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Miracles And Wonders (23)
Miracles And Wonders (23)

Miracles And Wonders (23)

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Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

From ‘Healers And Healing’

How To Be Your Own Healer, Saviour & Redeemer

Today is the 12th August 2022 and the full Moon in Aquarius took place at 01.36 hrs Greewich Meantime. This Moon is a very special one because it is one of the four Super-Moons that take place in your world. The first one comes about when the Sun is in Taurus, the fixed Earth sign. The full Moon then takes place in the fixed Water sign Scorpio. This is the sign in which, according to the legend of the Buddha, which we gave to humankind a long time ago, to this day is believed by many that he found his enlightenment.

The other three Super Moons are: 1) Sun in Gemini and Moon in Sagittarius. 2) Sun in Cancer and Moon in Capricorn. 3) Sun in Leo and Moon in Aquarius. This full Moon is also known as the ‘Sturgeon Moon’, because of the huge numbers of sturgeon that the Native Americans once pulled from the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain, according to an Old Farmer’s Almanac.

Sturgeon is the fish that supplies your world with the delicacy that’s known as caviar. And Super-Moons are full Moons that occur when the Moon reaches its nearest point to your planet. Because the Moon’s orbit is never a perfect circle, its distance from the Earth changes throughout each month. Super-Moons are somewhat closer to the Earth than the average full Moon. Because of this, when viewed from your perspective, they appear to be extra large and bright. From the spiritual point of view, that’s indeed what they are, especially now the Age of Aquarius is with you, because it is the age of truth.

The deeper your world penetrates into the Aquarian energies, the more urgently ever more of you need to realise that thought is the greatest power in the whole of Creation, as pointed out in one of the chapters of ‘Healers And Healing’ that came your way yesterday. Deep within themselves, every human being possesses the power of creating something and of destroying whatever comes within their reach. The consciousness of earthly life is similar to an ocean and the thoughts every one of you has always constantly been sending into this ocean are the fishes that dwell within it. Good and kind, loving and forgiving thoughts are like sturgeons from whose eggs caviar is produced, one of your world’s greatest delicatessen.

As part of withdrawing the truth from humankind, the by now long outdated old belief systems systematically suppressed the beliefs of the Native American people and almost completely wiped the tribes as well as their beliefs out. We shall return to this theme. But that’s why the sturgeon and the eggs of the Native American had to die. And that’s why these days only fish like walleye, yellow perch and ciscoes are the foundation of the commercial fishery. Salmon, walleye, trout and muskellunge are some of the species for recreational fishing.

Humankind still has to learn that thought is a power that needs to be handled with the greatest of care and that’s for two reasons. First because of the power of creating and de-creating anything in your world, and therefore the whole of Creation, which exists within every human being. Whether someone is as yet aware of this or not makes no difference. The second reason is just as important because the law of cause and effect or Karma, in the fullness of time returns every one of your thoughts, words and actions to you, its sender.

The more this gets known in your world, the awareness of what kind of power thoughts possess will eventually supply every one of you with the ability of freely choosing to leave the earthly plane behind forever. All you have to do is thinking and doing only that which is good, right and beautiful, and consciously leaving behind that which once was ugly, dark and evil in your own nature, the nature of humankind and your whole world. This will bring around the end of all suffering in your world and that’s how the only way the new golden age will come about, namely each one of you acting as their own healer, saviour and redeemer. No-one can do this on our behalf.

As many of you are already aware, the time around each full Moon is a particularly good one for finding enlightenment. Usually, it comes to you as a better understanding of something that could have been puzzling you for a long time. That’s why this new chapter of ‘Healers And Healing’ is winging its way to you. Might you be one of those who, in spite of having taken part in every vaccination that became available and applied every bit of the recommended precautions, as tedious as all this without any doubt is, you are presently or recently have been, suffering from the symptoms of what in your world has become known as the Covid virus?

This is the virus against which the vaccinations you took part in were supposed to protect you, even though in truth the virus never existed. If that’s what has been or still is happening to you, you are living proof of how the pharmaceutical industry at last really is hanging itself by its self-manufactured rope, the way we predicted on 26th July 2022. Take a look at the next message.

Whatever you do and no matter how miserable you may still feel at the moment, please send nothing but kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to the troublemakers and scaremongers who worked on bringing your world’s present state about. They knew not what they were doing to themselves and, unless your thoughts are going to alleviate what in due course is bound to be returned to them by the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma, it will be severe.

