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Miracles And Wonders (33)

Miracles And Wonders (33)

By Aquarius

Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Today is the 1st September 2022 and that has drawn my attention to this month’s name. Why is it called September when it’s first syllable means seven and September, these days is the ninth month? The name originates from the Gregorian calendar, which is also called the Western calendar and the Christian calendar. This is internationally the most widely used civil calendar, named after Pope Gregory XIII, who introduced it in 1582.

This new calendar was a refinement of the Julian calendar, because it brought with it a 0.002% correction in the length of each year. The motivation for this reform was to bring the date for the celebration of Easter to the time of the year in which it was celebrated, when first introduced by the early Christian church. Because the celebration of Easter was tied to the spring equinox, the Roman Catholic Church considered the steady drift in the date of Easter caused by the year being slightly too long to be undesirable.

Underlying the many different ways of keeping track of time is the Universal intelligence and its energies, to which all life is subject and kept ‘on track’, if I may call it that. The various ways of interpreting these energies, like astrology, numerology, the Kabala, Chinese astrology and the different manners of timekeeping by our present calendar systems, the Gregorian, as well as the Jewish, Mayan and so forth, are merely human attempts at dealing sensibly with the Universal concepts that rule humankind’s existence on the Earth plane.

Naturally, in themselves none of these systems have the power of influencing the flow of the astrological energies in the slightest. The progress of life in the whole of Creation, therefore also on the earthly plane, has always rested in the hands of the Highest Forces of life. And that will forever continue. No matter how advanced our human explanations and beliefs may ever become, they cannot influence in any way, manner, shape or form the progress of the Universal energies. Instead of trying to force our will upon them and make them behave according to our will, the way humankind has tried unsuccessfully for long enough, we and our world are going to fare much better when each one of us does their best to tune into the flow of the Universal energies and move along with them.

A short while after publishing the above an interesting snippet of information turned up, seemingly perchance. But as you and I know by now, nothing happens perchance or is a coincidence. Someone drew my attention to the fact that the Chinese year of the rat started in 2008. And guess what that meant? New beginnings of many kinds for all! The same conclusion as I had come to with the help of numerology 2 + 0 + 0 + 8 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1 and that’s a sure sign of new beginnings.

Let’s have a go at today: 1.9.2022 = 1 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7 and that shows that today is on the highest vibration of spiritual love. And what about the names of the months ahead of us? September = the seventh month that, independent of what calendars anywhere may try to convince us, astrologically the whole of this month and not just the last part of it has always been ruled by the cardinal Air sign Libra, the sign of diplomacy, tact and peacemaking. October = the eighth month is ruled by the fixed Water sign Scorpio, the sign of birth and death, rebirth and renewal. November = the ninth month ruled by the mutable Fire sign Sagittarius, the benevolent master of storytelling, who does not allow the truth to interfere with one of its good stories. Not surprisingly, our world’s old belief systems are ruled by Sagittarius. December = tenth month of the cardinal Earth sign Capricorn, the sign in which the highest achievement are possible.

The false or rather artificial names begin with January. For example, the Roman Christian calendar this month was dedicated to the Roman God Janus. He has two faces, one that looks forwards and the other one backwards. For the Romans Janus was the God of beginnings and passages, as well as gates, transitions, time, duality and doorways. However, this name has nothing to do with what really happens on the earthly plane. January is not the beginning of anything really. It’s most certainly never the beginning of a new year. Naturally, it is brought about by the cardinal Fire sign Aries. It’s emblem is the ram who possesses two strong horns with which it butts against anything that gets in its way.

Every cardinal sign brings about a new beginning for our world, each one does this in its own specific way. Aries = Spring. Cancer = Summer. Libra = Autumn. Capricorn = Winter.

February: named after Februalia, a period during which the Roman people made sacrifices and believed that this would make good their sins.
March: named after Mars, the Roman God of war, who is also the astrological ruler of Aries.
April: from aperire, the Latin or Roman word for ‘to open’, for example buds.
May: named after Maia, the Roman Goddess responsible for plant growth.
July and August: They were renamed after Roman rulers; before that they were simply called Quintilis and Sextilis, i.e. the fifth and sixth months.

With love and light,

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1 Sep, 2022
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