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Miracles And Wonders (37)
Miracles And Wonders (37)

Miracles And Wonders (37)


Message From The Angels And Masters Of The Christ Circle

The Truth : Nothing But The Truth

Many of you will not be surprised to hear that these days the pharmaceutical industry is walking in the footsteps of your old belief systems, especially Christianity with its non-existent God-man Jesus Christ. More about this in moment. Your world’s present virus, like Jesus, is also non-existent. Never mind! Far too many on your plane of life by now have accepted that there is a dangerous virus and that it is so powerful that it can kill anyone. As discussed in another part of the Aquarian writings, the great mass of people is easily ruled through their emotions. That’s been known on the earthly plane for a long time by those who sought to rule as many people and their countries as possible.

This is why ever more of you submitted themselves freely and willingly to be vaccinated with what? A serum that’s supposed to protect you against the non-existent invading virus. As pointed out in our previous message, the only virus that really exists in your world is fear. That’s why there’s no point in any kind of vaccination. But if you submit yourself to one or even several jabs, that which for many lifetimes by now has been slumbering in your physical body’s mind comes very much alive and you cannot help that fear fills your whole being. That which doctors and nurses, pushed and paid for by the pharmaceutical industry, inject into your physical body then can make you seriously ill and even kill you. And that’s because of the virus FEAR, which your physical body has been carrying in the course of many lifetimes, unable to get rid of it.

This is why we are telling every individual in the whole of humankind that it’s the highest time to deal with all your fears, down to the last one, effectively. Now that the Aquarian age, the age of truth, has been with you for quite a long time, together let’s take a look at the truth behind your world’s present development phase. Every one of your world’s old belief systems did its best to rule as many human beings as possible, through fair means and foul. Alas, mostly the latter.

Even though it still does not look like it, but for some time by now humankind has been leaving behind approx. six thousand years of patriarchy and with it the rule of the masculine forces of life. This time-span brought humankind some exceedingly strange tales about an all-male Godhead whose only born child was a God-man by the name of Jesus Christ. Having been inseminated by the Father of all life, known as God, the ruler of all heavenly realms, a virgin by the name of Maria gave birth to this child in a stable. There he was placed in a manger, surrounded by animals. That’s how Jesus appeared on the earthly plane. Enough of this has been said in the Aquarian writings about the higher esoteric meaning and the symbolism behind this story. Please take a look at the recommended reading material at the end of this chapter.

As ever more of you are aware of these days, we, the Angels and Masters of the Christ Circle, on the highest levels of life, always have been and forever will be in charge of every aspect of humankind’s development. It is strictly in keeping with the Great Father/Mother’s evolutionary plan for the whole of Creation. Naturally, this includes the whole of humankind and any kind of other manifestation of life on your planet, as well as the planet itself.

Every one of the old religions was inspired by us. This was necessary so that each one could be used by us to serve as an instrument for teaching those on the earthly plane, at any given moment, all the lessons that are required to comprehend that which is dark, evil and ugly in everybody’s own nature as well as everybody else’s. As the highest as well as the lowest aspects of life in the beginning were part of your Creator, naturally they also existed in each one of you. From the beginning of life on the Earth, that which is ugly, dark and evil in every human being’s character make-up has been destined to be eventually be overcome and left behind, once and for all.

This requires hard work on every human being’s character. Nobody can do this on someone else’s behalf. Everybody has to carry it out, first for themselves and then reaching out to ever more human beings and through it the whole of humankind and your world. This is of vital importance because every offspring of the Great Father/Mother and their only born Son/Daughter, the Universal Christ, in truth is a young God in the making. It takes a long time until this dawns you as an individual, but every human being, from the word ‘go’ has been pursuing their own evolutionary plan. Each one is an integral part of the plans for the whole of humankind as well as your world. And that’s the reason why every one of you has to be thoroughly familiar with all traces of their character, the good as much as that which is dark, ugly and evil.