Bear in mind that, after all, each one of the troublemakers and scaremongers is your younger and less experienced siblings in the great family of humankind. And then set about healing yourself with our help. We suggest you use the following affirmations for this: ‘The white healing magic of the Highest Star and the Brightest Light in the whole of Creation, the Universal Christ’s light and warmth, are filling every cell and atom of my whole being to restore every cell and atom of my physical body to normal healthy functioning. Every so often, day by day, say these words quietly to yourself and feel how the warmth and love of the Universal Christ’s energies truly are working for you.

* * *

Never forget that every human being is loved by the Highest Forces of life, including us, beyond compare and so are all other members of the animal kingdom. This has nothing to do with how spiritually evolved any one of you may presently be. And as soon as you feel sufficiently healed, send our message to anyone who appears to be in need of it. However, don’t cast your pearls before – no, not swine, but those who are as yet spiritually unready to understand and work with us, in this manner.

Nonetheless, God bless every one of you and may the days of those who understand this message, from now on be filled with the glory and wonder of being consciously aware that you are seriously working on not only healing yourself but the whole of humankind, as well as your world. This is the reason why the shamanic pathway these days is enjoying ever greater popularity and that’s why ever more of you are interested in walking it. For the wise higher purpose of withdrawing the truth from humankind, your world’s old belief systems systematically suppressed the knowledge of this pathway and removed those who were living it, in particular the Native Americans, from the scene. However, the Aquarian age, the age of truth is returning this knowledge to your world and that’s why ever more shamanistic groups have already come into being. Many more will follow.

On the day of the full Moon in Aquarius 2022 we, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, the executors of the Divine evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation, including your world, have a confession to make. When human beings first started to appear in earthly life, we were appointed by your Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, to act as the teachers of their beloved human children of the Earth. It needs bearing in mind that every one of you is, at first only potentially, is in fact a young God in the making. Having reached the Aquarian age, the age of truth, during which ever more Divine truth will directly be flowing from our levels of life into the heartminds that are ready to receive it.

That’s why there is no need for us not to tell you quite openly that your world’s old belief systems have been nothing but teaching instruments. Having served their usefulness, you will be able to observe how one after the other will die of natural causes because, knowing the truth, people will no longer believe their teachings and refuse to follow them. Nonetheless, we are grateful for the old religions. That’s because for long enough they have been helping us to teach those who, at any given time, were and maybe to this day still are taking part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. This particular lesson is developing the ability to tell the difference between something that’s good, right and beautiful, in their own nature and that of the whole of humankind, from that which is dark, evil and ugly.

This is why, twice over, every human being has to take part in getting to know, and each can only do this through their own first hand experiences, the two very different aspects of their nature. And that’s why first every one of you has to be at the giving end of handing out the darkness within them to as many as possible around them. Many earthly lifetimes ahead, when the same spirit/soul, this time round equipped with a different earthly personality, has spiritually matured sufficiently to cope with what the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma will be returning to you, it will come.

Rest assured that whatever may still have to happen to you, you brought it with you from previous lifetimes. That’s why every human being in one of their future ones is placed on the receiving end of what they once so joyfully handed out, to anyone who came within their reach. In spite of the fact that your earthly self is unaware of what kind of a lesson its spirit/soul is taking part in, it’s the same lesson. And that’s why to every one of you, during one of their lifetimes, something dark, evil and ugly is bound to happen and that in spite of the fact that you may have lived as a model citizen.

There is no need to go any deeper into this theme, as it has been handled extensively enough in previous chapters of the Aquarian writings. And from the beginning they have brought you the truth, nothing but the whole truth. In spite of that, don’t take anything on board that comes your way these writings unless the wise one or living God within you reacts with: ‘It’s true!’

Unbeknown for a long time to our scribe/secretary, the truth has been flowing directly from us, the Angels and Masters on the Highest level of life, directly into the heartmind of those who are able to understand what we are talking about. Nobody can hide the truth forever, because it’s not meant to be hidden but known by ever more of the Great Father/Mother’s beloved children of the Earth. Every one of you is loved and blessed by them beyond compare. We shall always be with every one of you and that’s why you and your world will always be safe, forever and ever. Amen.

Published 12th August 2022, day of the Super-Moon in Aquarius.

