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Miracles And Wonders (27)
Miracles And Wonders (27)

Miracles And Wonders (27)


Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

Healers And Healing

Thought For Today 21st August 2022

A direct connection with their Creator is the birthright of every human being, however far anyone’s evolutionary journey has so far taken them. At all times, every one of you, the whole of humankind and your world have always been moving forwards and upwards on their various evolutionary spirals. Independent of whichever way your world may to this day still look on its outer material plane, this will forever continue.

That’s why we are asking you today whether you want to deny anyone the joy of kneeling before their true God and Creator, the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ. Those who do are re-establishing the direct connection that, as many of you are aware of by now, for wise educational reasons was withdrawn from humankind for such a long time. Don’t you think that’s crueler than anything that ever had to happen when all of you compulsorily had to take part in the dark and unpleasant lessons of the earthly school of life?

Who would any one of you be to deny those around you the knowledge we are bringing you here, namely that their indwelling spirit/soul is trying to communicate with them through what’s happening to their physical body? Do you think you have the right not to tell people that, although their spirit/soul’s education in the earthly school of life by now has reached the Master class, because their earthly personality still believes in Jesus, that’s impossible? Don’t you want to tell them that he is not the promised saviour and redeemer, who one of these days will re-appear on the earthly plane, to take those who believe in him into his loving embrace and transport them to a heavenly world, which does not exist either?

Is it right that many people’s spirit/soul in your world cannot take part in the Master class, which their educational program has reached, because their lower earthly personality insists on kneeling before a God who only ever existed as a thoughtform? It’s necessary that they are somehow told that Jesus never walked in the midst of humankind, a long time ago. He never was a God, but was merely used by us, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, who always have been and forever will be in charge of you and your world.

The Aquarian age being the age of truth, the deeper your world moves into its energies, the more of you need to become aware that Jesus was used by us as a teaching instrument, during the period of withholding the truth from humankind. None of you was to discover too early that Jesus has always represented every human being’s higher God or Christ nature, because all of you are young Gods in the making. Now that the time for it has come, everybody has the right to discover this because all have been equipped with the same birthright of doing so.

Every human being, without exception, is destined to slowly but surely evolve. This can only come about through attending all of the earthly school of life’s lessons. At the end of its curriculum, every one of you has evolved into a healer and bringer of light, in the form of enlightenment, in their own right. Each can only do this for themselves and that requires working hard on overcoming the lower drives and urges of your earthly personality. Nobody can do this work on anyone else’s behalf. You are the only one who can bring it about. Others can assist you and help you understand, but they cannot do the work for you.

And that’s how, when one of you has healed any part of their being, not merely their knees, through the knowledge provided by us, for example through the Aquarian writings, that person is meant to share the learning of how they went about healing themselves with as many as possible who are suffering the way they once did. By telling others how you went about healing yourself and what happened, step by step from beginning to end, every one of you is destined to add their own observations and insights to the knowledge that, at any given time, is already available to humankind.

However, do not forget what we told you in our previous message about leading horses to the water and resisting the temptation of pushing their heads into the water of what we are bringing you today. Every one of you needs to not only get used to the idea that they have their very own inner guidance of the wise one or living God within, but turn to and work with it. When someone with painful knees looks at what we are telling you here and their inner guidance reacts with: ‘This looks interesting, let’s have a drink!’, it’s a sure sign that they are ready for what’s coming their way.

The waters we have always brought, for example through the Aquarian writings, are the waters of consciousness that bring new knowledge and understanding. As soon as one of the horses that’s been led to these waters, has tasted them and found them much to its liking, we promise you they will never want to stop drinking from them.

This will enable people to grasp that, each time they prayed in the past to Jesus Christ, they were kneeling before a non-existent God and therefore ‘barking up the wrong tree’, as this kind of thing is called in your world. They will have no problems taking the matter further and understand that it’s been their indwelling spirit/soul who was trying to communicate with them. Ever more painful knees were its attempt to tell them who truly is the only God that exists in the whole of Creation, therefore also the earthly plane. The Divine Trinity of the Great Father/Mother of all life and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ Spirit, that’s the only true God and Creator who ever existed anywhere and forever will.

Those who kneel before their true God are doing the right things and, we promise you, their knees will heal, quite naturally. Every one of your world’s old belief systems was brought into being by us. Their false beliefs, prejudices and superstitions created a barrier of darkness and fear between humankind and God. Each time one of you connects with their true God, part of this blockage dissolves and will be gone for good. The truth of who the only God and Creator of all life is was withdrawn from humankind, but as many of you know by now, not forever. Merely for approx. six thousand years of patriarchy with its non-existent all-male Godhead. It was used by us for the wise higher purpose of teaching humankind the value of truth.

The Age of Aquarius is the age of truth. The deeper your world moves into its energies, the more of you will be waking up from their spiritual slumber. They too will then realise that, every human being, without exception, in fact is a young God in the making who, when the right evolutionary level has been reached, will realise this. At last, they will then kneel before their true God and Creator, in thankfulness for the many things the earthly school of life’s lessons have taught them.

Do not be too upset by what’s presently happening it your world. All of you together, whether someone is aware of it or not, are working their way through the greatest watershed ever. That’s because your world is occupied with changing from a materialistically over-orientated place into a completely spiritual one. Every bit of what you observe around you is an essential and necessary aspect of ‘sorting the wheat from the chaff.’

Wheat are those who are sufficiently evolved so that their energies are right for taking part in the new golden age, when it establishes itself ever more. Chaff are the young and inexperienced spirit/souls of the troublemakers and scaremongers in your midst. Their energies will not be right and their education will continue through reincarnating onto a new planet. They will be helping each other to evolve and grow. That’s how, a long time ago, the highly evolved spirit/souls on planet Earth, started their education as young Gods in the making. So please refuse to draw the wrong conclusions about the behaviour of people, towards money in particular. What anyone in your world is doing reveals quite clearly to their friends and helpers in our realm their spiritual awareness, or the lack of it.

Your world soon will no longer be used by us as a training ground for spiritually young and inexperienced spirit/souls. The new golden age, when the outer and inner parts of your world have at last become the same, is approaching with giant strides. Those whose behaviour reveals that they are unready to reincarnate onto Mother Earth when the new golden age has come round, will be doing so in another planet that’s ready to be used as a training ground. Those whose present behaviour shows that they are ready to take part in the new golden age can decide for themselves whether they want to reincarnate into another physical body. On the whole they will gradually become a thing of the past. There is no need to go any further into this theme, as it has been dealt with in previous chapters extensively enough.

– To be continued. –

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21 Aug, 2022
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