Most useful for this lesson was the invention of Jesus Christ and promising that he could act of human being’s saviour and redeemer for as long as they declared to believe that he really exists and therefore would be willing to follow what he demanded of you. The truth has always been hiding behind the surface words of all religious tales and in particular the ones about Jesus and also the Buddha. The virgin Mary being the mother of the God-man Jesus has always been trying to tell humankind something. Through taking part in every one of the earthly school of life’s lessons, when its curriculum has run its course, your behaviour will spiritually be spotless. And that’s how every human being, with the passing of time, evolves into their own saviour and redeemer.

In that case, when in the fullness of time the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma then eventually returns your thoughts, words and actions to you, nothing but what you sent out can return to you. As soon as you send nothing but what is good, right and beautiful into your world, only that can return to you. This is how every one of you quite naturally acts as their very own saviour and redeemer. As pointed out, no-one else can do the work on their character, which is necessary, on anyone else’s behalf.

But let’s return for a moment to the virus fear, the most dangerous and deadly one of all. To overcome and leave this virus behind, once and for all, the only thing that’s required is the truth of who and what you truly are, where you are coming from and will be going to at the end of your present lifetime, the same as you did in all previous ones. This brings with it the understanding of where every one of you, without exception, forever belongs to. That’s what the Aquarian writings have always been about. They came into being to help those on the earthly plane to deal with their fears constructively and overcome them, forever.

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If you understand what we have for a long time been telling you with the help of our scribe/secretary Aquarius, through what to your world by now has become known as the Aquarian writings, please do your best to share them with as many people in your world as possible. From the beginning these writings have been available free of charge. This is because Aquarius has always been convinced that spiritual knowledge belongs to everybody. Therefore, in her view that reflects ours, it should not be sold to the highest bidders but be made available, without having to pay for it, to whoever is interested in them. We are glad to tell you that this has been happening for some time by now in various outlets. First in line is Booksie. Aquarius has her own website, which at present is in need of updating. This will be carried out shortly.

Aquarius has never been interested in fame and fortune. For quite some time she has been aware that nothing on the earthly plane is our property and that all possessions have to be left behind, at the end of each lifetime. This includes the physical body that was needed for getting around in the material world, and not a single penny can be taken with us. The only property that’s eternally yours and will never be taken from you by anyone is spiritual knowledge, however much of it you shall ever come your way.

And now let’s return to the old religions for a moment. Each one of them was purposely designed so that with its help a barrier of fear was created around humankind. This barrier consists of as many layers as each one of you took, in the course of many lifetimes, part in the earthly school of life’s lessons. Apart from teaching you whatever you still needed, the fear barrier kept your race away from discovering too early that every human being has a true eternal home and that is the spirit realm. In due course, when your present lifetime has run its course, you will be able to see for yourself that there is nothing to be afraid of in our world and a great deal to look forward to.

The fear was created by the strange tales of the old belief systems. Each one of them is a long way from what truly happens to every human being, at the end of each lifetime. The deeper your world penetrates into the Aquarian age, the age of truth, for long enough they have served the wise higher purpose of keeping people away from ending their lives by suicide, whenever the going got too tough for them on the earthly plane.

Ever more are becoming aware these days that in truth every human being is a young God in the making. This information helps you to understand why it has been and still is necessary that each of the earthly school of life’s lessons has to be taken part in twice. This is so important that we do not apologise for telling you again that, on one occasion, every human being has to experience being on the giving end of handing out that which is ugly, dark and evil in their character make-up to anyone who comes within their reach.

The second time of dealing with the same lessons comes round when, in one of your future lifetimes, your spirit/soul has matured sufficiently so that its lower earthly self can cope with what the Universal law of cause and effect or Karma returns to you. You will then be finding yourself on the receiving end of what you, many lifetimes ago, you handed out to others. The earthly self is unaware why something of this nature has to come its way, when it is likely to be leading an impeccable lifetime. And that’s why finishing your life by your own hands would not serve the purpose for which the religions, of times gone by, were designed and inspired, by none other than us.

With love and light,

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9 Sep, 2022
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