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From ‘Astrology As A Lifehelp On The Healing Journey’

The Rope For Hanging Themselves

The laws of life are love and evolution. God’s ways are known to be mysterious and no matter what happens in our world, because of these laws everything always works out well in the end. Nowhere can this be observed more clearly than with large organisations like the religions of our world and the pharmaceutical industry. As soon as each in its own way grew too big and powerful for its own good, the people in charge of them seem to be unable to recognise how they are producing a rope for hanging themselves. In the case of Christianity and its churches it’s the scandals have been rocketing the foundations of this religion for decades. They have been talked about sufficiently in other parts of my jottings, especially in ‘The Aquarian Revelations’. See link at the end of this chapter.

Let’s take a closer look at the pharmaceutical industry for a moment. It is true and should not be overlooked that some of their companies started as benefactors of humankind whose products helped to stamp out a number of our world’s worst health scourges. By now, however, the industry as a whole has evolved into a gigantic international money spinning machine, just like many other large organisations of our world. The swine flu of several years ago is one of the finest examples for illustrating this. An outbreak of this illness was artificially created, capably assisted by our ever willing mass media.

They enjoy nothing more than spreading fear through reporting about the negative things that are happening in our world, especially disasters. It did not take long to blow up the swine flu news to such an extent that one got the feeling that our world was preparing itself for an international epidemic of previously unheard gigantic proportions. Fortunately, God and the Angels were having none of it and the balloon burst. Read more about this in ‘To Jab Or Not To Jab’ at the end of this chapter.

Fear is the most powerful and destructive emotion of all that in the past has been the predominant theme of the patriarchy with its all-male Godhead and the religions accompanying it. The pharmaceutical industry carried on with this highly successful tradition and has been using the fear of ill health, suffering and death for its money making purposes. Would you agree that our world has seen more than enough of fears of all kinds and don’t you think it’s the highest time we all did our best to rid our world of this the greatest evil of all?

Fear is at the root of all warmongering, the fear of each other and what others might do to us. The natural end of these fears is coming because ever more of us are discovering that our true nature is love and are manifesting this fact in our world. When we love someone, we only want their best, that which is good and right for them. We would not dream of hurting and harming them.

The Mass of people is under the influence of Cancer, the Moon’s own sign that rules the world of our feelings and emotions. That’s why it has always been easy for the manipulators of our world to use these energies for their purposes. That’s precisely what some of the pharmaceutical companies did when, in pursuit of sending the sales figures of their swine flu vaccines sky-high, they tried to artificially produce a mass hysteria that would induce large parts of humankind to accept them.

The positive backwash of events of this nature is that ever more people are waking from their spiritual slumber and losing their faith in the products of the pharmaceutical industry. They prefer turning towards the age-old tried and tested natural healing methods. Realising that their physical body has the wonderful ability to heal itself when something is in need of it, for example when it has been cut by something, wise ones look to alternative methods rather than to what is on offer by what has become known as ‘conventional medicine’.

Aware of the power of spiritual healing that can come our way when we learn how to tune the receiver/transmitter station of our earthly mind into the frequencies of God and the Healing Angels, in quiet times of reflection, prayers and meditations wise ones connect with them. Even though they are invisible to earthly eyes, they most certainly are there. As Helen Keller, the blind and deaf author, political activist and lecturer, once said: ‘The best and most beautiful things in our world can neither be seen nor touched. They have to be felt with our heart.’

When our link with the higher and highest Forces of life has grown strong enough, our inner guidance of the wise one or living God within lets us know intuitively that our physical body’s illness has its roots in soul memories that have been troubling our small earthly self for a long time. The pain we experience is invariably a message that something on the inner level of our being is crying out for assistance from us. Suppressing symptoms through the products of the pharmaceutical industry’s is likely to interfere with the natural ability of our body to heal itself and put right whenever something has gone wrong that manifests itself as discomfort in our outer vehicle.

This is particularly true when it comes to locating the causes of depression and suicidal tendencies and bringing healing and peace to those who are afflicted by them. Their suffering as likely as not has its roots in the events of previous lifetimes and the false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions that accompanied the sufferer into their present one. Now they are tucked away in the deepest recesses of that person’s soul memories. From the subconscious level they are constantly influencing every one of their earthly self’s thoughts, words and actions, without them having the slightest idea why this should be so. Such memories are excess luggage that could have been waiting for a long time to be shed. Having reached the age of truth, they need to be replaced with the knowledge of God’s true nature and our own, and the wise higher purpose of every human being’s earthly existence.

