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Miracles And Wonders (34)

Miracles And Wonders (34)

By Aquarius

Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

Thoughts For Today 2nd September 2022

What’s presently happening in your world is the final instalment of the spiritual process we like to call sorting the wheat from the chaff. At the moment many are taking advantage of your world’s increasingly difficult financial situation. While those behind the scenes, who are responsible for bringing this state about, believe they have been and still are doing the right thing when they bring their own as well as their company’s sheep into a dry place, as it’s proverbially known. Unaware of what they are doing, these people are spiritually occupied with creating the rope on which, in the fullness of time, they will be hanging themselves.

The behaviour of every human being, at any given moment and especially during times like these, reveals to those in charge of all aspects of their development quite clearly which level of spiritual awareness they have reached. At all times, spirit guides and helpers are constantly observing those on the earthly plane from its inner spiritual background. Those who are taking advantage of your world’s present financial crisis and therefore are increasing the hardships that many people have to endure, are well known to them. Being the chaff, their energies will not be right for taking part in the new golden age that will soon begin to establish itself on the earthly plane.

As we told you in some of our previous messages, the chaff people will be reincarnating onto a new much less highly evolved planet, the way your planet was when she became our training ground for God’s children of the Earth. Each one being, unbeknown to them for a long time, is after all a young God in the making. The Earth will no longer be used as a training ground; the new planet will be taking its place. Planet and people will be assisting each other, each occupied with their own development, in similar fashion to what happened on Mother Earth, in the course of millions of years.

She will no longer be used as a training ground for human beings when, unbeknown to yourselves for a long time, each one is a young God in the making. That’s why every one them must experience everything that is likely to ever happen on the material plane. From the lowest up to the highest it takes every human being, independent of their present level of spiritual awareness. For a long time, you are under the impression that you are travelling alone. Yet, in truth you are accompanied by many invisible spirit guides and helpers. At all times, by day and by night, they are taking excellent care of you, making sure that no serious harm can ever come to any one of God’s beloved children of the Earth.

During the golden age, those who no longer need to move about in physical bodies, because they have reached the end of the earthly school of life’s curriculum and earthly life has nothing left to teach them, will appear as spirit/souls. Peacefully and harmoniously, they will then be working together with those who are still living in physical bodies. Both types can see and communicate with each other. Everybody has nothing in mind than supporting and helping each other to give of their best, which after all has taken many earthly lifetimes to develop. All are glad to use their gifts for making Mother Earth an ever more beautiful and agreeable place for everything that shares the planet with the human race.

This sorting process has been known in your world for a long time. The Grimm’s fairy tale Cinderella as well as the Hans Christian Anderson one of the ugly duckling tells, in a somewhat hidden form, told you about this sorting process a long time ago. The swan since time immemorial has been a symbolism of trust. Each one of the Cinderella doves is a symbolism for the dove of knowledge who is equipped with the power of bringing more peace and love into your world. When Cinderella calls for the doves to help her sort the beans, they appear and do so with great speed by placing the good ones, the wheat of humankind, in a container for keeping. The not so good ones, the chaff, are swallowed by the doves. When they have gone through their digestive system, they come out at the other end having turned into useful manure on which only that which is good, right and beautiful on the earthly plane can grow.

The Anderson tale of the ugly duckling shows how something that looks unpleasant and ugly on the outer plane, can after a while turn into something most beneficial and pleasing. And that’s what at present is happening in your world. So, be patient and know that much good is in store. Send nothing but kind, loving and forgiving thoughts to those who are causing the problems. On the one hand, they know not what they doing – most of all to themselves, and on the other because every one of them is a sibling of you, in the great family of humankind.

Never forget that whatever you do for the least of one of your siblings. that’s what in the end you are doing for yourself. This is because when the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma returns your thoughts to you, which they do, only more of the same kind can be coming your way, and that from everybody you are going to meet along the pathway of your future life.

With love and light,


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2 Sep, 2022
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