesty, greed and corruption
Can disappear from our world.

All honour and praise be to Thee,
O Great Father/Mother of all life and
Your only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ,
For telling us about this and showing us
How each and every one of us can contribute
To bringing about the greatest healing miracle
That ever came about on Mother Earth,
At the end of the year 2020,
The great year of healing.

The Hollies
Edited by Aquarius
Updated Christmas 2020

And as much as you might still dislike the idea,
that’s what people like Bill Gates truly are.
Even though you do not like what they are doing,
you can still love them.
After all, every one of them is your
sibling in the great family of humankind.
Updated October 2022

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With love and light,

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16 Feb, 2023
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