With regards to fear the religions of our world have a great deal to answer for and it can be exceedingly hard to completely shed the influence they have had on us and our world in the past. Having reached the age of truth, it is necessary to overcome and leave behind the false beliefs that our have systematically been drumming into our race’s individual and collective consciousness. The conviction that human beings in general are useless miserable worms and sinners to this day are part of many people’s soul’s memories. That’s responsible for making their earthly selves feel unworthy and depressed.

They are but shadows of the past that are waiting to be left behind in exchange for God’s sacred wisdom and truth that every one of us is a beloved child of the Highest. We are precious and many faceted jewels who are loved beyond compare and have been gifted in some special way. We may not yet be consciously aware of the nature of our gift, even though it could have taken many lifetimes to develop. When unearthed and used the right way, i.e. unselfishly and for the good of the whole, in due course we may find to our greatest surprise that we are capable of making a major contribution towards Mother Earth’s transformation and the rebirth of humankind, which for quite some time has been taking place.

* * *

From ‘Songs Of Inspiration’

Each Their Own Healer, Saviour & Redeemer

Turn to Me, beloved Children of the Earth.
I am Your Creator, the Divine Trinity of
The Great Father/Mother of all life and
Their only born Son/Daughter,
The Universal Christ.
S/He is the Sun of all suns and the Light of all lights.
The Angels and Masters around My throne,
The Christ Circle, and I are waiting for your call.
The Aquarian age has been with your world
For quite a while and now the time has come when
Ever more of you need to be instructed by us,
Intuitively through everyone’s own inner guidance,
How to go about saving and redeeming
Yourself and your world.

Nobody can do this for you and no-one will come
To wave some kind of magic wand,
To bring it about.
The Aquarian age is the age of truth.
This brings your world the knowledge that
The Master Jesus is not a historical figure,
Who once walked in your midst.
He is a symbolism that represents
Every human being’s own
Higher God or Christ nature.

I, the Divine Trinity, am your God.
There never was or will be any other.
Help could never come to you and your world
For as long as you kept asking for it the wrong way.
But at last the time has come for waking up
To the fact that the Angels and Masters
Around My throne are the executors of
My great evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation.
They are also responsible for that of your world
As well as the individual ones for every one of you.
They are in charge of the evolutionary progress
Of every level of all worlds,
Including yours.

At the beginning of the creative process
A law went forth from Me.
In your world it is known as the
Universal law of cause and effect or Karma.
This law decrees that everything has to return to its source.
When the light of understanding how this law
Has always affected every one of you and your world,
And that this will forever continue, has reached
The darkest corners of humankind’s earthly existence,
There will be peace on the Earth.

The comprehension of this law provides you
With a power tool of the highest calibre.
It places the power into everybody’s own hands
For recognising the spiritual background
And cause of the 2020/2022 pandemic.
You may then wish to join the ranks and files
Of your world’s miracle workers.
Hand in hand with the Angels and Me,
They are occupied with blessing and healing
Humankind and your world.
And that’s how the Covid-19 outbreak at present is
Slowly but surely reaching its natural happy conclusion.
Every miracle worker, at the same time, is creating
Credit entries on their spiritual ledger
For the balancing of its debit entries.

Heaven and hell never were places anyone went to.
Unbeknown to you for a long time,
As co-creators with Me,
It has always been in everybody’s own hands
To create either one or the other,
Wherever you may find yourself.
And your world’s present state creates endless
Opportunities for bringing your own small piece
Of Heaven down to the Earth.
All you have to do is turn to Me and the Angels.
They are waiting to show ever more of you intuitively
How you can take part in your world’s recovery
From the living hell of psychological warfare
Between good and evil, which is the background
And true cause of the 2020/2022 pandemic.

Every miracle worker’s positive and constructive
Thoughts, words and actions are feeding into
Your world’s light stream of consciousness.
This increases its power to absorb ever more
Of the darkness that fills and surrounds
Your world’s troublemakers behind the scenes.
As creators of its present hellish state
They are feeding into the dark stream.

John Foley
Edited by Aquarius
Updated August 2022

With love and light,

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12 Aug, 2022
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